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templar crusade | updated aug 8th 2009


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my post where I will add what I do with my poor marines.


will try to keep it updated as well as I can and as often as possible. but with university starting soon it might get hard.

but we will try anyway.


I been assembling some units now for a while. almost all marines are together and kitted out.

last night I put together my two dreads, attack bikes and regular bikes as seen on the pictures here.


also I did some decorating on the jump packs for the assault marines.


-- update 2009 July 31 --




done some gluing ... and this is the result so far ...

alot of marines got their weapons, heads and shoulderpads.


-- update 2009 August 08 --















tips and ideas, comments and all that. always welcome =)

not much so far but I hope I will get more done soon.

primed all the things on the pics now plus 15 terminators.


/ paintner

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Cool stuff! I think the Dreadnoughts are a bit too static for my taste, with seeing your conversion work, I'm pretty sure you're capable of cooler stuff =-D Those leg conversions are very sweet. All the little iconographies and bits and bob of extra detail really add to the Templar feel. Thats awesome.

And I've never thought about it, but great idea with the Termi-groin plates on the Jetpacks!

Get that macrolense out of that packing! ...and find some paints!

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and thanks =)


well. the static pose just happened. now when you say it I do agree, but it's a bit to late now to re-arange the legs I am afraid.

I will get a 3rd dread from a friend (black reach one) that I will try to do a better job on :P


about the jump packs. well, as I added the shields to the bikes I saw those seemed to have teh same curving as the packs.

and the fit like a glove once you file away the 'stud' on the backside. and I think it came out rather nice.


might even be used as 'flaps' =p


trying to scratchbuild a plasmacannon for my dread atm, will get some pics up when I am done with it as well as take new primed pictures of these.


thanks for the kind words and the slap about the dreads, I will do try better in the future =)

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kool, thats the most wip marines ive seen on one table.


sorry to have to add: you missed one barrel on the assault cannon.


i really like the banner and erhm... are those bionic leg implants? maybe from the iron warriors squad thing?

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sorry to have to add: you missed one barrel on the assault cannon.


I might, but as the model looks it look more like a suportmetal line there ...

it's the part that goes under the cannon and the mussel is attatched to when not cut.


but I might drill that one as well just to make it look better ... =)


thanks for the point.


well ... all in all I got around 80 marines I think ... and 15 termies ... 5 more and 1 dread on it's way ...


also beside the table are 2 LR/LRC and 6 or 9 unassambled rhinos (2 optional for predators and one as a razor) ...

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