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Whirlwinds & The Enemy

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As I mentioned in the Official Rules forum, I have recently purchased a Whirlwind. With it comes the whole nine yards of using it well. Because of this, I come here to ask for all advice I can get on the use of the Whirlwind, and any insight that may be offered into likely enemy ploys to counter the Whirlwind and way to counter said ploys.


I assume my opposition weighs heavily on the answer to the latter, so I have included a short list of what I can be more or less guaranteed to face.


Eldar(Ulthwé, Iyanded, Biel-Tan)

Orks(both horde and speed)

Tyranids(both swarm and genestealer heavy)

Imperial Guard

Chaos Daemons(All four powers led by the Masque and the Nurgle herald)

Chaos Space Marines(Black Legion, Iron Warriors and Death Guard)

Space Marines(Iron Hands, Space Wolves and Salamanders)

Necrons(Destroyer spam with the Deciever)


I was considering the age-old of merely putting the Whirlwind behind some suitable cover and simply popping away, but with the current TLoS rules, that might not be as effective as it once was. Also, I must contend with armies that can both fire back with indirect fire and hit it with swift forces that can hunt it down. The only counter to said ploy I can think of is the deployment of some forces near the Whirlwind, though these may prove wasted if the enemy does not come after it, and indeed can do little against such things as Basilisks. Also, merely "avenging" the loss of the Whirlwind is less than satisfactory. However, a Devastator squad with clear LoS can be kept within striking distance, and if nothing else work as a deterrent to all but the most determined of foes(or whatever indirect-fire capabilities the enemy possesses with sufficent strenght to cap the Whirlwind).


So, in short, what do you suggest?

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1) Buy another one! Pairs work well, only just more expensive than a dakkapred.


2) Don't waste money on SB,HK, fluffy dice etc.


3) Don't be too precious with it: hiding under the table might make it last the game, but if it keeps scattering without LOS and all you're hitting is your opponent's shoes you've wasted your points.


4) Go through the BBB and write down EVERY detail of its use: Barrage=pinning, higher of 2D6 for AP (popping skimmer squadrons!)


5) Don't forget your smoke launchers.


6) Don't glue the top turret, a small joint and a big lump of plastic, easily broken in transit!

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Actually its the same cost, exactly, as a dakkapredator.


The best way to keep these things alive are your basic troops units and other armor.


IE- Tactical Squads in support of a whirlwind can put up fire on any fast moving choices like vypers, landspeeders, and raptors that might take it out.

Taking options like Dreadnaughts, rhinos, and perhaps a landraider will cause your opponent to have other armored worries to think about. My whirlwind rarely gets shot at... simply because its usually at extreme range and the enemy has to worry about the pair of dreads that are in their face next to my assault forces.


Note: Never take a whirlwind in a DP list.


It can be worth it, if you face alot of things like vypers and attack bikes, to put an HK missile on it- after they get in you unload with that shot on them and hope for the best. Its far from foolproof, but if you have 10pts left it can be worth a shot.


Also, remember you can move 6" and still fire... so if you need to you can keep shuffling away from the enemy.

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Actually its the same cost, exactly, as a dakkapredator.

...Also, remember you can move 6" and still fire... so if you need to you can keep shuffling away from the enemy.

Dakkapred 165, 2x85=170


You can move 6" and fire a direct, LOS shot subtracting BS, but if you move you can't do the indirect barrage shot (BBB p58)


(I had to look this up, and am pleased with the answer, as until now I had thought it necessary to remain static all battle; thanks Grey Mage!)

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i think you both have interpretations of the loadout of a dakkapred.


i have always understood a dakkapred to be eaquipped with HB sponsons and AC turret (same as you Grey Mage, i think) and this is 85pts, exactly the same as a whirlwind.

it would appear that Commander Sasha calls a pred with an all LC loadout to be a dakkapred (and in that interpretation is correct, 165pts indeed). however, i think mot people would be confused, as the description 'dakkapred' is usually used to describe the aforementioned HB sponson, AC turret predator :P


now, back on topic, as with regards to making your whirlie survive, i would get 2 and use other armoured units to provide as a distraction, echoing the suggestions of both Grey Mage and Commander Sasha



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It depends on what FOC slots you have available.

I think it was Rage that was advocating a bike squad to shepherd his LR a while back. A 3-5 man bike squad on sentry duty should dent/tarpit any would-be assaulters (including ABs). They hide behind the vehicle for LOS denial and use their 12" move, shoot and possibly 6" charge to engage any melta bringers. Of course, if the opponent leaves them alone they can always ride off in pursuit of glory elsewhere.


I saw a tactic recently, where a biker general spent the last three turns of a game rotating 3 biker squads around 3 objectives, turbo-boosting each time for the 3+ cover. I'm thinking of rolling two tanks up the board, with two alternating bike squads providing turbo-assisted cover. Of course, if need be, I could always turtle the bikes behind the vehicle instead.


Cheers, Paul.

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Protect the Whirlwind by camping it in the same area as an Objective with a nearby (10 man) Tactical Squad and their Dedicated Transport. Done correctly, you can claim a cover save from shooting and prevent anyone from assaulting the vehicle. Meanwhile you have an indirect fire weapon which can easily become a point-defence gun for defending the objective.


Might be worth investing in a 'dozer blade when doing this, oddly enough.

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Also, dont forget if you have happen to have two of them, and a landspeeder, you can use the "Suppression Force" for Apocalypse.


Nothing better than throwing down some pie plates on another table.

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