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W.I.P WGBL for the Great Hunt


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Here is Gardrulf Wolfclaw. Runic Armour, well more Articifer Armour, Lightning Claws, WTT and RC mounted on a resin base preparing himself (ready for paint) to lead his pack into battle







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Here's the first w.i.p paint shot


Armour was done 60/40 Chaos Black/Shadow Grey adding more SG bit by bit over three layers. Then added Space Wolf Grey bit by bit over the next three layers, then added Skull Wite bit by bit over the next two layers. Then I went back and added damp brush of an ealier darker mix on the lower part of each panel to try and blend them together a bit better


The Lightning Claws follow a fairly similar method starting with Scab Red, adding Blood Red red over the next couple of layers and then adding Bubonic Brown over the following two layers finishing with pure Bubonic Brown as the final highlight


I have just started the gold (?) bits with a base of 50/50 Tin Bitz/Shining Gold










As always, C&Cs are more than welcome


For Russ

Hre we go, some new pics. I have to say that I am experimenting more and more with this figure. Mixing more and thinning the paint right down and applying more layers - I hope that comes across in the photos


Carrying on from the previous pics, I added a heavily thinned wash of Baal Red and re-applied the last highlights with more Vomit brown added to the Blazing Orange (all credit to Anja Wettergren from this months WD)


The soft joints were base coated 50/50 Chaos Black/Codex Grey then washed with 50/50 Badab Black/Chaos Black. The base cot was lightly re-apllied the a futher highlight of 20/80 C.B/C.G was applied to the most prominent parts


All the Gold bits got a base coat of 50/50 Tinbitz/Shining Gold. A wash of 50/50 Scorched Brown/Chaos Black was applied and when dry I lightly re-coated with the Tinbitz mix. Highlighting continued adding more Shining Gold over the next two stages covering less and less. Then I added a small amount of Mithril Silver for futher highlights finishing with pure silver on selected high points to add a bit more definition


Face was base coated with a two thinned layers of Tanned Flesh followed by a wash of Dark Flesh. The base coat was gently re-applied when the wash was dry. First highlight was to add an equal part of Dwarf Flesh to the base coat the I washed it again with a thinner wash of Dark Flesh. Re-applied the first highlight mix and added more Dwarf Flesh for the next one. Then added Bleached Bone, then pure Bleached Bone and finally 50/50 Bleached Bone/Skull White on the highest points. Lastly gave a damp brush over with heavily thinned Dark Flesh to smooth it all together. This may seem too much but I am quite pleased with the outcome bearing in mind how many layers it has. Now I know that the GD entrants would probably pass a mocking mile my way thinking that I could easily get another five or six layers in there but I'm learning and haven't mastered blending yet. No matter!!


Hair was base coated 50/50 Scorched Brown/Codex Grey, added equal amount of Chaos Black to the mix and thinned down for the wash. Used base coat for first highlight followed by four more adding more Codex Grey for the first two followed by Skull White added to mix and finally pure white.


Shoulder pads are a base coat of heavily thinned Iyanden Darksun, then 50/50 I.D and Golden yellow. I built the colour up over three coats until it was solid but kept futher away from the edges each time to get some depth. The highlghts are the I.D/G.Y mix with Skull Whited added and applied close to the rim


Parchments were base coated Dark Flesh. Over this a light base coat of Vomit brown was applied then adding Bleached bone for two highlights, pure B.B for one and a futher two withB.B/S.W. Lastly a light thinned hightlight of pure S.W on the edges and high points. The script is thinned Badab/Chaos Black with some red bits to make it look a bit less like a menu from the local Tapas bar


The Lightning Claw blades are base coated dark blue then washed with a thinned Badab Black/Chaos Black wash. Each succesive highlight was applied mixing Ice Blue in increasing amounts and washing with thinned dark blue until the final two highlights which are blended with Skull White (I tried)










I have kept the pack markings the same on the knees and shoulder to convay his has risen through the ranks from Bloodclaw to Grey Hunter to Battle leader


As always, C&Cs are most welcom.


I hope to finish it tomorrow



I was at work again today and although fairly quiet didn't manage to finish Gardrulf but got most of him done


Started off by re-doing the lightning claws as I wasn't too happy with them. Started off with thinned Enchanted Blue over a black base. Blended (yes, I tried it :) ) this up through Ice Blue to pure white. Next I re-did the eyes as I noticed a black spot below his right eye.


Most of the rest was trial and error using various bowns layered or blended, even adding Fortress Grey and white to the mix for the back fur. The cloak was base coated Snakebite Leather and shaded with a Dark Flesh wash. Snakebite Leather was then blended up using Kamando Khaki up through Bleached Bone. A final very light damp brush was added using Snakebite and a thin line of highly thinned Dark Flesh/Chaos Black was used to deepen the shadows


Pistol holster and pouch were base coated Scorched Brown and highlighted adding a little Snakebite. Then adding a little Bleached Bone to the mix for a final edge highlight


Last thing was the shoulder pad. The decal was applied then I ran a little Golden Yellow around the shiny edge to help blend it in. The moon was over-painted with a thinned Fortress Grey base and highlighted with a couple of very thin layers of Skull white (I have started doing this on all my minis to hide the shine and give the moon a bit more depth). The shine in the pic is the black which I haven't painted reflecting the light I used to take the pics.













Hopefully will finish painting tomorrow in lunch break and the base tomorrow night. With a quick spray of laquer, the final pics should be up by Friday



For Russ and the Wolftime



Finally finished my pledge for the Great Hunt.


The whole base was given a thin Scorched Brown wash. The rocks were lightly base coated Codex Grey then given a fairly heavy wash of Chaos Black. Next came four drybrush stages starting with Codex Grey, then CG + Fortress Grey, then FG, then FG + Skull White, each brybrush getting lighter and covering less. A final very light drybrush of pure white finished the rocks off. The soil was drybrushed Bestial Brown, then a lighter drybrush of Bubonic Brown and finished with a very light drybrush of Bleached Bone.


The little shrub at the back was given a light brush of Bubonic Brown then a wash of dark green.


I know it is a fairly simple scheme but it fits the rest of my army and come the end that is where Gardrulf Wolfclaw will serve Russ the best.












For Russ and the Wolftime




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