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My Ultramarines


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I figured it was about time I posted some pictures of my Ultramarines for C+C etc.

I'll start with my main Captain, which I based on a conversion done by a guy called Lunchbox.





More to follow soon!


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Command Squad, tooled up for close combat.

Group shot


Company Champion, standard build here.



Standard Bearer. Details are 'sculpted' on the banner, with some bitz added for decoration (and to cover bad 'scultping!'). The idea for this one was that he's taken a blow to the head which has damaged his helmet that he is now holding.





Veterans. The unhelmeted one has ended up looking very angry!





Apothecary. Not much unusual about this guy.



Hope you like.

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Holy :cuss-a-moly. Downright awesome ultramarines ive seen. I hardly bother commenting. But the fact that i managed to lift my lazy fingers and type some words to say how good it is is a miracle.


Keep up the good work.


I like the conversions and paintjobs. Painting could definitely improve a bit more to reach GD standards, but converting work is top notch.

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Holy :cuss-a-moly. Downright awesome ultramarines ive seen. I hardly bother commenting. But the fact that i managed to lift my lazy fingers and type some words to say how good it is is a miracle.


Keep up the good work.


I like the conversions and paintjobs. Painting could definitely improve a bit more to reach GD standards, but converting work is top notch.


Thanks for the comments, and for commenting :)


Conversions are probably one of the things I dedicate the most time and thought to. I try and do some kind of conversion to as many models as I can, even if it's only a small thing (like the Forge World shoulder pads on the terminators).


I'm not sure I'll ever reach GD standards for painting, but so long as they're presentable, I'm happy :)

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Thanks for the kind comments guys, much appreciated. I'm pretty pleased with how the captain turned out.


spjaco: it wasn't so much a sculpt as such: I made some press moulds from various bitz and tried to tidy up what I moulded as best I could. I wasn't able to let them form properly in the mould as I had to get them out before fully dry so I could form them to the banner. I might try freehand next time, but I don't think I'd do a particularly good job.

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Thanks again for the comments!

Got a couple of more pictures ready. First Telion. The best beard in all of Ultramar! :)




And one of the first models I painted, months ago now: the Terminator Librarian. A bit cruder compared to my later ones (these photos flatter it a bit), but I still like him, and I love the model itself. I went for enchanted blue rather than the mordian blue base I use for everything else as I figured Librarians would have their own blue colour. It's only when you start to paint this model that you realise just how many details there are on it!




As before, any C&C welcome :lol:

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Overall they are some nice, clean and crisp paint jobs, nicely done!


My only point of critique is that I think the banner is missing something. It could use some more details and iconography, right now it looks rather plain for a Company banner.


Other than that, they look really quite good!

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Overall they are some nice, clean and crisp paint jobs, nicely done!


My only point of critique is that I think the banner is missing something. It could use some more details and iconography, right now it looks rather plain for a Company banner.


Other than that, they look really quite good!


Yeah; I know exactly what you mean about the banner. I'm just not confident my freehand skills are good enough yet. Perhaps I'll come back to it one day. Or maybe I'll add battle honours to it as my army earns glorious victories. Now there's an idea perhaps...

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battle captain corpus: Thanks! The veteran drawing his sword is one of my favourite models.


Telliphas: I tried the exact same thing, and yes, the wreath does look stupid on his head. I don't mind at all if you use my idea; I'm honoured! :) I also used the shoulder pad with the wreath on it to reinforce the point that he's won the Imperial Laurel (or maybe that he's won it twice!). Unfortunately, you can't see it in any of the photos.

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The bronzish gold on the company champ is some of the best I've seen in a long time. Well done. :)


Thanks very much. I did this how I do most of my golds/bronzes. I basecoat with chainmail or mithril, then wash, or almost 'paint', with devaln mud, gryphone (spelling?) sepia, and perhaps badab black or other washes, as appropriate.

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Here's some more. First up, my Chaplain, based on Chaplain Clausel from Graham McNeill's Ultramarine novels. He was a pretty cool character, so I read his descriptions in the first book and tried to replicate him as best I could, from his milk white cape to his book bound in Ork hide. As you may be able to tell, most of the bits are Bezerker bits. Probably my most heavily converted model, but oddly no green stuff was used, just trimming, filing and gluing. I don't think there's a part of him that's not converted. He doesn't have a chapter badge yet as I want some more freehand practice before I take a brush to him.




Second, are my assault marines (I do have some troops somewhere, honest....). The painting isn't so great on these as I got a bit too keen to move onto the next project and rushed them a bit towards the end.


My sergeant, who seems to have gotten lost on his way to the Raven Guard recruitment office.



And his choppy brothers.










Hope you like these guys.

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They are realy nice well done!


I think if you put a load of Battle Honours written on the banner, that will sort that problem out.

Plus there are some realy big mold lines on them jump packs.


Apart from that a thumbs up from me :o

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