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The Sapphire Saints

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...


I started an army, called the Royal Redeemers. That practically died. So I'm reliving them, but in a different name, and with different fluff.


So this time, The Sapphire Saints will be part of the 5th founding of the Ultramarines.

They're mainly a codex chapter, who prefer ranged combat to close combat. They are extreme haters of Tau and Tyranids, and several of the Veterans have once been trained by Chaplain Cassius. The veteran brothers who wear power armor all have white helmets, but the Terminators do not. The Sapphire Saints have such a large count of Tactical Dreadnought Armor (20) because when they were formed, the Ultramarines still had a 'surplus' of Terminators.


The force I'm making..very slowly, is just going to be the 1st Company. I'm already 40 (including 6 Captains and heroes) strong! The Company will comprise more of Sternguard than anything else, to fit with the theme of ranged combat. To save money, and keep things varied, I'll use 15 of the veterans (Sternguard, MkI, and MkII) and then the rest will be converted Tactical Squads. I'm in need of a few names and a chapter symbol. I'll spend the next few nights working on that.


So far, the almost-completely painted list. 5 Terminators, 1 Chaplain in Terminator armor, and 1 Captain. I need to remove the yellow, since the fluff no longer covers that.



Unpainted wise, I have 10 Terminators, 5 Captains, 5 Sternguard, 4 (GW didn't put one in the box, so I need to call them) MkII vets, 5 Vanguard, 1 Tanky-Terminator, 1 scratch built Techmarine, 2 Librarians, and my true scale Chapter Master.



Yaaayy!! =-D

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Cool concept, and as my name might imply...I really enjoy terminators in all shapes and forms. It looks like you've given everyone a different pose, which is nice. I'll have to see more pics though, so keep this thread updated! Also...I see a marine with an Afro. This is either amazing or horrible. Or maybe both. Question: does he close pools?
Cool concept, and as my name might imply...I really enjoy terminators in all shapes and forms. It looks like you've given everyone a different pose, which is nice. I'll have to see more pics though, so keep this thread updated! Also...I see a marine with an Afro. This is either amazing or horrible. Or maybe both. Question: does he close pools?


Me too man ;-D Previous army: Deathwing =-D

Actually, I assembled the 5 in front, the 5 on small bases are AoBR, and the other 5 I traded for, so they were all assembled differently by accident =-D The Afroed dude used to be a Captain for the RR, so now hes a captain for the SS O.O As the Afro Man wasked through the white land, houses went up for sale. <<if you don't know, thats a song.


I was bored, so I did a shoddy job of highlighting these guys. I realized that they have capes..I HATE capes. My Dark Angels were bad enough. So..many...touch ups.



My original plan, was to just do all the Necron Abyss for alllll of these guys, then Ultramarines blue highlights for alllll of these guys...but knowing me, I'd do all the Necron, then leave it like that forever. So I'm doing it in small doses =-D iGenius. =-D




I figure its only 11 Am, but i won't do much more painting later today =-P I've started on the only capes in my army so far, but I need some help from you guys. I've never been good at it, and I was wondering if you have any tips for shading.

So far, I have undercoated the capes with Khemri Brown and Merchite Red. I don't have any of the new washes, so those are out of the picture. I have several different mixed shades of tan for my Deathwing, but only Scab, Gore, and Blood reds.



The official plan of the day. Paint 5 captains.

The official what actually happened of the day. Basecoat the capes on the 5 captains. Realize I suck at painting capes, put them back in the pile, and grab my half-finished Sternguard. I tried painting the white on the helmets...but it was much too not-smooth. So I then had to scrub the Nids in the Simple Green so I could put these guys in. So the plan for tomorrow, after driving to San Francisco (hourish both ways) I'll be working on the SIMPLE, ten man Terminator Squad. =-D




And tomorrows Terminators.


lets see if I can actually get something done!!

i love that color scheme, can you give me a hint of what it WILL look like? maybe a little SM painter action after you're done painting for the day?


also what blues are you using for the armor? is that regal blue highlighted with ice blue?


keep up the good work shorts

Thanks. This is what they'll look like, except without the yellow.


and some Painters I did a while a go



The armor color is Necron Abyss, with straight highlights of Ultramarines Blue. Its a lot darker than you can tell. Black I think is highlighted with Codex and Fortress I think, its been a while since I did those. And everything else is normal =-D

Thanks for the reply.

hmmm this "Necron Abyss" color intrigues me, where did you acquire it? is it one of those new paints GW released? it actually looks to be about the color i wanted to use for my marines... hmm is it darker or lighter than regal blue?


and i like your color scheme, it looks remotely similar to mine, i have been trying to make a blue scheme work for AGES, but mine has little accents of bone and their whole left arm is painted bone

hmmm this "Necron Abyss" color intrigues me, where did you acquire it? is it one of those new paints GW released? it actually looks to be about the color i wanted to use for my marines... hmm is it darker or lighter than regal blue?


Necron Abyss is indeed one of the Foundation paints that GW released some time ago.


Although it's been a while since i last used the color myself, i'm pretty sure it is NOT lighter than Regal Blue. Actually it is a rather dark shade of blue, which i thought to myself would have been good for a underlying blue armor for a Thousand Son mini.

they look very nice shorts, i love how your army is coming together, the scheme is amazing, i was wondering, maybe generally to everyone, is it better to put dark blue over black or over white? i was thinking about doing mine over white to make the color really pop, but i'm not too sure now, any suggestions?

I finished highlighting the Termies today. Woke up at 11, and was able to finish them all before lunch =-D


Sad thing is, I realize that the AoBR Termie Sergeant is the most decorated Sergeant I have.. =-( And I had to shuffle one of the Sergeants into the 5 man squad, because I can't have two power swords in one squad!

I also pulled the Sternguard out of the Simple Green just now, and they look great! =-D

I also realized, that the 5 veterans I bought (4) aren't Sternguard material!!! Only one of them has a bolter, and the others are more like Vanguard! Ayeee!!! Looking at the Apocalypse Reloaded, I can just get the other Mk I vets, and make them a standard Veteran Squad, phew.

Army picture, not so much black now...but now theres double the amount of silver =-(


So I think I just boosted my army numbers from 35ish to 55ish!!!! YESSSSSS I found 21 crappy/stripped Dark Angels bodies in my bitz box just now!! I just need to secure around 21 heads, backpacks, and shoulder pads with arms X*-( I was planning on ordering a couple of Tactical Squads to veteranify in a few days anyways, but if I do so, then I'll be left with 20 torsos and legs...not that I'm complaining, but, I don't have many arms for them =-( Hmm..sticky situation ;-D

I was only able to paint the leg armor things on only 2 Terminators, but I did drill out all the barrels for my entire army =-D


I removed all the yellow from the Terminators, and now they fit right in with the rest of the crowd =-D

I also called Games Workshop today, and I'm getting my Power Sword toting Veteran sometime next week =-P I'm still working on bolstering my forces still.


I've been looking at the Games Workshop website to see what bitz I want to order from my store, because I'm in need of 40mm bases, and since my LGS does bitz orders now, and I just got $500 from my parents on my new debit card, I thought I'd splurge a little bit =-D Victory is mine! I REALLY want some of those Thunderhammers, but my theme is still ranged...I'm so unable to make my choices. I basecoated one of the jump packing Vanguard, and I really like the blue, but as it seems now, I'll have to buy another set of them, and then Veterans Mk1...which is going to be a lot of money.... damn!

These are the Terminator shoulder pads I cast for the Royal Redeemers, bearing the chapter symbol. Its not exciting, but its the only thing I have right now. I don't have a drawing of one anymore neither. I used one of said cast shoulder pads on Tanky the Terminator =-D



I'm having a super brain thing right now. I'm in such a 40k mood, that words cannot describe this...ness. I solved the SM Captains issue!! I will field them as a command squad! If only they came in a set of 5...but thats okay, I have an extra box of them!


I plan getting two of the power fist guys. One will be as is, and the other I plan on taking the power fist guy, cutting off the sword, and putting in a standard, and his other arm will be a plasma pistol. The guy with the Thunder Hammer will have a Narthecium attached to his cape-holding arm. And the guy with the shield will be my company champion! Pure can of win!


I'll be meticulously combing through my bitz box in a few minutes trying to find all the necessary pieces for those veteran bodies I found =-/

I just finished one with dreads...

They're not too Space Wolfy, and when I paint him, he won't look like a Space Wolf at all. When the Green Stuff dries, I'll sand it a bit, so its not smooth. Each hair thing is an individual strand...I probably wont' do this ever again. =-P





Yay giraffes X-D Too bad it was an accident =-P


I'm starting another True Scaling...but this one is freakishly too big..I'll make him a Terminator then =-P



And look! Following my vision, I opened my other box of Chapter Masters =-( So sad...but thats okay I guess, and I threw the painted 4 into the simple green so I can paint them all at once!

Look! A guy with a stick!


I burnt his Standard (not on purpose) but at least now it folds in the right direction with his cloak. Which makes me feel good that I noticed that =-D



He'll have a plasma pistol in his other arm, which is already ready, and his head...will...be a head...


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