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Random Salamanders

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I just wanted to put up some images of my latest projects for my Salamanders for you all to comment and critique. Sorry about the picture quality, I am still getting used to my new Digicam


Firstly, my AoBR terminators:



Next, my Vanguard Veterans:



Chapter Master Tu'shan:



Honour Guard:



More to come in time...

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Where did you get that awesome shield? (for tu'shan)


Shorts is right, it is the Assault Terminator sergeant storm shield with the detail shaved off. I will be scultping a new motif on it more in line with the Salamanders chapter.

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Your AoBR "Heresy" Terminator is great, I love that style of Termies. Also, where did you get those Power Armor sized thunder hammer for your Vanguard? I've been converting Terminator sized hammers for my normal SM's for years...why did no one tell me such things existed?!
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Yeh Orktemplar is right this is the URL:http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1300067&prodId=prod1400033


What helmet did you use for the hounor guard with the plastic banner?

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The helmet is from the 3.5 edition era chaos space marine sprue - not sure if it is still on the new sprues, perhaps some chaos players could shed some light on it?


It was immensely popular with marine players when it first came out for making chaplains.

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Love the vanguards - I was planning a thunder hammer / lightening claw vanguard squad based on the plastic assault marines, but now I've seen your metal ones, I might be tempted to copy! :unsure:


Look forward to seeing them painted :whistling:

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the helmet is from the chaos marine squad set like you said but i dont think its there anymore, i used it for my chaplain (as you said :P)


there is a similar one, cant find a pic but its the same but without the scope lens thing.



back to the point, very nice, i love the vanguard, very quick version of thunder termies by the looks of things.

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there is a similar one, cant find a pic but its the same but without the scope lens thing.


I think you mean the one from the chaos vehicle accessory sprue - which has cables and such running from the chin. In fact, with the mini in my hand, it actually IS the one from the chaos vehicle accessory sprue - lol.


I tend to get chaos vehicles for my loyalists - lots of interesting bits in them if you can stand to shave off the chaos icons.

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Tu'shan with his honour guard:




Chapter Champion:




The claws are an artifact weapon that in game terms simply mark him out as the chapter champ.

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Next is a very early WIP on an Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii - I am going to add in an Ad Mech contingent to count as those units the Salamanders are not known for using in abundance - like bikes, speeders, scouts, etc.


Not sure what to do to make the legs, all I know is that I want there to only be three. I think it will look better than four. He'll be on a large monster base when he's done, along with two of his buddies - all will look different.






Sorry about the crappy photos but its dark here atm and I only have a lamp and my camera flash to illuminate the model.

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Really nice honor guard, but the banner looks a bit big to carried around in a battle (what if its a windy day and the banner bearers standing near the edge of a cliff.....)


What is an Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii? it looks like a servitor

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Vulkan - I based the banner size from the old artwork of Ancient Helveticus - its a classic, and he has a MASSIVE banner. Besides, considering marines can tear people in half and punch through walls I'd imagine them capable of holding up such a huge banner.


Also, the Skitarii are the cybernetic armies of the Adeptus Mechanicus - half man, half servitor.


More information can be read here:



They also feature quite prominently in Dan Abnett's latest novel, Titanicus - which is fantastic, I might add. :)

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This might be the wrong place to ask this, but i haven't played space marines since 3d edition and I don't think I've ever seen thunderhammers put to such use. Does anyone know exactly how effective they end up being for the points invested, especially in a full unit? Where might they be best used? (my only thoughts being fast, multi-wound characters...which afaik is mostly demons?)
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For me it is a matter of the background - Salamanders favour them, so I favour them. Besides, they look so cool. :)


In game terms though they are great for taking on walkers, monstrous creatures and multi-wound, high toughness characters. The stunning effect they have is worth the extra cost, although as with all "power fist" type weapons they need to be paired with a good invulnerable save to be truly effective.


That said, update time:


Random Honour Guard



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And another one:





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Another Honour Guard cloak is finished and the model is almost ready for painting.



As are 3 Sternguard, bumping my unit up to 10.




The Ironclad is shaping up nicely.



And finally, two land raiders:

Converted Phobos (being salvaged from my chaos army which I am selling:




Converted Crusader (painted a long time ago - I am currenty re-doing the banner behind the preacher):



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