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White Scars


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Hey guys,

I run DA, always have, probally always will. I have recently recruited a new player to the world of 40k. We were looking over armies for him to start out on and the White Scars was what he has decided on. So i started doing a little bit of research on them to see what i was facing, and thought id come on here for advice on how to deal with their hit-and-run tactics, Ive always been a "gun-line" kinda guy, gotta luv the lascannons lol, so my immediate reaction is to set up fire lanes and wait for him to come to me but i wonder if they will be moving to fast, so maybe ravenwing? what do you guys think? and if there are any scars players out there id like to know if there are any "fluff" sites for them so i can direct my buddy there

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the best tactic that I've used against hit and run armies (usually dark eldar, eldar and Chas Marines) is to have your army half and half with shooters and cc. specialists

you use your ranged units as bait but have a cc specialist (i.e.assault termi's, vanguard vets, cc scouts, etc) per eranged unit to counter charge when they reach your lines

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