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Angel Swords


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Hello hello Bolter & chainsword!


Welcome to my “log” of finished space marine units.


I recently renewed my interest in WH 40K, and picked up painting & playing my marines again. (played more fantasy before)


This is my DIY chapter called: Angel Swords. The units in this force will get variations on this name as designation, for example bikes will be angel wings.


I am going to “borrow” some dark angel iconography, I don’t know enough about DA background. So I won’t go as far as saying my chapter might be a successor or anything (don’t know if there even are DA successors….)

Maybe they are dark angle sympathizers (like their painter :D )


Anyway back to the log, I’m not one of the fastest painters out there and it doesn’t help I have a few other painting projects going on also. (like fantasy high elves, chaos and scenery)


Here is my first finished tactical squad, White Swords:




The chapter symbol is a sword with glowing angel feathers around it. In case it wasn’t clear :D


A closer look at some details:




I wanted to weather them a little (not too much), and I painted a little mud on the legs mostly around the bottom, and gave them some battle damage.


The poor guy in the center had a close encounter with some tyranids.


And I went ahead and did the whole scripture thing, as can be seen on the right.


Here’s a shot before they got their squad & chapter markings, but it shows the shading of the white armor better than the 1st pics:




I also recently bought this hobby case and I intended to use it for sorting my bitz, but when I got home and looked at it, it also serves as a nice case for smaller models.




I already magnetized the bases of all marines because I wanted to make transport/display/deployment trays. But if I add a little magnet tape on the inside of the case they will stay in place even when shaking. Plus I can still see them through the transparent cover without them collecting dust.


So I don’t know if I want to make dust gathering but nicer looking display boards or stick em in a case like this…


So there you go, my first finished squad.

What do you guys think? C&C are always welcome.



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Wow, I just googled for white panther image, and jeeze they do look a lot like them…

Im pretty sure I never seen them before, and I started 40K in the 4th edition so I never had the 3rd codex.


Especially the 2 marines with heavy weapons who I gave black helms to stand out in the unit are almost a dead ringer…


Wow and here I was thinking I was original… But its not going to dampen the fun, I have some other things planned for the vets anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome back,


Earlier today I just finished my first 3 bikers!

They were more work than I thought they would be… but a good model to paint. It was a nice practice for painting vehicles as the bikes made me think about shading and highlighting larger white surfaces.

And I can apply the same techniques on the bikers bigger brothers like a rhino or drop pod.


Here they are for your viewing pleasure:




Go go high elf lance flags. The flags on the bikes are leftover high elf silver helm bits : )


Squad marked side:




Chapter marked side:




So I also discovered that not only is white a “fun” color to paint, it’s also an “easy” color to show correctly on photos…. /end sarcasm


Here are some pics of Mr. biker with a different lighting it shows a bit better that there is hard highlighting around the edges of the larger surfaces… no really they are there ; )




Ohh and mustn’t forget the dashboard detail.


Let me know what yall think.


*turbo boosts away*

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I also recently bought this hobby case and I intended to use it for sorting my bitz, but when I got home and looked at it, it also serves as a nice case for smaller models.


That hobby case looks like a good size. My only concern would be the paint on the miniatures as they are bouncing around. If you could get some thin, foam strips or something similar to line the case, it will protect the paint.


I like your color scheme very much, by the way. Good work. The bikes look great.

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Thanks everyone for the nice responses!


@ Phosis, haha laughed at the tender love and care comment : ) but this is precisely why I like painting 40K models each model can be seen better when playing and I like to give them all attention. And it shows more than detailing spearmen #12 in a 20 men block in fantasy.


@nemfx, next time ill take pics ill make a close up of the banner!


Im currently working on finishing off 2 land speeders, so it might be a while though ;)


As for how I paint my white:


White undercoat


Little watered down g. sephia wash. Shows where the shading will be on the model and “breaks” the white surfaces


Thicker wash of devlan mud painted only in the crevices and where heavy shading will be.


Next I “hardline” the highlights with skull white, making them a bit thicker & wider than a regular highlight


Then I sorta drybrush the entire model with a slightly watered down skull white. I know this is weird drybrusing with watered down, but it seems to work and it will make the Hardline white still show through and at the same time smooth out the ugly thick mess the brown wash made. Ending up with a white that has both shading and highlights.


After this I take my smallest brush and carefully paint badab black into the crevices to enhance the deepest shading


So yeh this is not a fast process and some steps can defiantly be skipped on smaller models, but on the bikes this is what I did.


And then I paint the parts black that will end up black or silver and work up the details ect.


I was really tempted to make step by step pics of the landspeeders maybe I will when I paint a rhino next.



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  • 2 years later...

Hello everyone welcome back, it has been slightly under forever ago since I last painted. But after a 2 year break I decided to pick up WH again.


My gaming group started one of those tale of X gamer things, and that was just what I needed to finish painting my marines!


1st up are 2 land speeders I actually painted 2 years ago and only needed a little finishing:






Bring your own ornaments, the missile launchers are magnetized and can be removed.

The speeders have the same level of weathering as the rest of the models. They sure speed through some mud I guess….


As part of the tale we all needed to make 3 objectives:




Press the game show big red panic button (better known as the: GSBRPB) that came with the terminator set always looked like a fun objective to me. And some oli, who doesn’t want to fight over oli…


Next time aye aye captain time.

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As promised captain time:


My 1st complete model painted after a 2+ year break, I sure did feel rusty, but all in all, he matches the rest nicely.


Because he has such a big red robe, I made the shoulder pads white. So he doesn’t have to much red and it sets him apart even more from his fellow brothers.






and a better look at the cloak:




lemme know what you think.

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