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noob question...

Brother Anvilus

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Hey all,


I'm new to the game and I was wondering,


a dread with assault cannon and heavy flamer drop pods in, what can he do?


shoot both and assault, just pop his smokes, just shoot and no assault, etc etc...



I ask this because I just can't seem to find the right answer in the rulebook and codex.When I asked this when playing my 4th(!!) game, my opponent (who said he was going to explain everything) said my dread was best of popping his smokes ( Dread landed behind his havoc team of lascannons, in range of assault cannon and heavy flamer).


Any help?:)



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Can fire all weapons and assault... unless it Deep Struck in a Pod this turn, in which case it can't assault.


And I would have gunned the Havocs down, and/or deployed my Dread into cover a bit better, making Smoke unnecessary as the Havocs can't manoever and fire in the same turn. Unless they were really tightly packed you wouldn't have killed the lot, but you might have got lucky and taken out some Lascannon or gotten a lucky break.

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Your options when it drops in are thus: You can pop smoke *in leiu of shooting*, you can run *in leiu of shooting* or you can shoot at him.


Moving- you disembarked already, that was your movement.


Assault- You cant assault out of a drop pod- even mentions it specificly in the DPs rules in C:SM.


Personally? Id have shot the heck out of them.

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Personally I disapprove of the "suicide" dread tactic entirely. It's no way to treat an honoured hero of the Chapter.


It's the kind of thing a traitor or a heretic would do.

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Grey Mage has the correct options listed.


In that particular case, I think I also would have opened up, depending on how many targets I think I could have reached with the flame template.

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