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Which god do you think is the best on the tabletop?

Devil Dog

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For this arguement, imagine you have a mono-god list and have to be able to fight any and all opponents. Which god do you think would stand the best chance?


I'm personally inclined to say nurgle because the defense a tally list has is quite impresive and once you get high enough you have PBs that wound on a 2+ with no armour save!

For this arguement, imagine you have a mono-god list and have to be able to fight any and all opponents. Which god do you think would stand the best chance?


I'm personally inclined to say nurgle because the defense a tally list has is quite impresive and once you get high enough you have PBs that wound on a 2+ with no armour save!


But that relys on the tallyman and getting a number of kills.... no good if Khorne has already ripped you apart, however nurglings are the destroyers of worlds once you have maxed out the tallyman kills XD.

yea im part way in building my mono nurgle list, used to be a khorney guy loceked him in a cage, but to do any mono list you need to have a little something extra in the lists t make it work , i think all mono lists should take at least two soul grinders

Mono lists are a one trick pony at best a good opponent that has played that style of list before and recalls what he learned will be able draw or win against it next time he playes it. This all hinges on the dice gods as well and they are very fickle.


I love mono Nurgle but I have found that I have a problem with horde so I added two units of flamers and for AV 14 a unit of screamers.


My 2 cents.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's not a single, not a double, but a TRIPLE post! Let's give it up for stump!


All kidding aside, I'd have to say mono-Khorne is the best. Daemons are all about killing, and there isn't any other God that kills as well as Khorne. Plus, their Greater Daemons fill a niche in the army that really isn't present anywhere else.

I often run a Nurgle / Khorne daemon army, but occasionally I've run Mono-Khorne and Mono-Nurgle. I have to disagree they're a one trick deal. Khorne has always been a bit better, mainly because Slow and Purposeful makes the Nurgle list... well... slow. The Khorne list, while a bit less durable, hits harder then pretty much anything else you can field. I either field two Bloodthirsters, or a BT and 2 Heralds, along with 4 Bloodcrushers and about 60 Bloodletters. Top it off with 2-3 Daemon Princes and a Soulgrinder if possible, you have an army that will eat just about any enemy alive.

i prefer mono-khorne for armies, but i think the best/deadliest mono god army ive seen has to be my mates slaanesh army... full of fiends and maxed on heralds on chariots with pavone...

Anyone say rending at high initiative..



I'd actually think it would be mono-Tzeentch. The reason is because it adds some range to your army, especially some reliable anti-tank shooting. It also has the 2nd best objective camper in Horror squads.


People will poo-poo about you not being assaulty, but remember that Lords of Change and Tzeentchian Daemon Princes are still S5 T5 winged MCs. Where I come from, that isn't bad at all.


Flamers provide your anti-elite firepower

Horrors thin out hordes

Screamers handle heavy armor

Chariot Heralds or Lords of Change target light/medium armor and MEQs

Daemon Princes provide counter-assault for the rest of the army.

Mini-Gun took the words right out of my mouth. But, I really don't see why people are so bat-;) crazy over Mono-lists, your limiting the strength of the codex and you give your opponent a better chance of dealing with your forces.

Well I don't actually run a mono-god list, mine is a mix of mainly Khorne, some Nurgle for objectives and a bit of tzeentch for shooting.


I just wanted to know which list people thought would be best mono-god. Oh and your not giving your opponent a better chance to counter you as it throws them off balance to see an all Tzeentch daemon army and then get face stomped by the MCs. Or a tally list moving slow until the winged DPs show up.

I'd actually think it would be mono-Tzeentch. The reason is because it adds some range to your army, especially some reliable anti-tank shooting. It also has the 2nd best objective camper in Horror squads.


People will poo-poo about you not being assaulty, but remember that Lords of Change and Tzeentchian Daemon Princes are still S5 T5 winged MCs. Where I come from, that isn't bad at all.


Flamers provide your anti-elite firepower

Horrors thin out hordes

Screamers handle heavy armor

Chariot Heralds or Lords of Change target light/medium armor and MEQs

Daemon Princes provide counter-assault for the rest of the army.


Only Fateweaver is a puny S5 T5. REAL Lords of Change are S6 T6.

They can still too easily get locked down by a dreadnaught though. Fateweaver particularly, but regular LoC too. LOC only has a 33% chance to do anything useful to a dread in CC, Fateweaver less than 25%. Per phase. So you can reasonably expect your 250-330 point models to get held up for a turn and a half or more by a 100 point model. Happened to a guy I played this week who ran mono-tzeentch and without his 670 points worth of MC (in a 1750 point game) I was able to eat 1-2 horror squads per turn, essentially denying him all his troops by the end of the game.


Khorne or Slaanesh is probably best for mono-god, Khorne b/c Bloodthirsters and Hounds to chase down mech and Crushers and Letters for everything else. Slaanesh for essentially the same reason, KoS, Fiends for killing power.


The reality though is, as has been observed, that the codex isn't written for mono-god lists and a balanced force that at least makes a daemon's best effort at being competitive (which isn't that great an effort in most cases) is going to have a little over everything.

They can still too easily get locked down by a dreadnaught though. Fateweaver particularly, but regular LoC too. LOC only has a 33% chance to do anything useful to a dread in CC, Fateweaver less than 25%. Per phase. So you can reasonably expect your 250-330 point models to get held up for a turn and a half or more by a 100 point model. Happened to a guy I played this week who ran mono-tzeentch and without his 670 points worth of MC (in a 1750 point game) I was able to eat 1-2 horror squads per turn, essentially denying him all his troops by the end of the game.


Khorne or Slaanesh is probably best for mono-god, Khorne b/c Bloodthirsters and Hounds to chase down mech and Crushers and Letters for everything else. Slaanesh for essentially the same reason, KoS, Fiends for killing power.


The reality though is, as has been observed, that the codex isn't written for mono-god lists and a balanced force that at least makes a daemon's best effort at being competitive (which isn't that great an effort in most cases) is going to have a little over everything.


Hmm I'm not sure I agree with the first part. MCs are the best things to throw against a Dreadnought normally. You're hitting before them on 3's normally with an average roll of 13 per hit, thats pretty decent. Plus the increased inv save is going to protect you against their return attacks. Most importantly, there is little reason for a Dreadnought to be able to assault a Winged MC unless the MC wants to be assaulted.


Now with Fiends and especially Bloodcrushers, this is more true. But I wouldn't consider a walker to be a good counter to an MC.

Hmm I'm not sure I agree with the first part. MCs are the best things to throw against a Dreadnought normally. You're hitting before them on 3's normally with an average roll of 13 per hit, thats pretty decent. Plus the increased inv save is going to protect you against their return attacks. Most importantly, there is little reason for a Dreadnought to be able to assault a Winged MC unless the MC wants to be assaulted.


Oh, I completely agree with you for every MC except LoC and Fateweaver, they just don't have the attacks or strength to reliably kill dreads and move on the way a 'thirster would. Thirster charges, gets 6 attacks at strength 9, hits with 4, pens on say 3 and will, on average destroy the walker before it even attacks back. LoC charges, gets 4 attacks, 2 hits and 1 pen, which is nowhere near a certain kill.


I was really just referring to an actual game I played against mono-tzeentch where he charged my dreads as described (which I didn't understand at the time, and had only secretly hoped for since the math is in my favor). As you point out, it's not like the dreads will kill them either, but then, they don't need to, they just need to keep them from doing anything else, and without hit and run the LoC is a particularly good target to lock down like that.

You know, I thought I'd add that an Epidemius Nurgle list is pretty good, too. Epidemius, along with a Great Unclean One w/ Cloud of Flies and Breath of Chaos, 4 units of 10 Plaguebearers, and 3 Daemon Princes w/ Wings, Noxious Touch, and Cloud of Flies would be pretty good. That Tally will go up quick. And the best part is, even if Epidemius bites it, you've still got 4 MCs that will cause wounds on a 2+ AND cause instant death. Sounds good to me.
I'd actually think it would be mono-Tzeentch. The reason is because it adds some range to your army, especially some reliable anti-tank shooting. It also has the 2nd best objective camper in Horror squads.


I would have to agree here. I'd take a mono-tz list before any other "mono" list. I've seen it used to devastating effect. Point for point pink horrors are great shooters, and the 4++ is icing on the cake. Flamers can be tough to keep alive, but can be used to absolutely devastating effect. Chariot Heralds are fast and shooty, and can be tough for people to bring down. So in reality, a Tz army might not be the ultimate "bash you in the face" army, but with careful placing, strategic movement, and effective shooting, it can be a devastating list.


Mono-slaanesh is fast and hits hard, but would probably suffer vs. termies/power armored foes, or very shooty armies. Rending is great when you roll it- not so much when you don't. Slaanesh is the least survivable list.

After seeing a pro slaanesh player I am pushing more towards slaanesh these days for the monogod crown.


Freaking Fiends. He would dash down 18 fiends every game having 3 princes and 4 heralds with pavane bouncing everything around in weird ways bunching the enemy army together and splitting fire with minimal return and in the following turn he pounces with all 18 and rips them apart with his daemonettes on the way. Then as the daemonettes closed in he pulled the fiends away with hit and run and went after the objectives with the leftover HQ/HS. He never had to deep strike close to the enemy because of his style so deep strike (the armies biggest weakness when it scatters) was rendered literally a no obstacle problem. Keeping firepower off his lower toughness ladies and also forcing the hand (like a chess force move like a "check") to take on his princes and 4 cheap as hell HQ's and still face the fiends.


I gotta say how he used the fiends with the pavanes it made me grasp that he could in fact make it more effective if he used soul grinders. He refused, saying that its not his style to use big things that get in the way of his fiends. (And he was right on that)



If last year was the year of the 'crusher with the hard boys victory and everybody fearing them, this year is where the meta-game has evolved to recognize that fiends are the superior choice (though as you note, more finesse-y). I don't think mono-slaanesh is the strongest list however since the models die so easily if you can shoot at them, but fiends are great.

Agreed slaanesh models die quick but the sheer mass of anti-12" range rapid fire rolls you dont have to contend with because of the 24" possible assaults and 18" possible assaults from even the basic trooper of slaanesh is very valuable. With 6" run after deep striking to make sure at least one model is within 15" to be sure of the assault next turn, taunting them to move forward to get 12" rapid fire and be ensured a assault or move away not being able to fire rapid fire weapons at 24".


So with the range factored in, its a hard call when people dont spi9t 2 shots a model at you before you get into grits with them.

I'm quite intrigued by this tactic with Slaanesh. A friend of mine just started a Slaanesh / Tzeentch army (to counter my Khorne / Nurgle, lol), and was looking for good idea. This may come in handy, as it uses the Slaanesh unit's speed to it's greatest advantage. Thanks for sharing, Corpse!
Oh no problem, the whole hit+run fiend idea keeping a unit tied up until you run away at the end of their assault phase to start shooting with tzeentch daemons before recharging is always a good tactic to use. Just as an added note on tzeentch+slaanesh combinations. Also the pavane of slaanesh using 4 heralds and/or 3 princes with it and flamers of tzeentch/breath of chaos tzeentch HQ/princes make for a very nasty template army on top of possibly abusing soul grinders and small units of horrors to fill up troops with bolt of change.


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