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Chapter Master Adamair Fitzgerald

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Finally got this guy done. I made rules for him in the homegrown rules section here. So without further ado, the big man himself!






Blurry detail of the back banner:






Detail of the storm shield:






The scabbard and Rainsplitter:






And of course, no Chapter Master is complete without his cape!







C&C appreciated ^_^

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Good job on the freehand.

Dont want to appear rude mate..but...This is one off if not the worst paint job a have ever seen, why would you post this for all to see it just a blury mess. LoL Sorry mate but come on! Once again dont wana be rude, i am sure your hearts in the right place..

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hmm, well, I have mixed feelings about this:

it's a very striking color-scheme, and things like the power sword and freehands are quite nice.


On the other side there is your general painting technique.

I'm going to point out some things you could improve; but nothing I'm pointing out is intended to be rude!

1) Thinner paints! more thin layers > one thick layer

2) cleaner painting. Get the paint only on the parts you want it to be.

3) Try to apply finer higlights


I hope you can do something with this advice :rolleyes:

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Good job on the freehand.

Dont want to appear rude mate..but...This is one off if not the worst paint job a have ever seen, why would you post this for all to see it just a blury mess. LoL Sorry mate but come on! Once again dont wana be rude, i am sure your hearts in the right place..



@ ShuGunn - There is a reason why it is called constructive criticism. If you don't like something on a model, explain why. Don't go out and trash someones hard work like that. And please don't use text speak. That really annoys me!


Anyway, back on track. It's a nice, simple conversion. It really captures the knightly feel of Marines. The freehands not too shabby - with a bit more work and practice you could be producing some nice examples.

Try several thinner layers of paint instead of one thick layer. That way, you can incorporate highlights into the layers as well.

Also try a wash of Badab black on the metal areas. Then highlight with mithril silver using a detail brush on the very edges of the metal.

Again with highlighting, you seem to have highlights coming from all directions at once. Take the model and postion a light source where you want the light to come from. Then just highlight the edges where they catch the light.


I hope that is a bit more constructive than others. It's a really good start, just take a bit of time and care and it can turn out to be a really nice model.

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Well I think this model is a mixed bag, in some respects it looks rather bad, in others it's not too shabby. The first pic really seems to make the model not look too good whether it's lighting or camera setting I dunno.


However I'd say overall you need to use thinner paint, the paint is rather thick and obscures some fo the detail, though your freehand is nice the shading is overbearing and I can't tell where the purple armor ends and the red tabbard begins. The metal could also use toning down a bit with some washes.


The eyes and the freehand is rather good, it's the rest of the paint job that seems to let the model down some.

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Tell you what shugunn lets see some of your stuff mate?


And with more painting experience this model would be pretty sweet, yes its a bit messy but some painting advice already given to try on your next model should improve this. I actualy like the colour scheme works really well.


My advice would be on this model, as I always say build up a very watered down black wash to bring out more definition and make the eye a little smaller.

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Thanks for the comments. Criticism is what keeps us going along.



Couple of things:


ShuGunn - if it really is the worst, then, well, all I can say is your group must be fairly good at painting, so congrats on that.


hidje - absolutely. It's something I'm working on. Now that I look at the photos, I can see a TON of areas that I totally gypped when I was painting.


Lestat - similarly, thanks for the advice. I've been away from a brush for about a month, so it's been tough getting back into it.


Vash - hmm, I see what you mean about the armor blending into the cape. It's something to add to the list.


Terminatorinhell - I guess it's unrecognisable because it isn't :P It's a Black Templar Sword Brethren + Assault Squad Storm Shield + Ezekiel's back banner.


Eberious - Thanks, I know I'm not a great painter but I try.




I'm seeing common patterns in the comments, and can't help but agree now. This really has been pretty helpful. Thanks!

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i actually really like it as a whole as you've said your not a great painter but i really like the work you've put into it and you should be really proud of the job you've done as i couldnt do half the freehand that you have done yes it could use a touch up but that should take nothing away from what you've achived.
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Your freehand and brush control is pretty good, i think things to work on are mostly getting a feel for the materialities of paint. the coats you have are very thick, try thinning them (a lot) and rely less heavily on flatly placed color but on blending and layered tints. because of the small scale of models, they don't shade themselves the same way larger forms do, nor do our eyes compensate. they require shading, like any drawing, to look their best. check out some tutorials here and around and keep those great steady hands you've shown here :).
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Thanks for the comments. Criticism is what keeps us going along.



Couple of things:


ShuGunn - if it really is the worst, then, well, all I can say is your group must be fairly good at painting, so congrats on that.


hidje - absolutely. It's something I'm working on. Now that I look at the photos, I can see a TON of areas that I totally gypped when I was painting.


Lestat - similarly, thanks for the advice. I've been away from a brush for about a month, so it's been tough getting back into it.


Vash - hmm, I see what you mean about the armor blending into the cape. It's something to add to the list.


Terminatorinhell - I guess it's unrecognisable because it isn't :P It's a Black Templar Sword Brethren + Assault Squad Storm Shield + Ezekiel's back banner.


Eberious - Thanks, I know I'm not a great painter but I try.




I'm seeing common patterns in the comments, and can't help but agree now. This really has been pretty helpful. Thanks!


Thare really is no problem giving the advice. After all, it's free ;) But keep up the good work. I'm not much of a painter either, I tend to spend more time converting than painting. Too many projects on the go at the same time :)

I think the best solution to highlighting is for any person to go out and buy a cheap desk lamp. Set this up on your painting area and you can angle it to where you want the light source (i.e the sun) to be.


Anyway, good luck with it. Nice to see some purple Marines who aren't Slaneeshi!

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This is for I AM AWSOME, Dont Listen to all these nerds mate, giving people hard criticism is the best way to make them determined, so they can reach their best potential, You never hear of Marine commanders saying 'Aww dont worry you can try again' LoL. And at the end of the day if yoou like it mate its all good! And to that other NERD i will type how eva i wana on a none serious silly bit of fun web site, plus i am used to txting girls mate and thats how they txt xx. I will be putting some of my work on here soon so feel free to rip it apart LoL
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This is for I AM AWSOME, Dont Listen to all these nerds mate, giving people hard criticism is the best way to make them determined, so they can reach their best potential, You never hear of Marine commanders saying 'Aww dont worry you can try again' LoL. And at the end of the day if yoou like it mate its all good! And to that other NERD i will type how eva i wana on a none serious silly bit of fun web site, plus i am used to txting girls mate and thats how they txt xx. I will be putting some of my work on here soon so feel free to rip it apart LoL

But you didn't criticize him. You just exaggerated your opinion and insulted the guy. Where I come from, that doesn't count as criticism.


For the model, I'd say that it was a little too ambitious. You used too many colors. The armor itself is okay, but the highlights need to be smoother. Your also have a lot of messes (silver where it shouldn't be). The tabard is also messy. It seems like you tried too much highlighting without getting a good, solid color down.

I think this model would be improved by removing the banner. It is an alright banner, but it's a little busy. I like the conversion itself, but the paint job could be improved.

I'm going to echo the comment about thinning your paints. It's a little harder to work with at first, but the results are worth it.

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a few things i can point out : thinner paints applied in more layers will always be tidier,,

: try and get the base colors as even as possible this will help with later detailing like shading and highlights

: the colors you have used to highlight are quite extreme , start with a color closer to the base and work up from there


also what have you used to basecoat?


otherwise , keep painting there is nothing better than practice to get better

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i can see where the others are coming from, the paint is a bit thick, and you could do with thinner highlight lines, but other that that good job, i mean hell i don't even to highlights! i paint the model, wash it, then call it a day! that's about it! and the freehand! i would KILL to be able to do freehand banners, i make mine with a little photoshoping magic then print them out and stick 'em on. the best freehand i can do it like simple chapter badges, like my DiY chapter's, and my templars


oh and @ ShuGunn: i may not be a mod, but i still don't like flaming on the forum, cut it out before i go get a mod


i hope my comments & criticism helps

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the freehanding is good though, and now that I look at the sword bretheren im like oh, dang... the face is alright but try thinning the paint and adding more highlights to the face. As for the armor its fine but on your next model thin out the paints a wee bit. Keep this one as a reminder of how far you've come, although I really liked it.
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Your freehand work on that banner is quite good, well done for that. I'd agree with the others and say the rest is too thick though. I dont know about other people but I avoid giving guys pupils cos they always end up looking googley eyed to me except from when it's done by pros. Just my opinion.
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ShoGunn, text speak is against the forum rules. So is flaming.


On the paintjob. I like the paintjob overall, but a few things.


Your highlighting seems a little abrupt to me. It's a fine start and probably looks better from afar, but up close it could be more graduated.


Paints seem a little thick, particularly on the face. There are a few good tutorials around on skin, I'm not a big fan myself (I try to use helmets if I can).


That's it. Otherwise you're doing great. Keep it up!

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And to that other NERD i will type how eva i wana on a none serious silly bit of fun web site, plus i am used to txting girls mate and thats how they txt xx. I will be putting some of my work on here soon so feel free to rip it apart LoL

ShuGunn: Being new to the forum it seems like you’ve not taken the time to review the rules of the B&C nor the PC&A forum. So you’re aware there are two points to consider based on your responses in this thread.


You may find leet speak effective for communicating with girls but it’s inappropriate for communicating on an Internationally based 40K fan site. Not everyone who posts here uses English as their primary language. We prohibit chat/leet speak for that reason.


Also, “ripping people’s work up,” yours or anyone’s, is contrary to the purpose of this forum. As pointed out above, there are other ways you can express the same idea in a more constructive fashion.


Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


Carry on, -OMG

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I will say in comparison to some of the freehand stuff you can see on this forum this isn't the best ever, but i think it's pretty good. you can see what the images are and they look like what they're intended to be. i know i can't do freehand at all.
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