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Brother Joshua


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hey B&C...


i took some new pics of some old minis for ebay...

this guy is one of my favorites from back in the day...


converted and painted back in the day when Brother Artemis, and Inquisitor, were new releases...

what was that, 2001???


as soon as i saw Artemis. i knew he needed to be converted into a Sallie with dreadlocks...

then i figured something had to be done about the roman nose, if he was gonna be a brother...

since i was living in Amsterdam at the time, the GW manager was laid back enough to give him pride of place in the window display...


the paintjob is showin' it's age a little...

i will definitely have to have another go at the larger marine again...

maybe as a proper Deathwatch marine next time...


on to the pics:







thanks for lookin'...




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The painting is gorgeous, your highlighting is top-class, the green is gorgeous, and the freehanded flames are awesome. However, I have to admit, the dreadlocks are ruining the mini for me. I don't know whether it's the concept or the execution, but they don't seem right to me. Everything but the dreads are awesome.
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The painting is gorgeous, your highlighting is top-class, the green is gorgeous, and the freehanded flames are awesome. However, I have to admit, the dreadlocks are ruining the mini for me. I don't know whether it's the concept or the execution, but they don't seem right to me. Everything but the dreads are awesome.

Essentially I agree. I find something a bit off about the posing- of the sword arm in particular; but otherwise I echo Darth Bob's sentiments. The hair just doesn't work. :P

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I know that mini from a couple of visits to GW Amsterdam. It always captured me as a striking Space Marine. I even have an Artemis myself who, after being stripped a couple of years ago, still lacks a proper paintjob. I just wonder how you did those dreadlocks, any pointers?
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thanks for all the replies...


@c-wrex: rastamanders, i love it!!!


i have to agree, the dreads didn't work out as well as i invisioned...

i just drilled some random holes in the head, glued some wires in, and pushed greenstuff around 'em...

i did learn what not to do, which is good...

i should have greenstuffed the wires before i glued 'em in, so i could roll the greenstuff around the wire...


over the last 8 years since i did this guy, i have been lucky enough to spend time with some of the top sculptors in the industry, and watched 'em work...

i learned alot, but i'm always so busy painting other people's minis, i never get to practice with the green stuff...

if i did this again, i would definitely take more time to do each dread better...

i did capture the sense of flyin' locks as the marine charges, but they are messy...


by the way, what do you think the little pouch on his belt is for???

it ain't holdin' a bolter clip, i'll tell ya that much...




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i moved away in '03...

this is 1 of the minis i took with me...

i left about 40 minis that were on display in A'dam, Haarlem, and Rotterdam behind...

i believe they are all packed away in a box in the backroom waitin' for me to come get 'em...


i hope to pass through A'dam next year to visit friends and claim my minis...


de mazzel


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I kinda want to start a small 500 pt Rastamanders renegade army. I can see it now a company that refused to anwser the imperial defense calls and instead sat in there shag interiored battlebarge listening to reggae. A converted predator has a lascannon sponson that is now a giant bong. :drool: :drool:
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