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Land Speeder/LSS Armaments


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I recently purchased a Land Speeder Storm and was sorely disappointed with the fact that it only came with a heavy bolter.


I also purchased the first of my Land Speeders that I'm going to sqaudron for some Fast Attack love. The Land Speeder comes with the Typhoon missile launcher, heavy bolter, heavy flamer, multi-melta, and assault cannon. One of each.


So, I now have 2 heavy bolters, a heavy flamer, a multi-melta, and an assault cannon between my two Speeders.


My question is, what combination of weapons should I use?


I was at first thinking multi-melta LSS then 2 HF/MM Speeders. This is out because of only 1 MM.


Should I go Typhoon/Heavy Bolter for long range?


HF/MM on the Speeders, Assault Cannon on the LSS? That would be more expensive, but I kind of like the idea.


Your thoughts??

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I'd leave the LSS with the heavy bolter. When you drop off scouts with BP/CCW or Shotguns, they're attacking infantry most often. The heavy bolter only boosts their effectiveness with its 3 shots. A multimelta only adds one.

The LSS has too many other neat abilities (Cerberus launchers, teleport distruptor) to be driving it at tanks hoping for a kill. Leave that to the normal speeders.

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I like to specialise my LS's so they are good at one thing. I've got one with a HB and AC and two with 2 MM's each :tu: . Mmmmm. The lack of weapon options on the sprue is troubling. I've tried mounting one of the HB/MM on the bottom but it doesn't look right. Personally, I think the HF looks similar enough to a MM to get away with it. I also don't rate the HF at all as it means you have to get really close to the enemy making it very easy for them to pop you with a melta or even an assault. I prefer my LS's to offer more ranged support since they are so weak.


I also try to avoid putting them in squadrons since there are no real benefits and lots of down-sides. I haven't bought a Storm yet so don't know what to advise on that. :P

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Heavy flamer ignores LSS's weak ballistic skill and thus it's my choice for its weapon. Normal land speeders I would equip with a multi-melta and a heavy flamer. Or if you don't want duality, maybe double heavy bolters for ranged anti-infantry.
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With my two LSS im running one HF and one MM, i arm the scouts to match the uses of the LSS, so im not losing out in any way..

I too was dissapointed by the lack of weapons in the LSS box, i also hated the fact that one of the 5 transported scouts doubled as a gunner... so i changed it, the gun is underslung instead of the cerberus launchers and i used tau missile pods also underslung to replace this.



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I agree with Tanthius on the HF overcoming the BS 3 of the LSS. Plus, with my Scouts charging in anyways, I'm going to be close up.


I'm starting to lean more towards long range fire support for my 2 Speeder Sqaud. Either Heavy Bolter/Typhoon or Heavy Bolter/Heavy Bolter.


@ Greatcrusade08: I just said forget having Scouts modeled on the Storm. I posed the Scouts onto scenic bases, and I'm going to be running them on the tabletop with 4x shotguns, Combi-Flamer/PF on the Sarge. I'll probably end up putting whatever weapon I use under the LSS.

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