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6x Blood Crusher Squad

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It was about forever ago when I started this squad but I’m making some headway with full intentions on completing it. Here are some pics and I’ll update this thread not & again as I work through the other models.


Some historical context:



Standard Bearer (sans Jervis Johnson)



Recently nigh completed model:





Detail on the Ultra’s Sgt victim:



(Just a little something to incur conversion among all you Ultra painters out there. ;) )


Comments always welcome as in; the quality of the pics could be a LOT better. Point taken which will hopefully result in more pics taken here in short order.



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I vaugely recall seeing some of your other deamons

Thank you and if you’re interested pics of the preceding models can be found in my blog (link in the signature).


Ah, my bad. Sorry OwlandMoonGuy.

No heavy rebuke & no apology necessary.


Thanks for the comments. -OMG

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