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Squad Gaius, and now Brother Constantine!

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hey all, little progress update for my Emperor's Blade Space Marines


Command Squad Gaius:



First up, Veteran Brother Gaius himself, a warrior of many centuries experience and Captain Erastus' most trusted advisor within the 4th Co.

Along with him is my only un-upgraded squad member. haven't though of a name for him yet so for now we'll call him 'Brother Meatshield' :D




next, my flamer marine and Brother Tertullian, the Co. standard bearer. Headstrong and fierce, Tertullian has earned the Imperial Laurel not once but twice for his bravery, wearing the honour with pride on both his Chapter and squad badge shoulder pads.




finally, Brother Cephas, the 4th's grizzled Apothecary. With him is Tychicus, Techmarine assigned to the 4th Co. (some may remember him, already shown him off in another thread but thought i'd put him in as i've started doing some work to fix the 'tabard' that was getting a few funny looks!)



C+C very welcome!





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nice! i really like the use of both DA and BT parts, makes a nice look.


i saw your techmarine and i must say the tabard has improved greatly as it no longer looks like a... hmm you know ^_^


very nice work, ive seen alot of your minitures and they all have consistent awesomeness about them.

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thanks very much for all the comments guys! now i've just got to get on and paint them!


unfortunately, thats not helped by my wonderful wife buying me this as part of our wedding anniversary presents:




yes, she is amazing!


now, normally i don't let myself start sticking something together unless the previous squad/vehicle/whatever is completely painted, but...


i couldn't resist putting the Dread together!


so, here he is Ancient Brother Constantine of the 4th Company:








he's nothing special really, just kit-bashed a few bits from the DA and BT vehicle sprues



C+C as always welcome!









Brother Meatshield


That guy got shafted



;) LMAO!!!

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