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The PC&A Full Lifecycle Project

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Welcome to the PC&A’s Full Lifecycle Project

The goal of this thread is to help beginning to intermediate modelers gain some insight into different approaches to the hobby with an eye toward improving their skills. Each participant will be working on a similar model that fits into a clearly defined role within the 40K gaming system. So from beginning to end, the thread will follow along the project’s entire lifecycle; literally from concept to kit, to conversion, to completion.

Along the way, the participants will be discussing their creative process, tools, techniques and practical, “how-to’s” of their given model. This will be done with a particular attention to detail. That way it’s hoped that others will find some step-by-step instructions on applying those same techniques to their own modeling.

The result

At the end of each project, the participants will write-up a tutorial that captures the best aspects of their completed model. This will include both the things that worked well and the things that didn’t turn out the way they expected. Therefore, your participation will be instrumental to the quality of the outcome (read on).

This is an interactive discussion

All B&C members are encouraged to ask questions, provide comments and in all ways contribute to the discussion. The participants are always looking for ways to improve their own PC&A skills. Your input is very welcome in that regard.

The Participants for the first edition

The Angelus Sanctus – Word Bearers Fell Blade
InKaras – Reaver Titan; Melta Cannon & Power Fist
Joker – Kit Bashed Soul Grinder conversion
Nephren-ka - Imperial Fists Fell Blade
OwlandMoonGuy – Forgeworld Brass Scorpion

Initial timeframe & future editions

We’ve set a tentative goal to complete our models by Vernal Equinox, September 22nd of this year (unless you happen to live in the Southern hemisphere in which case you are already several months late). If it seems that everyone finds this approach valuable, right around that time, we’ll be selecting another topic for the next edition of the project. Topics for consideration are:
  • Planet Strike Terrain
  • Infantry Squad(s)
  • Special Characters

If there’s a topic you’d like to see added to the list feel free to make any suggestions you’d like.
So thank you in advance for helping this along. Without further delay, I’m sure we’ll see the first round of projects to kick-off here shortly.


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Plague Grinder


ello there, Brothers. Ever since I first saw the Soul Grinder model, I wanted to do a major conversion with it, and I have always wanted to do a large Nurgle model. This project seemed to be perfect for my return to the hobby and the chance to do both. While the Plague Grinder concept is not unique, I am going to do my best to put my own spin on both the modelling and the painting.

I have started with a Defiler and a WFB Giant. I chose the mutated head from the Giant kit, and positioned the giant's body over the front of the Defiler, after trimming all plastic below the belly. The horn on the top of the head is clipped of a fantasy demon and glued onto a filed flat spot on the head. I shaved out the teeth with a hobby knife to emphasize the Mawcannon, while adding plastic rod to either side that will be puttied into the sides of the face. For the arms, I trimmed off the left shoulder for the addition of a large Defiler claw, and added a CSM Daemon Prince shoulder pad to the right side.

The next step consists of adding QUITE a bit of plastic before I move into the putty phase. The left claw, the right arm containing a 'Nurgle-ish' sword and the Harvester weapon, a spine, and a plague tank. I have bitz picked out for most of these parts, from various different kits, and will start adding them tonight.
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Word Bearers Fell Blade

I've dusted off the Baneblade box and had a quick look at all the sprues, only to find out that i have a piece missing! However, one of my initial plans was to make an attempt to try and incorporate some of the CoD segments into the tank, as I would imagine the WB if they still have a small handful of these tanks in service would try to make them unique and revered.

Nonetheless, i'll be making an attempt to construct at least the side sections of the tank to see what i can and can't work with, which hopefully shouldnt take too long due to unwanted illness claiming my soul (perhaps i SHOULD have made the Slaanesh variant of the plague reaper!).

I'll try to balance out the pantheon worship as soon as i can, so i can at least get the favour of each god (instead of just nurgle!)
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Imperial Fists Fell Blade

Okay after digging out the bane blade kit I did a once over to make sure all the bits and bobs are in it. retrieving some spare bits from a land raider kit from a few years ago I'm ready to start the first stages of the conversion. First things first, As the aquilla was used more widely by the emperors children then any other legion I'll use my x-acto blade and shave all the aquilla's off the bane blade sprues and fill in any unsightly gaps with gs.once finished with this step I plan on using magic sculpt to add embossed Fist Icons to the front panel, side panels and turrent of the bane blade. pics forthcoming once the first step is finished.
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Plague Grinder #2


Ok, here is the work I did last night before work.

-Built and added the Plague Tank, made from parts of the Manufactorum kit.
-Added the stock Defiler exhaust, after hacking them up a bit.
-Added the right arm and fist, from the WFB Giant kit, but shaved down to accept future putty.
-Built and added the Plague Sword.
--The blade is carved from the top hatch of a Rhino.
--The crosshilt is part of a SM Missile Launcher.
--The wood grip is from the WFB Giant kit.

I'm not sure if I will be able to work on this tonight, so there might not be a update until tomorrow night.
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Remove Flash & Excess Resin: In these pictures you can get a sense for the excess resin that’s left on the model. On top of using hobby knives & miniature files I tend to need wire snips to remove some of the larger pieces. The article linked above discusses Gates, Vents, and Flash as all examples of extra resin that requires removal. Check that out if you’re interested.


Warping: At times, an FW model will come with bits warped & misshapen but are otherwise intact. The resin they use is somewhat soft so parts can bend during shipping. This is fairly easy to remedy by submersing the bits in hot water and physically bending them back into place. I lucked out a bit with this kit as it seems like everything is as it should be. Still, when I start assembly I’m sure that there may be some issues there left to address.

Dry Fitting: This isn’t a bad practice for plastic kits as well but ensuring that all the parts fit accurately before spreading glue around is never a bad idea. Due to the warping issue mentioned above, this is almost mandatory for a resin kit.

So I’m pretty well ready to get this effort off the ground. Next steps will include filing, washing, first assemblies & priming (in about that order).

Stay tuned, -OMG
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Word Bearers Fell Blade #2

Started to assemble the left track section of the Fell Blade and realised that the process itself isn't as bad as first thought. However, i think one of the things that have helped really keep things easy and painless have been due to one thing: a good pair of clippers! I personally use the P3 Clippers. They have been useful for both plastic and metal models and i swear they have been the only pair of clippers that i have used in the past 10+ years that really give a nice clean cut.

Plan for tomorrow will be to try and get both the left and right tracks sorted out (assuming i'm not stuck in bed the whole day) and then on the weekend, see how i can integrate some CoD pieces into them!
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Man, large vehicles...

The Angelus Sanctus – Word Bearers Fell Blade

InKaras – Reaver Titan; Melta Cannon & Power Fist

Joker – Kit Bashed Soul Grinder conversion

Nephren-ka - Imperial Fists Fell Blade

OwlandMoonGuy – Forgeworld Brass Scorpion


VERY Large vehicles X-D

So wheres InKaras with his Reaver update? X-D

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Are we allowed to post comments in this thread? If not just delete, but I'm really really looking forward to updates. I used to look at OMG's and Jokers Blog religiously before I "left"(I never really came), but anyway I'm really excited to see everyone's mini's. Cool topic idea.
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Imperial Fists Fell Blade #2

Okay so after removing six aquillas later I have come to a cross road of sorts. as you can see in the picture
I removed several of the bolts from the plates while removing the aquillas. now it wouldn't be hard to us a gs mold made out of a bit of sprue to replace them I got to looking at my rhinos and land raider and wondered if I removed the remaining bolts if it wouldn't streamline the Bane Blade kit and making it look more like the other space marine tanks. I'm gonna give it some thought over the evening and see what you all think also. Next up will be to finish preping the kit removing flash and getting some rough sketches drawn of the replacement icons that will be gs'd onto the Fell Blade.
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Hey Nephren-Ka, I would say if you plan to remove the rivets to ad welds to appropriate parts of the tank, it would certainly make the fell blade stand out from its counterparts in my opinion. :huh:

And good luck to everyone else on a great and individual feature that the B&C is once again providing the community!


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Ok I am sure there are some misconceptions here and already someone has asked where is Inkaras, not a good start for sure. B)
I am not actually building the entire titan, or rather I am building his Power fist arm, and as these project progress so shall the titan, so kind of think of this as part one of 4....or perhaps 5.
I could probably easily fill in the melta cannon arm and the missile launcher that goes on top in one article, as they are not at all complicated to build, the titan himself and his power fist though as I understand it have many many pieces. So to start I am doing his Power fist, I am a slow painter and modeler so this one Large arm should be enough for me, sorry to let you all down but you won't see the entire titan just yet, cost is the largest factor of course. So in pieces I must work...

On another note I was going to do 2 other models first but I didn't want to copy and do another brass scorpion; even though I personally love the model, but I was also tempted at doing a Khorne blood slaughterer but felt in the end it just wasn't large enough and while I like the model I wanted something with more pizazz.

So the item was ordered a few days ago I am simply waiting on it to arrive (something that is going to kill my time table a ton) so sadly you may not see a ton of updates from me at first but rest assured I am in the "race" to finish on time.

I have no idea what to name the titan, what colors to go with etc, etc...suggestions are always welcome.
More to come soon, I hope. ^_^
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i have a suggestion for a future edition.


monstrous creatures.


also i think the special characters and infantry squads should be combined so someone might do marenus calgar and his honour gaurd. and someone might do a chaos lord with a squad etc. etc.


and we could do an edition on pre-heresy schemes.


also inkaras you should call it something latin and paint it red! :D

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It probably won't be red or blue, as those seems to be the two most common choices and I want it to look different. more info on this soon as I've picked a name just need a color to go with....
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how about boltgun metal, black and a weathered gold. make it look industrial as well a noble as a titan would be reverred (spelled right?) i have always liked the used and dirty look to large things as it would be a large hassle to clean them non stop.


Edit: almost naughty looking typo :P

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i have a suggestion for a future edition.

monstrous creatures.

also i think the special characters and infantry squads should be combined so someone might do marenus calgar and his honour gaurd. and someone might do a chaos lord with a squad etc. etc.

Including MC’s in the lineup is certainly a worthy suggestion. We’ll add that to the list.

As far as infantry goes, we do get a few questions posted on how to add unique detail to your run of the mill 10-man squad of marines. One of the ways I’ve addressed that in the past is to add distinct personality/history/fluff to the squad and model it as a group as opposed to 10 discrete models. But, adding the character in there could work as well. Thanks for the input.


Last night I washed all the resin parts in dishwashing liquid (Palmolive with pomegranate scent; not ideal I know but sometime you work with what you got) & went over them with a tooth brush. It was already late by the time I finished so I didn’t what to think about priming them until I was assured that they had complete aired out.

I took a quick picture but watching water evaporate doesn’t really make for dramatic photography. I’ve started to assemble all the parts I can prior to priming so I should have something more photogenic this evening.

Thanks for the input thus far and please keep the comments coming.

Cheers, -OMG

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Imperial Fists Fell Blade #3

Okay so after a long weekend of drinking beer and roleplaying I thought I needed to get back to my fell Blade. thanks for your input son of nocturne. I've started shaving off most of the smaller rivits but plan on leaving some of the beefier ones as it'll add flavor to the model. I'm almost set on the embossed details I'll be adding as well so I'll hopefully have some sketches of that up this eveing.
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It’s rather humid here in the Midwestern US and as a plague to all spray paints, I did get some fuzzy results on the prime job. Unlike most model primers, this product is sandable. A once over with some micro-grained sandpaper took care of that.

Primer also brings out a lot more of the detail and along with it slight flaws in the resin. The model required some additional sanding & filing to remove those flaws. Then a bit of brush on primer to even out the basecoat (Vallejo Foundation White to be exact). Still, none of the bits show any real warping so I’ll consider myself lucky in that regard.

So now for some color. If I haven’t stated so already I’m really taken with the high-gloss, enamel look on the FW studio paintjob. I normally hate the look of glossy models but it really worked in this case. So my first attempt will be to recreate a similar effect as the FW example. Along with that, I want to keep as eye on doing some small conversions to amplify more of a “Chaos” feel to the model.

Along with that, I’m going to start painting the lighter parts of the detail on the main hull, namely the human victims found entangled throughout. There’s a general good practice to start with the lightest colors and work toward the darker. Since darker hues overcoat lighter hues more easily the practice lends itself to correcting mistakes as you go.

I may get a chance to apply some color tonight so expect another installment before week-end.

Any suggestions anyone has to make the model more Khornite would be appreciated. I have some ideas in mind but the more the better.

Cheers, -OMG
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