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Marine vs. IG question


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Ok this weekend I will be playing a friend who plays IG and it is a 2500 point game so my question is he is most likely going to take a full platoon or two with Chenkov he is going to have 50 guards, 15 Heavy Weapons, 6 specials, and 50 Conscripts. My question is for kill points does each squad count as a single kill point or do I have to wipe the entire troop choice to get 1 kill point?
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That's five infantry squads, five heavy weapons squads, two special weapons squads, and one conscript squad. While considered a single choice, the squads are taken individually, so they're counted individually, not by the "choice". You're talking about 106 models in a single choice if you do it that way, a total number of models (and wounds) that can only otherwise be achieved by Apocalypse formations. Trying to do it by the troop choice is grossly unfair and, guessing from the wording on Chenkov's "Send in the Next Wave", not what GW is intending, particularly since Chenkov can keep cycling fresh pieces in until you kill him. That rule specifically mentions the unit removed is counted as casualties and destroyed, and that should refer to victory points directly.
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It should be known that IG have a rule that lets them "reverse combat squad." They can combine their infantry squads into larger squads that work as a single unit (and are only one kill point). So those 50 guards men could be 5 ten man squads, or a twenty and a thrity man squad, or a single 50 man squad or anything in between.
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I faced the 50 man unit in a kill point mission. Thankfully, the sheer size of it meant a few large blast templates (Whirlwinds, Vindicators) ripped through it real fast. Even with a four to 5 inch scatter your still catching a whole bunch of the unit.
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It should be known that IG have a rule that lets them "reverse combat squad." They can combine their infantry squads into larger squads that work as a single unit (and are only one kill point). So those 50 guards men could be 5 ten man squads, or a twenty and a thrity man squad, or a single 50 man squad or anything in between.


Yep. That 50 man squad can be a real headache if they suddenly pop "First Rank, FIRE! Second Rank, FIRE!" within 12" before you manage to whittle them down, too. On average by Mathhammer, 8 Marines just got lit up but good, and it's far from beyond probability that an entire squad could bite it in one round of fire by the flashlights. The moral of the story, of course, is to pie plate them before they get the opportunity to do it.


I've got a thread down in Tactica on anti-Guard notes for power armor. So far, it's only on orders and plain Jane infantry squads, but you may find it useful.

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