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Tactical Squads and their role-specific loadouts


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so, yadda yadda Tactical Squads. I don't like them. I know some of you regard them vital to a Space Marine list, but still, I find them quite superfluous. To be honest, I really prefer shotgun-Scouts in LSS, or troop-Bikes, but then again, that's me, and I prefer mobility and purpose over staying power and flexibility.


However, I don't want to give up on them little buggers. I am trying to adapt them to my way of fighting, of dealing with the enemy. From my point of view, the humble Tactical Squad is able to mediocrely serving two semi-purposes, these being late-game objective capture via Drop Pod, and home objective guarding via Rhino. Everything else is done better and more reliable by other choices.


So, my question to you is, how to equip them best to fit those two roles, I'd like to give them?


Perhaps 10 Tactical Marines, Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta, Sergeant, Drop Pod? They'd drop directly unto an objective as soon as they become available. They'd stay there. They'd build an 48" diametre ring of death to anything. They'd hold the objective. Nothing more. I really have no idea, how to equip the Sergeant, though. Storm Bolter, to enhance the 24" inch killing power? Power Fist because everybody does this? Combi-Weapon? Power Sword? What about a Rhino-mounted squad? How do the other weapons available to them complement each other? Which heavy to which special?


Illuminate me,



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Perhaps 10 Tactical Marines, Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta, Sergeant, Drop Pod? They'd drop directly unto an objective as soon as they become available. They'd stay there. They'd build an 48" diametre ring of death to anything. They'd hold the objective. Nothing more. I really have no idea, how to equip the Sergeant, though. Storm Bolter, to enhance the 24" inch killing power? Power Fist because everybody does this? Combi-Weapon? Power Sword? What about a Rhino-mounted squad? How do the other weapons available to them complement each other? Which heavy to which special?


From a Chaos perspective, I view Tacticals as shooting units first, assault units second. 10 Marines does a fair job of holding an objective, especially if they bring their own cover with Drop Pods or Rhinos. They are a midfield generalist unit that really needs to work alongside a specialist unit to get their full effect. Dreadnoughts, Vindicators and Assault Squads all make good pairings for Tacticals. Always take a free Heavy, its free afterall, but don't let the weapon define your squad. I'd take a Power Fist if I kept my guys as a 10 man squad and nothing if I was combat squadding.


As far as loadouts here is what I'd do if I was a Loyalist


10 Marines, Plasma, Multi-Melta or Plasma Cannon, Power Fist Sarge Drop Pod or Rhino = just like you said, take an objective and hold it. All your weapons can reach out to 24" if you're static, but you can always move/rapid fire if need be.


10 Marines, Plasma, Missile Launcher, TL Heavy Bolter Razorback = camps one of my objectives. I'd probably Combat Squad these guys, leave the Missile Launcher in cover and snipe things while I moved up with the Plasma gun squad in the Razorback. Once I got close, I'd disembark and plasma something to death backed up by the TL Heavy Bolter. I wouldn't splurge on a weapon for the Sarge as 4 other guys isn't enough to protect it in my opinion.


10 Marines, Meltagun, whatever Heavy you want, Power Fist Sarge, Rhino = an aggressive squad, lots of moving, rapid firing or assaulting. The Heavy doesn't matter since this squad will rarely be static, but I'd probably take a Heavy Bolter just in case you run up against horde. Take out walkers, MCs and vehicles with these guys.

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From my point of view, the humble Tactical Squad is able to mediocrely serving two semi-purposes, these being late-game objective capture via Drop Pod, and home objective guarding via Rhino. Everything else is done better and more reliable by other choices.

Perhaps this is where you are are struggling.


For me, the Tactical Squad doesn't fill a niche - it is the jack-of-all-trades. Yes, there are other specialized units that can do any specific task better than the Tactical Squad - but the Tactical Squad is "the Best Supporting Actor" of the Space Marine drama.


If you need to sit back and shoot - let 'em have it with your Devastators and Tactical Squads. If you need to charge, charge in with your Assault Marines and Tactical Squads. That is their strength - they may not be the best at any one task, but they can assist the specialists in their duties.

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From my point of view, the humble Tactical Squad is able to mediocrely serving two semi-purposes, these being late-game objective capture via Drop Pod, and home objective guarding via Rhino. Everything else is done better and more reliable by other choices.

Perhaps this is where you are are struggling.


For me, the Tactical Squad doesn't fill a niche - it is the jack-of-all-trades. Yes, there are other specialized units that can do any specific task better than the Tactical Squad - but the Tactical Squad is "the Best Supporting Actor" of the Space Marine drama.


If you need to sit back and shoot - let 'em have it with your Devastators and Tactical Squads. If you need to charge, charge in with your Assault Marines and Tactical Squads. That is their strength - they may not be the best at any one task, but they can assist the specialists in their duties.


I agree with Bannus and Jack of All trades (I'm not saying the following is the best load out or that I even use it). Powerfist you can now smack anything in combat (even a Wraithlord or a tank), Lascannon you even have a chance of taking down a monolith and a flamer to thin that unit of 30 gaunts/orks before they hit you (or you hit them) and with luck your bolters will kill some as well. Rhinos and drop-pods just give you a bit more mobillity for suprise attacks and getting closer to objectives.

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If you really want a Tac Squad to be an objective grabber than I reccommend putting a ten man squad in a rhino, with a flamer and a ML, with extra armor- and just roll right up and take it.


It gives you seem cheap dakka support for your bikes, takes hits decently well, and provides cover. Just pop out your marines when your close and rapid fire. its not a suprising unit... but it does its job well for 220pts.

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Bike Squads are more expensive for the bdies, Scout Squads nowhere near as Durable.


What the Rhino-mounted Tactical Squad brings to the table is sheer annoyance factor. Your opponent knows he has to deal with the squad, but he has to tin can them out of the Rhino before he gets a chance.

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To the extent practical, las-plas, power fist, rhino. I keep them in the can until they need to come out or the can is destroyed. Their job is to shoot things turns 1-2 and grab objectives 3-4, hold objectives till game over.
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