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[ARTWORK] Studio Colrouphobia [22/10/09] still on page one..


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I really love this picture (this is actually atleast the fourth time I've clicked and taken a peek today). My only niggle (and please take it as such, I'm not capable of recreating this in any capacity whatsoever) is that the brick wall is a little soft; a touch more contrast, especially with the red/orange used on the Battle Sister, would really help seperate the SoB from the Daemon.


Honestly though, it's a really great piece. Nicely atmospheric.

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Darn nice work there Colrouphobic!

Your definitely one of the best artists on the B&C.

Still hoping you could make a couple off images for the Nestir V AoD.

To bad I have no job or income these days or I could pay people to do so. - These days though all I can offer is to be part of a greater B&C project and to have peoples art energy channeled into a larger project rather than random pictures.

Ah, well still hoping.


Oh, again, excellent work! :D

Looking forward to seeing more!


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Darn nice work there Colrouphobic!

Your definitely one of the best artists on the B&C.

Still hoping you could make a couple off images for the Nestir V AoD.

To bad I have no job or income these days or I could pay people to do so. - These days though all I can offer is to be part of a greater B&C project and to have peoples art energy channeled into a larger project rather than random pictures.

Ah, well still hoping.


Oh, again, excellent work! :D

Looking forward to seeing more!


I know the sensation there CmG, if I had the time and opportunity I would, but unfortunately I need to work all the time, either with illustration or with finding more work..

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  • 1 month later...

As always Colrouphobic, your pieces are excellent, combining a great art style and creating a very intense mood.


The scout killing the eldar piece is by far my favorite, because it is so different from the way 40k art ussually is:Big dramatic finales, while this one is anticlimactic, and has a feeling of humiliation for the eldar, having to die in some nowhere creek at the hands of a scout without being able to fight back. Extremely original.


Can't wait for more.

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As always Colrouphobic, your pieces are excellent, combining a great art style and creating a very intense mood.


The scout killing the eldar piece is by far my favorite, because it is so different from the way 40k art ussually is:Big dramatic finales, while this one is anticlimactic, and has a feeling of humiliation for the eldar, having to die in some nowhere creek at the hands of a scout without being able to fight back. Extremely original.


Can't wait for more.


Cheers, as with most commissions, the subject matter is very much suggested by the commissioner. I loved to be able to do this particular subject because of it's theme, but I can't take credit for it completely on my own...

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Truly excellent work! I am still drooling over the second drawing.Gongratulations friend!

Thank you :D


Very nice. I have nowhere near the skills of you. I need to practise more.

Then you should be practising! Seriously, anyone can get to my level by practising...


As always you have made an excellent image Colrouphobic!

To bad you cant make anything for the Nestir Campaign, but given your talent I can see why you don't have the time.

Still, its always great to see the other illustrations you come up with!

Keep it up! :blink:

yup, Not so busy nowadays but I have to feed the family and so I can't afford doing all too many non-paid works...sorry..


sweet papa cheese! wow! a 40k pic with less than a million people in it! and without a ruined city anywhere to be seen! i think i'm in love!

I was fortunate enough to get a good brief in this aspect. Cheers!

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Hey Colrouphobic,


I'd just like to say that I'm no artist, so make of this what you will. :rolleyes:


There's a few things that stand out,

-Most importantly is the lighting, comparing the lighting on the fallen Eldar, the marine scout's left leg should be in more shadow than it is. as should the right side of his face (it's hidden by the hood). I'm not talking much here, just a greater difference between the two.


-The tree and vine that is next to the fallen Eldar could also benefit from more sunlight.


-The last thing is the water, if you look at the slight fall and compare it with the almost still-looking water in the forefront of the image, something doesn't quite fit. The water in the forefront should show more movement.



like I said, make of it what you will, I suck at highlighting so what do I know? :P


Yours is a very dynamic piece and it really conveys both story and atmosphere. The leaves, trees, respective uniforms and lighting combine to make it very powerful and well painted. Keep it up.

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Hey Colrouphobic,


I'd just like to say that I'm no artist, so make of this what you will. :cuss


There's a few things that stand out,

-Most importantly is the lighting, comparing the lighting on the fallen Eldar, the marine scout's left leg should be in more shadow than it is. as should the right side of his face (it's hidden by the hood). I'm not talking much here, just a greater difference between the two.


-The tree and vine that is next to the fallen Eldar could also benefit from more sunlight.


-The last thing is the water, if you look at the slight fall and compare it with the almost still-looking water in the forefront of the image, something doesn't quite fit. The water in the forefront should show more movement.



like I said, make of it what you will, I suck at highlighting so what do I know? :P


Yours is a very dynamic piece and it really conveys both story and atmosphere. The leaves, trees, respective uniforms and lighting combine to make it very powerful and well painted. Keep it up.


Hey there Nihm,

Duly noted. Some of those hings where done on purpose to emphasize and strengthen a weak composition. The trees, the difference in colour from foreground and background, the leg of the scout. These all have a purpose to bring the viewers eye to the focalpoints- the eldar and the face/chest f the scout.


But noted and I will take into my book of learning more :)


Glad you guys like...


I'm available and if anyone is interesting in me, my studio or anything art-related, feel free to PM me, look for me at my deviantart-account or just do a google-search for Studio Colrouphobia and I'm sure you will find some answers (or I will answer them as best as I can).

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Personally as someone who has studied this stuff professionally I think the lighting is excellent. I used to get stuck in 'is this real enough?' back when I drew professionally, then after I sought training I realized just how 'bizzarre' real lighting can be..... sort of a 'truth is stranger than fiction' sort of thing.


An artist I greatly admire said to me one day, 'The "accidents" we draw -intentionally- are called STYLE.'


Now we both know trees don't defy gravity, nor do vines, and the standing scout does not seem to be 'leaning' at the angle the earth around him would dictate BUT it makes the nature part of the picture come to life! It adds to the scene. The creek, and the trees frame this scene beautifully. The mood is well set, well done.


I really hate to do the 'what I would have done thing' but considering we are talking 40K.... if only the vegetation gave me more feel of an alien world. Nothing crazy, just plausibly 'other worldly'.


The poses are good, and again in my opinion, what could have been a very boring 'forest' scene is instead contributing to the piece by use of dynamic lighting, and creative tree positioning.


Now the only part I don't like is....let's be honest, the eldar would have been fine with his camo-cloak easily absorbing the shot, then springing from a faked death, the Pathfinder pumps the marine scout with half a clip of "Eldrad's finest shuri-bullets", leaving the marine scout stunned, and... dead. (sorry, I'm a big Alaitoc player. :P )


Well done though! Possibly my favorite of yours in recent memory.

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Commissioned work, Scout killing off an Eldar...




AWESOME! Great picture! IMHO it's much better than some official GW pics. :D

I like the momentum that is captured, how the scout is leaning out of cover to check his victim - it's really great!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now that’s one skilled sniper - killing his target with a scoped rifle from 2 meters away :P

Nevertheless- great work.

Yeah, orhe is walking up to the eldar after having shot him from afar, keeping his target in weaponsight all the time in case that sneaky sob would jump any second... ;)



Here is a new piece I did for TheReclusiarch:


Captain Constantine of the Emerald Knights.

MiniMasterpiece ( = smaller paintings, a fraction of my normal commissions )




Hope you like.

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