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Conversion beamer


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Here are some photos of my master of the forge with conversion beamer that I just completed scratchbuilding.


The figure itself is just a plastic space marine built from various parts I had around. The beamer is entirely scratchbuilt from plastic tube, card and rod as well as copper wire and some GW bits. The following photos show it in more of a close-up, together with an original conversion beamer from the old Star Quest game by MB & GW. I basically more or less copied that, as you can see:



The beamer is basically built around a length of plastic tube, with plastic card to build up the rear body around the tube as well as the bits on the sides, top and bottom; the front end is an old ork wheel hub, while the ribbed bit and the hose underneath are copper wire wound around a core (plastic rod for the top ribbed bit, more copper wire for the hose). The skull came from a space marine backpack — I simply sliced it off and glued it to the beamer.

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Now that is a conversion beamer... Excellent work! :)


Perfect scratchbuild, even though you have an original lying around. When I get to do mine, I'll probably covert a Space Crusade one but your method offers so much more possibilities...


Keep it up and get that little gem painted! B)

for more even wires, use a power drill with the bit replaced either with multiple wires (for twisting dna-like strands, great for power cables) or with the core, with the additional wire passing through a vice or gauntlet (for bailing, like you've used here). it will be perfect every time and you can do several-foot lengths in a matter of moments, enough for an army's worth of power cables. ;)

I can sort of see his point there. He needs some cog edges on his greaves and shoulderpads or something like the overlapping square plates most Techmarines seem to have nowadays. Maybe some extra wires hanging from various points on his body, and/or some bionics and other techy stuffs.


Just some ideas...

I think the main thing is that the adeptus mechanicus don't generally wear astartes helmets and usually have improved armor. They also tend to prefer modernized variants on the mkIV pattern armor, which many still consider to be their greatest achievement (though the astartes generally field 6-8). squaring off some forms would help a lot o think, and maybe some power cables somewhere...


i also (personally) would let the master of the forge show his face, or at least give him a cooler helmet (like a DA hooded one to fit the techpriest theme).

maybe some power cables somewhere...

Taking some of the above advice to heart, I've gone for the quick solution and added some power cables and some extra details on the model. Thing is that I can't spend all that much time on him, as I want to use the model in a club tournament this Sunday …


i also (personally) would let the master of the forge show his face, or at least give him a cooler helmet (like a DA hooded one to fit the techpriest theme).

I don't particularly like bare heads on combat troops, which is why I decided to use a helmeted head with improved optics instead. Since I don't have any Dark Angels stuff, using that would be a bit hard … :(


Dont wanna sound toooo stoopid,but.....conversion beamer??

Basically a weapon that converts matter along its line of fire into energy, and so becomes more powerful with range. It's from (I think) first and/or second editions and got removed later, but in the fifth-edition codex the Master of the Forge can be equipped with one; it was also in the ancient game Space Crusade (which I accidentally called by its Dutch title above), which is where I got the original beamer that I copied for this model.

I feel you haven’t paid enough attention to the master of the forge himself.

I take it you mean he looks too much like a normal space marine? The thing is, since he doesn't have a servo-arm, power weapon or bolter, how else would he look, really?

First of all I would like to say that I’m sorry if you felt annoyed with my post. Your beamer conversion showed that you have great skills ,but compared to his weapon the master feels neglected and it brings the whole model down a little. Both Daeothar and Iron Phoenix gave great examples how you could improve the model – Master of the Forge is one of the most important marines in the chapter, he deserves attention.


Edit: spelling

I feel you haven’t paid enough attention to the master of the forge himself.

I take it you mean he looks too much like a normal space marine? The thing is, since he doesn't have a servo-arm, power weapon or bolter, how else would he look, really?

First of all I would like to say that I’m sorry if you felt annoyed with my post. Your beamer conversion showed that you have great skills ,but comprised to his weapon the master feels neglected and it brings the whole model down a little. Both Daeothar and Iron Phoenix gave great examples how you could improve the model – Master of the Forge is one of the most important marines in the chapter, he deserves attention.


I would have to agree. Its your model so do what you want but but the guy looks (currently) like a devestator seargent that was lucky enough to pick up a conversion beamer from a dead master and is getting some revenge quotas taken care of. This is a forum for people to post/share/critique/improve. No reason to take things the wrong way. Try going to architecture or art school, we had our stuff brutalized in ways that were far more "harsh" then the above post. Just trying to help.


I would consider using a plasma cannon power pack and then cutting off the devestator seargents pack bitz and adding it to him. That would give you the bases for a uber powerful weapon. You could add maybe a few coils to the weapon from the pack. Maybe cut off one of the rebreather vents and add a custom built servo arm since you're very talented at custom built stuff. It would make your abilities shine more as well. :)


**Edit: What would be cool also is if you added stabilizer tech to the greaves much like the 2nd edition pewter devestators as a way to show just how powerful the weapon is.


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