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MM AB or LC sponson pred?

angry man

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i have me a list that seems to perform quite well, but i think it needs more AT. so i dropped an upgrade or two and trimmed a few sqads and have 130pts to spare. i bought a pred, with the intention of having it with lascannon sponsons, but have since thought about taking 2 MM AB instead. the reason i like the pred is that i already take 2 vinicators and a line of high armour value tanks would seem quite intimidating. however, the 2 AB may be more effective as i have 2 rhinos so they will have sufficient cover.


so, given the circumstances, which is the 'better' AT choice?




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Personally, I prefer the attack bikes. They're fast, can move and shoot, and within 12 inches far better at hurting tanks than a lascannon.


Meanwhile, the predator can't move if it wants to fire more than one lascannon.

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MM ABs are better for anti-tank. Autocannon/Lascannon Preds do two things well: knock wounds off MCs and pop light (<AV11) transports before they get their cargo into position. Otherwise you're better off with the MMs.
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One of my favourite and most effective support combinations is two vindicators and two MM attack bikes - between this lot you can deal with just about anything that is thrown at you. In addition, if you have just a line of tanks, it will make you army pretty one dimensional and easy to deal with for certain opponents (railgun heavy tau for example).


Predators are also overated IMHO.

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One thing you might consider is a Predator with TLLC and HB sponsons- it gives you the reach out and touch somebody of a highly accurate lascannon *rerolling 3+ is better than a 2+* and the option for antihorde shooting- and happens to be exactly 130pts.


Two attack bikes is the more flexable choice... and I highly reccommend them as an optional unit to have around.

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