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World EatersTerminator lord Zhufor


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This Is my latest addition to my army, I have wanted this model since it came out and am now using it as Abaddon in my world eaters Army, because well Abaddon is badass but does not have that Worldeaters flare like the rest of my army, even if i did paint him all red and bloody :P


I know all the trim should have been Brass or gold, but i hate brass and gold colors especially if theres a lot of it, so my whole world eaters army is done up with weathered boltgun metal trim. I think it makes them look darker and more sinister(less shiny) ;) I have about 5,000 Pts(no, wargear champions, or upgrades) worth of models 90% finished painting, soon ill get off my lazy butt and post pictures of them all.


your questions, thoughts, advice, and criticism are most welcome.






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its the flash, the face was done by over coating in bone white, then painting it a fleshy tone and adding some blood around the eyes and mouth and other small details, then dry brushed with more flesh to clean it up and then washed in ogryn flesh and a touch of black for some dark spots.


i may have to build a light box.

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im gonna go with... my world eaters havent polished their armor in 10,000 years, the brass platign wore off and has left behind the good old fashioned chinese pot metal.. erm i mean ceramite ....


yeah thats my story and im sticking too it. ;)




but yes i can see the resemblance to word bearers. I just always wanted that "I used to wear white armor but ive been bathed in blood and ash so many times that you have no clue what my armor really looks like look". The bare metal and gore red just put that together for me. The paint scheme especially looks great on the land raiders(im taking pictures right now.. yes before i build the box). Also when everyone is standing next to 80 zerkers with bunny ears, they look less word bearers like :D

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How many pieces does the model come in. I'm going to get it and convert it to have a different weapon loadout. I'm interested in changing up the bolter fist. I'll probably leave the axe.


Will be a good challenge I might start in October I'm waiting for Imperial Armor 7 or whatever it is going to be.



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Wow, another Lord Zhufor post and yet again another superb job - well done indeed B)


I will have to disagree with the few people that said he looks like a Word Bearer because the red and silver paint scheme resembles that of the Skulltakers renegade warband - and in actual fact Lord Zhufor himself is said to be the commander of the Skulltakers!

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