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WIP Nurgle Obliterators

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I've started two Oblits...both using very distinct base models. In the past, I considered Fantasy Ogres, Chaos Spawn, and LotR Trolls as base models, but discarded those ideas. I had a Forgeworld Renegade Ogryn that I was going to use as a Daemon Prince at some point in the past (but decided against it) and thought that might make a good base for an Oblit. I love the look of the models alot.


I clipped and dremelled off the forearm of the right arm in preparation for becoming a mass of weapons. I prefer a more symmetrical look to Oblit weapons, so I used a heavy flamer bit I had as the base and affixed a lascannon muzzle and a heavy stubber barrel to it...and yes, I know that a Heavy Stubber isn't an Oblit weapon choice, but I liked the look of the long barrel sticking out. I sculpted the warped mass around the weapons and then, after it cured, glued it to the model.



I then sculpted the bulging "veins" running down the arm and tried to blend them into the weapon mass.




Even though the models pose isn't my favorite, I am creating a rubble pile base that will elevate the model and, I think, make the pose more dynamic.




Overall, I am happy with the way it is turning out. I will, of course, sculpt more on the rest of the model to make it look more cohesive. The next experiment has to do with using an Ork Warboss as the base model of an Obliterator. It will require far more sculpting and conversion than the Ogryn one. So far, all I've done is dremel off some Orky parts and sculpt some "entrails". This is my first try at sculpting intestines in greenstuff, so be gentle.





Hard to tell how this one will come out. I want to leave the power klaw as it looks cool, but it will undoubtedly cause some people to go "that was a warboss!" There is a lot more sculpting to go on this one, for sure.


C&C is welcome and appreciated. Thanks!


And, BTW, the Oblits are for my Nurgle army...thus the entrails and such. :whistling:

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They look really great! Can't wait to see how they end up! Orks as Obliterators is Genius :D


Thanks! I am sure that I am not the first to use Orks as Oblits, but the Warboss figure is just about perfect size and has good structure to work with. I will post as I complete more.

I've used orks as oblits before....only cuz the only Oblit i had was the really really really old one that was tiny, so basic orks were the same size, and i had NO IDEA hat GW had released the huge ones.


But the ogryn oblit looks great, i cant wait to see it finished.


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