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DIY Jump packs

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Hi there all,

I have taken the plunge and decided that I need jump packs for an old assault squad that used to be a 4th ed codex tactical squad with cc weapons. I dont really want to buy the jump packs from GW as they are quite expensive although much cheaper now that they have the bits pack of 5 out now. Having seen a few tutorials for them I have amalgamated the ideas to make my own version slightly different but hopefully just as cool.

I decided that the squad of 10 will also have 2 flamers and a combi-flamer/powerfist sergent.

to begin with I have cut a 9.5mm styrene tube (from Plastruct) into sections to the right kind of size.


As you can see by the photo they arent all the same length, I dont mind so much though because I plan to greenstuff a trim around the ends and i'll be able to resize them then.

The photo also shows my combi-flamer which I think looks pretty cool.

I plan to get atleast one done tonight so expect progress photo's.

C&C always welcome.



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