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My Ultramarines


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Plus there are some realy big mold lines on them jump packs.

Let's just say those mould lines are where the two panels join.... :o

Actually, I found those a bit tricky to get rid of. Maybe I got a bad cast. More likely, I was lazy!

One more batch for today I think. Starting with one of the masters of the chapter captains. I did him just for fun really; not sure I'd use him in a game, but you never know.





And Dreadnought Titus (because I couldn't think of a better name when painting him...)





Thanks again for all the comments: any and all feedback is welcome.

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To get rid of the join seams on the plastic jump packs, what I found to be very successful is use a plastic glue (Revel) the one that smells like Pear Drop sweets. If you run the applicator along the edge of the seam, make sure to apply a little more than you need so when you come to place the two parts together you squeeze some out. Let it dry then use either a modelling knife or file to remove the glue that is poking out along the seam. If done right it will fill the gap and make the thruster part seamless.


Revel Glue




Liking your Dreadnought, very clean and crisp looking. Makes me want to pull my finger out and start painting mine up. Keep up the good work.

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Telliphas: That's a good tip, I'll try that next time. I never thought of putting 'too much' glue on!


Master Commander Ajax: the backpack was made from a standard backpack and two of the skulls hanging from chains from the Bezerker kit (picture here). I cut the normal round backpack vents off, trimmed and filed the skulls as required, and glued them in place. I then used the chains to hang his book from: waste not want not! The iron halo icon was from the commander kit, or someplace like that.

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As an Ultra player (who oddly has a thread called My Ultramarines as well) I have to say that you have some real beauts on your thread. I love the small conversions that just add so much character to the minis.


I definitely will be stealing many of the ideas I have seen on this thread,


Well done sir and I cant wait to see what you come up with next!!!

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Thantoes: Steal away! I'd enjoy seeing some of my ideas used by someone else :Troops:

Ashen-Shugar: I should shade the blade more. There is some shading, but it is far too subtle for the camera (and the naked eye!) to see.

Skritz: Quite correct; the title is about as lame as I could've done, lol :Elite: But I'm glad you like the models!

Now, I think it's time for some armour, starting with a basic Rhino.





(The blue has gone a bit purpley in places; something weird happened when I converted the image I think).

And my dakka predator: the Pius Furoris.





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Nice Ultras mate they look great!


I'm just about to start painting my own UM army so I'm keen to see what other people are up to, then I'm going to steal all their great ideas and use them myself! :P I really like the pose on the last Assault Marine with the sweeping Chainsword and the Master of the Chapter is really nice (gold on the shoulder pads, cloak etc), you can see the painting improve as you have progressed along with the army.


Telliphas's tip with the Revell glue is spot on I use it myself, joins begone!

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Looking good, 2nd the freehand on top of the Rhino very good.



How the hell did you manage to bang out a Rhino and Predator in two days?


It takes me that long if not longer to paint just one Space Marine. The guy I'm currently working on has taken me three days so far and I still need to start the back pack and banner. Whats your secret to your speed of painting?

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Potan: Thanks; that was achieved with the aid of a template I drew, cut out, and painted round to get the initial shape. Then I neatened the lines as best as I could.


Archenemy: Cool: post pictures of your models when you're done :) That sweeping chainsword is the chainsword from the devestator box, which is 'pointing charge', if you get what I mean. All I did was twist it round a bit.


Telliphas: I have a confession to make: I had painted all these already. I'm just putting the pictures up gradually so as not to overwhelm everyone and avoid a massive long unbroken chain of photos. I probably take about the same amout of time to paint things as you from the sounds of it. Although I do find that GW's foundation paints and washes speed things up a lot.


I'll be posting my Land Raider Crusader tonight :)

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MRCHAOS: hopefully his enemies will never survive long enough to see his back... lol! That's a bit of a bad one actually; should've done something about it if I'm honest. I'm getting better with green stuff now, so I might try filling things like that in now; or try the gluing tip mentioned earlier.


Ashen-Shugar: Thanks! I've not actually played a battle yet, I've just been gathering my forces so far. I hope to send them into action soon though. Looks like fun :)

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Ok; this is the last of what I've got done for my army. Finally, some troops! A couple of Scout squads. I did build and paint a tactical squad, but I wasn't too happy with the paint job, so I changed the way I painted my minis and now they look a bit stupid compared to the others. Anyway; here we go:

Bolter Scouts


Sergeant. I didn't give him a scout head so that he looks like the veteran he should be.


Does he look cross-eyed? Like he's got a fly on his nose?





And sniper scouts. I think I'll put Telion with these guys.







A shot of the camo pattern:


I was pretty tired when I finished these off, so I'm not happy with some of the highlights. I should've taken a break and come back to them a few days later. Ah well, live and learn.

Well; that's pretty much it for now. Thanks for trawling through all these. Any feedback is welcome.

I'm currently working on my version of Captain Agemman, so I'll put photos up when I'm done.

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Here's my version of Captain Agemman. He's based on the Forge World Captain Culln with some Assault Terminator bitz and a little green stuff. I'll probably use him as a counts as Lysander, or even throw him in with my other Assault Terminators.

My challenge for this one was not to use any metallic paints. I didn't quite achieve NNM (I have neither the patience or the talent), but I'm quite pleased with the paint job overall.





I'm wondering whether to give him Sicarius' banner: what do you guys reckon?

Anyway; let me know what you think :)

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Nice looking Terminator you have there Pingo, crisp clean paint work. I give you credit for trying NMM, I dont have the guts / patience / skill to even consider attempting NMM. I like the face, lots of character in there it creates a good focal point on the mini. 10/10


I'd say go for the banner, all characters need banners.

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