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Team games

Mystic Lemur

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I think its up to who's organizing the game. As in if its a tournament or friendly, if it's the first probably not because of balance issues but the latter might not care. All in all don't think there are any cut and fast rules on this, but I could be wrong. ;)
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A couple of guys at my club ran into this in a large doubles game a couple of months ago. I dont have the page reference but they did find a rule in the BRB which stated that benefits only worked for your guys and not both. The example (wrongly used) was that player A's Kustom Force Field could not protect Player B's Battlewagon. (I say wrongly used because of the wording of the rules in the ork codex but that is a different matter)


Try looking at the 3 way game example in the rule book or where it talks about shooting into a combat with two enemies.


I am more inclined to house rule it to allow as it is much simplier then.



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I'll have a look for that quote waaanial00, sounds interesting.


In a campaign at my local GW recently I was teamed with my friend. He was using Azrael with the Chapter Banner in the unit, and I was using Pedro Kantor. As the wording stated that it effected friendly models we (and the staff) concluded that we each of our armies would benefit from the other person's Chapter Banner effect (although they wouldn't stack).


Of course if there is a quote that says this I'll introduce it down there.

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In general, the answers is no; however, there are a number of war gear and special rules to benefit "friendly units" rather than "your units", such as a Psychic Hood which can be used versus any enemy psychic power used with in the effect zone of the the Hood.


Functionally, you need to read what the gear does and for whom it works for, and then clear it with the TO before trying it out during a tournament.



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