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The "We dont have a name yet" chapter is born


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I'm not normally a fan of non-axial colour schemes but the black on one shoulder and red on the other works very well especially with the black and red helms. Nice work.


About the name... what makes you set on The Last Apostles? A bit of a background, especially for a name like that would really flesh things out. I mean, who would they be apostles of, and what makes them "The Last"? A name like that asks for a little bit of an explanation, while the more generic names like Iron Gryphons don't.


Great stuff. Keep it coming. Any vehicles or dreads in the pipeline?

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Shadow Centurion: Thanks for the compliments. I posted some fluff for em at the start of the thread and to what are they apostles of? Well I spose all marines are apostles in some way especially chaplains... Hopefully when i get some transfer sheets they won't be non-axial anymore as i will be putting a black squad marking on the red shoulder pad and a red chapter symbol on the black. Hmm well i want it to be an all mounted force in the end so these bad boys will get rhinos and ive all ways reeeeeaaaaally wanted to do some dread conversions but at the moment my next project will either be a scout sniper squad or a sterngaurd squad or a command squad.


Naysmith: Thanks dude, yea i think that too looking back on the pics but withought the big help from MalevolentMc & Iron Pheonix i would not be here

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