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Heavy Duty Drop

turelhim vampire

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In the planetstrike book one of the attackers stratagems is the Heavy Duty Drop, which allows you to deep strike a unit that would not normally be allowed to deep strike, such as a tank or a unit of bikes.


I was curious as to whether you can deep strike a land raider with a unit inside it?


If so I was thinking of an evil unit - Chapter Master, 7 Honour Guard with Chapter Banner, in a deep striking Land Raider Crusader.


Although it might not survive long, the shock value of this unit would be immense.


Does anyone know if it is legal?

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Well I am hoping that by making the majority of my army able to deep strike my opponent will be so saturated with targets he'll have too much to worry about.


If the land raider survives the drop (which considering its vast firepower and high armour it should - fingers crossed) then the Honour Guard will pile out soon after and maul whatever unit they can see - preferably something like Flash Gits or another expensive but small shooty unit.

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Um, if you check the Shock Tactics rule, I believe that you get to Deep Strike all Infantry, Jump Infantry, Jetbikes, MCs, and VEHICLES without the Heavy Duty Drop. Save the Stratagem Points or drop something nastier, brother. You can Deep Strike the LRs regardless.
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If I'm not mistaken though the stratagem renders the vehicle as stunned? This means that the firepower can;t be used in the first turn and I believe you can't assault out of it. In my opinion it's a big target for melta weapons.
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If I'm not mistaken though the stratagem renders the vehicle as stunned? This means that the firepower can;t be used in the first turn and I believe you can't assault out of it. In my opinion it's a big target for melta weapons.



Only on a 1 or a 2. Its a risk, but a small one, and well worth it, imo.


And Shock Tactics allows you to deep strike Vehicles with the deep strike rule only. Hense Heavy Duty Drop.


Personally i think a baneblade would be a great thing to drop. :)

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Interesting stuff, but to play a certain advocate, is it really worth it though?


You can buy a drop pod for a meagre 35 points, it won't get stunned and won't use those lovely strategem points. I know the land raider has some advantages (massive weapons, assault, AV14 etc.) but other than the comedy value, isn't this just a waste of points and the planetstrike benefits you get for free (e.g. deep strikers assaulting and infantry can deep stike).


I love raiders, and I imagine they were one of the main things GW had in mind when they made this strategem, but supply drop/teleport attack/name your favourite are all more effective surely...


I do accept, however, that for pure entertainment it MIGHT be worth it :D

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I'd argue that it's not so much about the entertainment value, as the psychological value. A lot of PS Defense players castle up in the center of the table in order to force things like LRs to be exposed to fire for a period of time. This completely bypasses that. Oh, and the stunned/shaken has no impact on the passenger's ability to disembark & assault.


And with a LR, it's even better, as the Power of the Machine Spirit means that you're firing an extra weapon system regardless of the risk of stunned/shaken. This lets you fire with a Redeemer or Crusader's main weapons at point blank, overcoming their biggest limitation of limited range.


You could add extra armor and mitigate the negative impact to Shaken. But I think Deep Striking counts as having moved at Cruising Speed, so you won't be able to further move the vehicle after DSing, regardless.

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Deep Striking counts as having moved at Cruising Speed


That is correct.


This lets you fire with a Redeemer or Crusader's main weapons at point blank, overcoming their biggest limitation of limited range.


I'd argue you're better off dropping close enough to shoot melta at a bastion on turn 1, but that's basically the same idea.


Ultimately though I agree with an earlier poster that you're better off taking other things besides LR as an attacker, dropping those and taking different stratagems (like ground observer).

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Can you disembark at Cruising Speed?


In a Land Raider, yes. So you can move 12 inches and then assault 6 inches, even better if you've got fleet.


However it says that units disembarking from deep-striking vehicles may not assault on the turn they arrive, which is a bit nasty for Space Wolves because the only deep-strike assault unit is Blood Claw Jump Pack troops which are 30 points a pop.

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Can you disembark at Cruising Speed?


In a Land Raider, yes. So you can move 12 inches and then assault 6 inches, even better if you've got fleet.


However it says that units disembarking from deep-striking vehicles may not assault on the turn they arrive, which is a bit nasty for Space Wolves because the only deep-strike assault unit is Blood Claw Jump Pack troops which are 30 points a pop.

Too true...this is my understanding and the reason for my light hearted dig above. Bring on the new SW codex to right this wrong :tu:

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Can you disembark at Cruising Speed?


In a Land Raider, yes. So you can move 12 inches and then assault 6 inches, even better if you've got fleet.


However it says that units disembarking from deep-striking vehicles may not assault on the turn they arrive, which is a bit nasty for Space Wolves because the only deep-strike assault unit is Blood Claw Jump Pack troops which are 30 points a pop.

Too true...this is my understanding and the reason for my light hearted dig above. Bring on the new SW codex to right this wrong ;)

Yes give us teleporting terminators once again.

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