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The right marine mindset.


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As said previously, you really need to consider the army as a whole rather than as individual units.


Killhammer advocates looking at army needs first (which sort of implies considering the army as a whole), evaluating your playstyle, environment, and opponents, and picking what fits best.


To the original poster - don't copy anyone's army just because it looks good when you're a new or inexperienced player, or you're doing it as an intellectual exercise. You're going to miss out on the learning process and discovering your own playstyle -its strengths and weaknesses - and you're not evaluating your play environment as well as you could, since the army you're copying is made for different environments against different opponents.

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One question i do pose, are drop pods too valuable/useful/unique of an asset to not include in some form of an army? Or do they act mearly as a gimic.


Most notable strategies read so far:


Single Iron Pod

(+) late turn Tac drop


Double 1st turn dread drop+ later Tac drop


Tac(s) 1st turn droping on obj + Late turn Tac droping to contest/take objectives


Gimiks or major SM exclusive tactical advantages?

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It's hardly an exclusive advantage, given that Demon armies must deploy in the same manner.


Frankly, Drop Pods are a gimmick that can be fairly easily positionally counteracted by a full army reserve strategy.


I honestly believe that Drop Pods were included in the SM Codex in order to be available for Planetstrike.

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