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Sabre Tank Hunter

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Hi all, this is my first post in this particular section of the Bolter and Chainsword, and fittingly, it's my first "real" conversion piece. :huh:


Anyway, as some of you are likely aware, I mentioned a while back in this thread that I was going to be converting my own Sabre Tank Hunter. I finally got the time to sit down a couple nights ago to start working on it, so I took some pics as I went along. It's not finished yet, but it shouldn't take too long. I am using a Vindicator to be the basis for the Sabre and simply swapping the gun. I like the sound of the Laser Destroyer, so I picked up an IG Destroyer Kit from Forgeworld:



You can see the gun mount piece is slightly damaged, but since I'm going to be doing some cutting, I wasn't concerned with it.


As a reference, here's the standard demolisher cannon on the front piece:



The Leman Russ chassis is rather different from our modern Rhinos as can be seen in the following two pics. The front plate is somewhat wider and not quite as tall as the Vindie's, but the gun is very close to the same size:




So, after I cut away the extraneous bits, I have the gun mount itself:



Glued to the front piece with the gun barrel (and my hand :D):



Glued, without the gun barrel:




Front piece balanced on the main chassis part:



As above, with gun barrel:



Now, there still is some work to do, the gaps in the side (between the gun mount and the Vindie front piece) need some green stuff (actually done already, just need to get some pics up), plus it will need to be primed, painted (in Blood Raven colours) and assembled. Hope you like it so far. C&C are welcome: this is my first conversion, so suggestions of things to avoid doing will be read carefully! ;)

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Thank you for all the kind words, folks! I'm glad to see that you like it. I haven't had the chance to do much more work on it, but I think I'll get some time this weekend as I have a holiday on Monday. I'll try to get the pics of the green stuff work up tonight, if I can.
  • 2 weeks later...

Obviously, I didn't get the pics up, but I haven't forgotten about this: I have actually finished it, paint and all!


So, without further ado, the pics:


Green Stuff filling the side gaps and minor repairs:



Now, I should have filled the gap at the bottom of the gun mount as well, but I didn't really notice it until I was gluing the barrel of the gun on. At that point it was too late, I thought, but should I ever repeat this model or rework this one, that's going to be fixed. *shrug* Live and learn, right?


Starting to paint. I like to have at least the base coat done before I glue the model together; I find it's easier to make sure I get into all the nooks and crannies. Luckily, my brother has an airbrush with an air compressor, so this stage took very little time. As you can see, I like using a white primer/undercoat for red models; I find it looks better than with a black undercoat.




I quickly snapped it together to see how the whole model looked at this point:




I noticed that my gun barrel was missing a piece along the top; not sure what it is, it kinda looks like an iron sight, but it must have either snapped off in transit or not been formed in the mould. Not a huge deal, but I rolled out some more Green Stuff and extended the top "tube" on the barrel.


Here, it's painted and assembled:





In the pic below you can see the extension I made to the top "tube":




With my Vindicator for comparison:





Anyway, I had a lot of fun building this tank, and I think I'll do more conversions in the future. Overall, I think it turned out really well and I can't wait to use it in an Apoc game for the first time. I hope you all like it!

Thank you, Raven Angel! I'm glad you like it. :) I hope she performs as well as we are thinking.


Shaw3029, I intend to use the rules we've come up with in this thread here. Basically, we think that a Vindicator with a straight swap for a long-range AT weapon is a good representative of the Sabre. I chose the Laser Destroyer, but the other weapon we think fits is the Vanquisher Cannon. In fact, I hope to help provide some data as food for thought with a few games, I just need to find the time. ;) Feel free to join in the discussion over there, too!


Also, you are right, it would make a pretty cool command tank for a line breaker squadron. And thank you for the compliment! :D

Very very cool conversion. Have you thought of using a Neutron Laser, BTW? It emits a shock pulse, which when hitting a non-super heavy vehicle, gives a Crew Stunned effect on the target, along with the damage it has done. Check out the Valdor Tank Hunter rules on FW.
Very very cool conversion. Have you thought of using a Neutron Laser, BTW? It emits a shock pulse, which when hitting a non-super heavy vehicle, gives a Crew Stunned effect on the target, along with the damage it has done. Check out the Valdor Tank Hunter rules on FW.

I remember skimming through the Valdor's rules, and yeah, it does sound like it would be an effective weapon for a tank hunter. But...


Neutron Laser is to big for a rhino hull; but you could try mounting one of thoughs in an Land Raider Aries.

... I also think the Neutron Laser is too big for a Rhino chassis. The Land Raider idea sounds tempting, though. :P



I like the sound of the Laser Destroyer, so I picked up an IG Destroyer Kit from Forgeworld:


He said calmly. :D


Great conversion! Exactly as i imagined to be, albeit a bit redder :P




Heh, of course I'm calm when dealing with FW. It's UPS that I have issues with. :lol:


Also, I was wondering: do threads with finished models stay here in the WiP forum or do they get moved to the "Finished Works" forum? No big deal either way, I'm just curious.

  • 3 weeks later...
Excellent conversion! Hey, if you could take some pics of it in some suitable terrain, we could use include them in the Datasheet we have in the HGR subforum (hint, hint).


Bannus, is this the sort of thing you had in mind?




Rare pict-capture of a Blood Ravens Sabre Tank Hunter. It appears to be manuvering into a new location after successfully eliminating an enemy vehicle.


I must admit that I don't have any image-editing software to speak of, so if someone wanted to adjust it for the B&C to use, I'd gladly make the full-size image available.


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