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Crimson Fists 2nd Company

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Hello and welcome to my first Work In Progress Thread. :unsure:


I have been an avid collector of Space Marines for many years, going through Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Black Templars. Always following new releases and never painting more than a unit that I subsequently sell on Ebay as I don’t have enough models to make an army.


With the release of the new Codex I gathered together all the Marines that I have in my possession that cunningly amounted to just over a Company, so now I am going to attempt to paint the Crimsons Fist 2nd Company.


I know myself though and with all the good intentions in the World I will drop out after only a couple of tactical squads so I am going to play with a specialized Marine list and paint the company as I go. Basically getting to paint and play with a kick ass army (that will need to be painted for Tourneys) while painting the company so I can face off against a Soul Drinker army at Apocalypse scale games.


Where are we going to start? Well easy answer . . . Shrike. Need him for the gaming list and I didn’t want to buy a model to only chop bits off to re-sculpt most of him. So I am made my own (please see below). Kit bash Ahoy!






I will upload, over the next few days, pictures of other units that I have painted or made so you can get a feel for the stupidly large amount of minis I have for this project.


I leave you with a taster of the Scouts, which are currently in production.




BII :whistling:

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hmmmm me thinks he cleverly used the Termie Lightning claws and just cut them at the elbow and glued then to normal marine arms, very sneaky blackiron, but not sneaky enough :tu:, anyway... i like the shrike, a simple conversion, i always thought of getting him (if only for the fleet special rule hehe) but i detest metal models, you give me good ideas of how to make a plastic shrike


i also like the fist pad and the GK shoulder shield, but where did you get the chest fist from?

@CarbonBased - The right shoulder with the Eagle is from the Commander sprue and the other shoulder with the Fist emblem is an old OOP shoulder pad I had with a Grey Knights heraldry shield from Brother Captain Stern.


@T0MMY - You are correct that Shrike is a Raven Guard character but the codex allows you to use the rules of characters from other chapters, just rename them, see page 127 of Space Marines Codex. The lighten claws are from the plasic Assault Terminators. Marshal van Trapp is right that I cut then off at the wrist but there is a bit of arm trickery there to get them to be posed as they are.


@Marshal van Trapp - You are correct with the lightening claws sir. May I suggest 5 thunder hammer terminators and Shrikes rule of infiltrate. hehe :P The chest centre is from the sprue to the right of this picture - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1110187. Hope this helps


BII :tu:


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