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Captain or Librarian epistolary


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Hey everybody, I'm looking for advice on what unit I should bring with my 2500 point army and I could use some help figuring out which one is better, both seem pretty even to me, also both HQ's would be attached to an assault terminator squad.


1 Librarian with storm shield epistolary with might of ancients and null zone (190 points)




2 Captain with artificer armor, relic blade (145 points)


Okay obviously the captain is much better in combat with more wounds, higher initiative, and +1 attack. (I would use the extra 30 points to add power weapons to 2 tac squads. Also I have a chapter master so Ld isn't a problem)


The librarian however makes his unit much more killy with null zone, and hits at the same strength with might of ancients AND has the psychic hood to nullify other psychic powers.


So which should I use?

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I wish, it is for a house rules match with 3 rules 1. You must have a chapter master (the event is called battle of the chapters) 2 2500 point armies 3 You must use the force organization chart


Usually I use a chapter master anyway, that orbital bombardment is just to sweet when it hits first turn. This is also one of my first games at 2500 points.


Also there will be chaos SM players there as well as Codex:SM, Dark Angels, and a Space Wolf chapter.

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My general rule of thumb is to use a Librarian for my 2nd Character, since it seems the Psychic Hood becomes more important the bigger the game. At least you're getting the one power that makes sense for an Epistolary: Might of the Ancients. This turns your Librarian into a Character Killer, since you can use Might of the Ancients AND your often-forgotten Force Weapon together. With the 2+/3++ save, he'll be hard to kill, too.


It's hard for me to say how useful Null Zone will be, especially since you're putting him with an Assault Terminator Squad, and thus will be forgoing moving the Librarian into the optimal position to utilize Null Zone from turn to turn. If you're simply planning on tackling whatever unit in your opponent's army has Invulnerable Saves with you Terminators, then you should be set.

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If you really want a character killer, an ungeared Epistolary with Might and Quickening is the best way to go. In10 S6 means he always gets to throw down first, and you get 3 attacks (4 on charge). The downside is this doesn't carry in the following turn, and he'll be somewhat vulnerable to reprisals. I'd still rather place my bets on going first with more attacks than gambling on my 3+/3++ to save my hide, as T4 2 Wounds pretty much means that DP or Hive Tyrant kills you anyway (or Lysander/Calgar).


Echoing ShinyRhino, I'd agree the Libby is the better choice in this case since the CM and Cappy are redundant. The only reason I'd choose a Cappy would be if he's going Bike mounted and I want my Bike Squadrons scoring. Since you're not doing that, the Libby has more to offer, especially in terms of blocking enemy Psykers (44% of the time) and mashing the occasional character. Null Zone, against C:SM and C:CSM players, really doesn't go that far IMO. YRMV.

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One of the biggest reason's I'm considering the libby is the psychic hood, is it worth it or not?


Its a bonus, but nothing that should be relied upon.


I have a question for you though, why not a Chaplain? Cheaper and would bring more direct benefit to the Assault Terminators.


Otherwise I'd go with a Librarian with Avenger (AP3 Template one). The reason I say this is because you should be able to handle almost anything in HtH combat between 2 HQ units and a group of Assault Terminators. However giving your squad a little bit of extra range can mean alot.

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A couple of reasons actually, biggest of which is no chaplain model. Second was I always thought that they didn't have enough strength for an HQ. I was considering cassius though as he is insanely hard to kill and adds a solid presence, however I usually want my initiative to be higher 4 so that when my HQ hits I clear a good number of enemies before they can hurt me. (Thus the quickening and Might combo)
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At least you're getting the one power that makes sense for an Epistolary: Might of the Ancients. This turns your Librarian into a Character Killer, since you can use Might of the Ancients AND your often-forgotten Force Weapon together.


I always wanted to do this, but never had any luck with it. I found that THs get the job of Instant-Deathing T4 characters done much easier. ;)


I agree that I would take the Libby or the Chappy over the Captain. I'd probably go Libby, because Pyshic Hood and Null Zone make quite a few armies cringe. Making a Lash player have to wonder whether his stuff will go off or make a TH/SS spammer (or even Death Wing) reroll all invulnerable saves are things that are just too good to pass up.

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