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The Ashen Hands:: Pic Heavy

Vlad III

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Greetings Battle Brothers and Sisters,

It's been a very long time since I painted and took photographs of any models (I kept forgetting to take pictures of my GKs, I might throw them in here as they'll likely be an allied force in larger battles). But today this has changed!!

I recently procured (borrowed/stole) some models from my long time Warhammer buddy, we'll call him C, and I figured in order to not bore myself to tears for the next upcoming weeks until college, I decided to do a test squad. I have the in serious revision IA over in the Liber, so go check that out if you're interested.

Now I of course had to strip aaaall of the models I was going to use, because C hasn't painted any space marines since he first started and needless to say....they were bad. So here's some shots of what is on the chopping block.

The Sarg






Special Weapons




Here's a teaser for the scheme...





And they're going to have silver marking on them. Kinda like a personal heraldry type dealie.

Now only a few of these do I plan on hoping to actually steal from him....and those are the ones that lack the majority of their mold lines. The others are going into the Proxy box for our cheap friend who likes Warhammer but is too stingy to buy his own models. XD So I probably won't do many of their mold lines.

I should have almost everything undercoated and a couple of guys base coated by tonight, might even throw the silver on them if I feel creative.

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My main concern is the eye color. Blue and green are not really contrasting colors, I'd go for a more vibrant contrast. Red, orange, yellow perhaps?

The same thing applies for the sarge helmet. Althought I'd love the black helmet, I think a sarge deserves a visual highlight to be easier recognised by his squad. While black would work as highlight against light armors like white for example, this black helmet seems to fade away in front of the black backpack. A green or silver stripe, different color or different color for the backpack would help here.


Otherwise the colorscheme is very nice and I like it a lot. Especially for a Salamanders successor Chapter.

i agree with the eye color, Red would really look a lot better, also as far as helmet color goes i think Black would be fine but another color (like a stripe as earlier suggested) mixed in may make it stand out that little bit more to make it more impressive.

Well that was surprising, I wasn't expecting that much of a turn out on suggestions XD



I'll probably change the eyes to orange, maybe mix in a tiny bit of red for a fiery effect. But I'm probably going to keep the helmet black as there are going to silver marking decorating the marines and the higher the rank, the more detailed the helmet gets and I think that leaving the helmet black will make the markings pop a good bit more.




Everything's undercoated and while at my girlfriend's I painted a rather rough armor job on the Beaky Flamer. Nothing on his flamer yet but black. I'll try and do a little bit more painting tonight and get pics up online.



I also dropped the kneeling meltagunner.....even soaking for 20 hours in Simple green I couldn't get all of the god-awful paint off of him so I'm not even going to bother with him.....sides, now I'm at a 10 man squad, granted it's also 4 heavy weapons.....but eh, it'll work xD

i agree with the eye color, Red would really look a lot better, also as far as helmet color goes i think Black would be fine but another color (like a stripe as earlier suggested) mixed in may make it stand out that little bit more to make it more impressive.

I have no idea. XD I just kind of winged it.

EDIT: Okay so over in the Liber I'm noticing that my scheme is a bit off for the fluff as they are more of a icy type deal (it's complicated you'd have to go to the Topic ;) ) So I'm trying to incorporate more blues an whites and lessen the black (except the hands.....they are Ash Black after all) but I want to uniqueness of having them still have strong ties with the Sallies. So I have a few Ideas....tell me what you think.


Or this one


Probably scratch the Silver heraldry and go with white veteran helms. And Dark Elf Corsair cloaks are a must for these guys.

Give me some feed back! Throw any ideas you have at me!


well i guess as i was the nuisance who suggested a colour change i suppose i'd better offer a few ideas! :P


what i thought on reading the fluff was something along these lines:




basically the sallies scheme but with ice white/blue replacing green and add in the black fists of course! also thought maybe just a tiny bit of sallie green to show their closeness, chapter badge shoulder rim seemed like a good way?


I figure once you add in maybe some flame patterns painted on and some ice white drake skins (corsair cloaks like you said) would be noticably related to the Salamander scheme but different enough to be unique?


anyway, just a thought that popped into my head, feel free to ignore if it's not the style you're going for!





I really liked the way, that your colorscheme was split in your initial sketch. Personally I don't like blue against green, but it's your army. Nonetheless I come up with another suggestion.

Keep your original scheme but replace the green with either a neutral or cool light grey. As a referrence to their Primarch I'd paint the shouldertrims green. To not mix up too many colors I'd go for bright green lenses and eyes.

Another variant would be to not refer to salamanders with the green trim but with their volcanic heiritage by displaying it in fiery eyes.

The SM painter may better be suited to show my thoughts.

Neutral grey with green trims


cool grey with grey trims

The sarge would of course get a black helmet ;)

I think these guys are becoming more and more space wolves and less and less salamanders. The original divisions and the black pairing was incredibly strong and fit your goals well. I think that you would do well simply modifying the original scheme to include more blues. Also, i think that the second design with the green and blue suffers from a fairly common flaw - the colors are similar hue, similar value, and high saturation, meaning that they compete awkwardly with each other. what I've done in my suggestion is made a clear distinction in value between the green and the blue, and taken the green's saturation down quite a bit so that it's a clear color and the other is an accent. You could use a variant of your second design though for a pretty bomb-ass librarian scheme :D.



Alright, so here's an idea as well as a job for someone good with the army painter.



Go back to the first scheme idea...replace the body, arm and head green with a 1:1 mix of Enchanted Blue and Ice Blue. Leave shoulder rims Green. Then putting some white in places so the Ice White drake cloaks don't stick out like a sore thumb. Any ideas?

I thin most people check this from work and don't routinely have time to do a mockup based on someone else's ideas, feedback would probably be given if you made it yourself (doesn't have to be exact, mine sure wasn't)


you could paint one up dirty in like half an hour if you're not so confident with the painter. nothing tells you better how a model will look than making it! and stripping is not hard.

I preferred the first set of colour schemes you suggested, ice blue would be too much contrast I think.


Emerald green (perhaps DA Green / Scorpion Green mix instead) with black would look much more Salamander-successor to me.


Also, which mini is that sergeant? It's awesome.

Alright so looking through everything I've decided to leave out most ice blue bits, going back to my old scheme of emerald and black, however...I've added some white to make the white scale cloaks that I'm going to by and stick on them less out of the blue.

So here's my ideas...





Disregard the difference in the gold on the chest eagle.

Also the ear bits are not the color they should be, and the pipes are black.

Let me know what you guys think.


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