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Allied Sisters in a Marine list


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I was pondering some "fun" ideas over the weekend, and was flipping through the Witch Hunters codex. I discovered that a unit of 20 Sisters of Battle is of comparable cost to ten Marines in a Rhino with a powerweapon sergeant and free special/heavy weapons.

One of the things I feel my tacticals don't do so well is provide a heavy firebase from which to defend an objective. But this unit of 20 Sisters puts out up to 40 shots in Rapid Fire range, and 20 at 24". Quite impressive!


I know a lot of folks like to use allied Inquisitors and all that fancy jazz, but does anyone use Allied Sisters of this generic sort? They'd lack heavy weapons, but have the same BS and armor save as Marines, for far fewer points. In an objective-based game, they feel like wonderful home base defenders. Resilient with their power armour save, and able to put the hurt on most Troops units through sheer volume of bolter fire.


Originally I'd thought about using them as part of a fluffy, Templar-SoB-Grey Knights crusade army, but in looking at this squad, they feel like they'd be useful for my Ultras, too.


Opinions, ideas?

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i have consiered this myself after reading through my brothers witchhunter codex..

PA bolter weilding BS4 models that are half the cost of tac marines... sure they have T3 and are next to useless in CC, but as a solid troops choice you cant beat them...


I guess what im saying is the best list would use the good points of each army, so massed SOB's with plenty of SM assault troops to do the choppy chop chop!



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i have consiered this myself after reading through my brothers witchhunter codex..

PA bolter weilding BS4 models that are half the cost of tac marines... sure they have T3 and are next to useless in CC, but as a solid troops choice you cant beat them...


I guess what im saying is the best list would use the good points of each army, so massed SOB's with plenty of SM assault troops to do the choppy chop chop!




Exactly my thinking, though with the Allies rule you still need at least two Marine troops choices.

This seems like it would work really well with Black Templars armies. Crusader squads move forward, while the Sisters hang back and defend.

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  • 1 month later...
Except that allied space marines cannot be included if any Adeptus Sororitas units are present in the force. I presume this goes the other way too.


Fortunately, your presumption is incorrect (but a very common one). :) You can include Sisters in a Marine parent list, but you can't include Marines in a WH list that includes Sisters. The fluff rational is that the Sisters would never call on the Marines, but sometimes the Marines call on Sisters. (Dunno... sounds silly to me.)

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They get a faith point too, if I'm not mistaken. =)


I've never run them, but I faced them in the World Wide War tournie.


...popped their transport then messed them up all with my MM Dread.


...Perhaps that's not so encouraging for you...but something to think about as they didn't seem to have krak grenades or any anti-vehicle. :) So it was a three turn tarpit til my Dread killed them all. Anyway, you should totally do it!

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Yeah, the crux is in the wording. Allied Space Marines are a "unit" in the WH codex, who can be taken if you don't use and Adeptas Sororitas units. Anything from the WH Codex except Indoctrinated IG and Allied Space Marines can be used as allies for an Imperial force (IG, BT, DA, SW, BA, SM). Keeps you from taking a parent IG list, thenusing the Witch Hunters codex to take Allied Space Marines.


The Black Templars short story in Heroes of the Space Marines jest cemented my absolute NEED to build a Templars/Sisters force someday. Maybe bythe time I'm done my Ultras, they'll have plastic Sisters! lol

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The fluff rational is that the Sisters would never call on the Marines, but sometimes the Marines call on Sisters. (Dunno... sounds silly to me.)


IMO the reason of this is GW view WH as inquisition, whereas we we it as sororitas : if a inquisitor ask for sisters, he don't ask for marines, and vice versa.

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From a certain point of view, Sisters and Marines are functionally the same type of unit (MEQ). GW has limited the type of MEQ unit you can field in an Inquisitorial list; you get either Sisters or Marines, not both. And since Marines are technically better than Sisters, Sisters can have Guard units where Marines cannot. Same goes for Grey Knights. Yet, if it’s a Marine list, they can gain assistance from their equivalents (Sisters and Grey Knights) but not their inferiors (Guard). Guard, of course, can gain assistance from Sisters and Grey Knights, but not the elite(ist) Space Marines.



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20 Sisters, with veteran superior, and 2x stormbolter: 244pts, 20 wounds, scoring, 1 KP. The VSS can have a Combi-melta for +15pts too, wich can be handy but may not be worth it.


Tell me that isnt effective! Another interesting thing is that you can give the WSS a Book of St Lucious for 5pts, giving a 6" bubble of STUBBORN leadership 9. Very worth it for a SW player right there.

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