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Hello all,

I am in a challenge league and have just been challenged by an ork player running a fast elite army. Not sure of the exact details but it is like a battlewagon or truk with warboss and meganobz. A battlewagon with mob of boyz. Then Biker nobz and boyz out the wazoo. From what I understand he modified the list slightly off of some killer list he had found on the net. He has rapidly climbed the ladder and is almost unbeatable. The only defeat I have heard that he had was at the hands of 30 terminators and Kantor providing the +1 attack for the powerfists. Any help at all in what I should take would be greatly appreciated.

In 1750 points I normally run Kantor, 10 sternguard with 2 meltas/2 combi-meltas, 2 Tactical squads with Flamer & ML, LandRaider w/ 5 man assault termies and Dev squad w/ 3 LC & 1 ML. I am willing to deviate from this 100% I have plenty of options to choose from and can even borrow from friends if I need to supplement my army. I just want to stand a chance at giving this guy a run for his money. Thanks for your help.

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I think you have a pretty good list for taking on a nob heavy ork list.


The sternguard and kantor can take on just about anything, the LR and assault termies will crunch through alot of different units and you have enough heavy weapons to worry even biker Nobs!


Type you list up in full and ill post any suggestions.



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Whats the point value and what army are you using?


Give me that and Ill give you a list that will stand up to anything an ork can dish out.


From your post though, Im betting 1750, C:SM.


So lets go....



Pedro Kantor- 175pts.



10 Tactical Marines- Plasmagun, ML, Combiflamer- 190pts.

10 Tactical Marines- Plasmagun, ML, Combiflamer- 190pts.

10 Tactical Marines- Plasmagun, ML, Combiflamer- 190pts.

5 Scouts- 4x Shotgun, combiflamer, Meltabombs- 90pts.



Ironclad Dreadnaught- DCCW+HF, DP- 180pts.

10 Sterngaurd- 2x Plasmacannons, 2x Combiflamers, 2x Combi meltas- 290pts.



Land Speeder Storm- Multimelta- 60pts.

9 Assault Marines- Powerfist- 197pts.



Whirlwind- 85pts.

Predator- HB sponsons-85pts.




If you prefer, the assault marines can be switched out for Assault Terminators *5 man* and bring you to 1750pts exactly.


So heres the rundown- 4 Troops squad, 1 HQ, 2 of each other- good composition scores.

This army runs light, at only 12 KPs, and 4 scoring units- good for annihilation and objective missions.

Tactical analysis:

4 Scoring units, potentially 7 in objective missions- one of wich is mounted in a tank hunting landspeeder and has good antipersonnel abilities *Ie use the scouts to hunt artillery and crack transports- if you crack a transport, you squad can them flamer them and assault next turn* and is capable of grabbing an objective halway accross the baord in a single turn.

The three Tactical Squads are kitted for gunline style duties- keep pedro in them, and keep them close enough to support each other *preferably in cover* and hunt transports and bikers and buggies with them- against many ork vehicles even the bolters can help- deploy back into your DZ and stay there in KP missions. Remember that MLs instakill nob bikers if you get through their cover save.



The Ironclad Dreadnaught in a DP is perfect for popping things like Battlewagons and giving your opponent an in his face threat to worry about- use it as a shock troop and expect it and the pod it rode in on to die- throw a melta at the BW and heavy flamer any troops between the two of you. Expect to get assaulted.

Sterngaurd- The epitome of the SM gunline, two plasmacannons allows them to hunt light vehicles and deal with hordes- synergizing well with their special ammunitions. Once the BWs are cracked you should target the meganobz with this unit. Until then hunt some nob bikerz.



Landspeeder storms are higly maneuverable and a MM packs a punch- use this combination to hunt warbuggies and the like on the flanks of the enemy army, or supercharge your engines and pop out next to HS units like lootas and open up with the scout squad to good effect.

The assault marines dish out an impressive 27 attacks on the charge, 3 of them power fists- enough to put a dent in almost any unit. Use them as a counter assault unit, or to slow down enemy heavy hitters for a turn or two while your tacticals and sterngaurd deal with the horde.



A Whirlwinds indirect fire ability means nowhere is save and with orks low cover saves the difference between AP 4 and 5 is meaningless- so just choose the right strength for the job. Its also excellent against enemies who have kustom Force Fields as it removes their cover save.

Dakkapredators can hunt light tanks and rip into enemy squads. AV 13 if fairly survivable and 8 dakka shots a turn means this unit is good to target warbuggies, bikers, keathkoptas, and Hard Boyz... all threatening units. Its also very cheap.


Pedro Kantor will literally Double the effectiveness of your Tactical squads in CC, making them the equivilants of GHs- who I know regularly wipe the floor with boyz squads. A powerfist means he can take out any enemy nobz, no matter what their kit, who happen to get through your massed firepower and an AP 4 gattling gun means hes effective in an fire support role as well. Stubborn also changes the face of this army, allowing you to stay in combat long-term and deploy close to your own table edge without fear of running off it.


Thats my reccommendation.

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I'd add in some assault termi's with lightning claws to deal with the hordes and elites

they should go first and with the amount of possible punishment you can dish out your termi's will be able to wipe out any unit of less then 20 wounds in it regardless of their armour

I've got one numbered 9 (8 w lightning claws 1 w thunder hammer just for fluff reasons)


another thing is I'd swap the pred for a vindicator


but other then those things I agree whole heartedly with G.M

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