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My WIP-Area

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I decided I should give this whole "Photo Log" of building an army thing a try. Problem I have is, I get, say, 50-90% of the way done with a given army, then I get bored and run off to do another, so cheer me on to finishing my half-cooked projects, one at a time.


Naturally, here's a totally new project: ;)


1750 Blood Angels for Tacticon (in Denver! It's coming up pretty soon)

I've wanted to go to Tacticon for... years now, but I've never had a painted army, the time/money, or the ability to stop making excuses long enough to go, and I've decided I really want to do Blood Angels. I've been gabbing about starting a BA army for AGES now, and have played a few test games (Both proxie and Vassal) and dangit, it's time.


So you know what's coming, the list looks like:


1-2 HQ Units. Right now, it's looking like the ol' Dante+Corbulo. Yeah, it's overdone, but it works well game-play wise, both a cool models, and cool characters with awesome rules, and unique "Stand Out" paint schemes from the wall-o-red I'm working on.

Other possibilities include:

A Chaplin. Because the Jumping-JP Model is amazing, and I have one.

A Terminator Captain, because I've got the bits, I like Rites of Battle, and it's "Fluffy".

A Librarian. Because they're utter garbage, but I love me my Power-armored Jedi.




Death Company, because I'm "Forced" to.


A DC/Furiouso Dread... or two...

VAS? But probably not. I feel Jump-Packs are pretty much the same as strapping a bomb to your back.



At least 2 Tac squads, in Rhinos, including some converted figures, and some of those shiny new (well, a year old) metals.

At least 1 RAS squad, in Rhino (see above about JPs) Probably 2 of these. We'll see.



3 Land Speeders. Going back-and-forth as to loadout currently. Some times Fast Attack is handy, I've got the models sitting around, and I use enough bikes in my Space Wolf Army (Maybe some of those later, say, Octoberish ;) ) so I don't really want more of them.



2x Baals with (badly) converted turrets as I can't be arsed to find "real" ones.

a Land Raider Crusader. Because the new plastic kit is nice, and I have a couple.


But enough of my jaw-flappery! You're here for pictures as the army comes together right? Well, I'd hate to disappoint!


Here's my test marine. I went for a darker red, we're the Angels of Death, not His Majesties Space-Power-Rangers.


Also, sorry for the pen, but using it to prop the mini gave me the perfect angle for photographs.





And the back:






I've also got a Rhino done, "Laurus":






And from the back:




*Aside: This photo is a bit messed up, there aren't random flecks of metal floating around on the back, I guess I used too much light?


And finally, Close-up of my (Garbage) free hand on that top-hatch:





Yeah, again, random metal flecks that aren't on the model. weird?


Well, back to painting I go! Wish me luck, I've got a lot more to churn through before September.


Another Rhino is "Up" and being worked on, it's pretty close, 2 Baal Predators "On Deck", and 2 more Rhinos "In the hole" so to speak.

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very nice models :tu:


one of the things that takes away from the rhino are the decals. you should invest in some micro-sol and micro-set from your nearest hobby emporium. they work wonders for the humble decal.


*cheer* (that cheer is to encourage you to keep going :P )

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@Commander Alex & barry_hhh:

Well, I don't really know if it qualifies as "Speed Painting" I'm not painting the models in one sit-down stretch, so I don't actually know how long they take, but it *feels* pretty fast.

The test marine, base and all, took under 2 hours, but I didn't time it, and it was a test, so I'll let you know when I get production going on those.


Yeah, 2 hrs for a marine isn't anywhere near "speed painting" but he was a test fig, my first time with this red, experimenting with basing, playing with colors, etc.


I can show you "true" speed painting (1750 points of wolves in a week ;) 15ish mins per marine ) but it's ugly. Really ugly, and I did it a while ago, when I was a lot worse at this. And dipped.


The red is a secret recipe....

Okay, it's Mechrite Red, that one foundation paint that kinda sorta looks pinkish. Highlighted with BA red, BA Red + Blazing Orange, and Blazing orange, washed after highlights with Baal Red to pull my sloppy highlights and inability to blend together.

The only real "Trick" is when putting down the Mechrite Red, you water it down so far that it's physically incapable of taking brush-strokes. Now, I have the advantage of painting at altitude (and in a near 0%-humidity environment) so paint dries much, much faster than it does at sea-level.

Sounds slow, but it really isn't. It's over white primer, so the first coat look "Pink" then it looks "bad" then it looks "Dang nice" 3 coats tops, you thin the paint a little less with each progressive coat.


@ wokkers: Yeah, I do use Microset/Microsol. It just didn't work out perfectly. On the plus, they haven't flaked off (which they tend to do when i don't use microset/sol) and they look pretty good on the Marine (sorry, didn't take pics of his shoulder pads)

I'm cheating on Rhino 1 right now to blend them in a bit more subtly. Hopefully it will work...



Next Rhino should be up late tonight, after I'm back from work. Probably nothing interesting as far as free-hand goes (same as before?), but we'll see.

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I love the red. good stuff.


a tip on the decals: varnish the area you want to apply the decal to first with 'Ardcoat or something similiar. Then after it dries, use the vinegar smelling (microsol i think) to glaze the area. apply the decal then glaze it again with the vinegar smelling one. let it sit for 1 min. Then use the microset on a piece of paper towel wrapped around your finger to smooth it onto the pad. after it dries completely, gloss varnish the decal and surrounding area. Afterwards matte varnish and then bingo "painted on look"

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Alright, as promised, here's the second rhino: Exuro




Yeah, I know, the front-plate looks like it's held on with a wad of elmers glue. I didn't build this rhino, picked it up for 8$, so I wasn't picky.

And my lettering sucks. I'll probably redo it.


And the top hatch:




Yay, 2 rhinos down, 2 more to go (and 2 preds and... yeah)


So, I'm done painting for the night, but I'll start up again tomorrow.

Any requests from the list in the 1st post? Tacs/Assaults/Characters?

I'm a little bored of Rhino Chassis, but other than that, I'm not sure what I'll paint...

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The Tac squad 1 now has a Sgt.




He doesn't have his name written on his leg/shoulder yet, nor does he have transfers/chapter symbols.

Also haven't decided on a name yet.

Man I love this model though, so packed with detail, why should tac squads be boring after all?


Alright, off on a camping trip, will paint/post more when I get back.

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