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My Ultramarines


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Here's my version of Captain Agemman. He's based on the Forge World Captain Culln with some Assault Terminator bitz and a little green stuff. I'll probably use him as a counts as Lysander, or even throw him in with my other Assault Terminators.

My challenge for this one was not to use any metallic paints. I didn't quite achieve NNM (I have neither the patience or the talent), but I'm quite pleased with the paint job overall.





I'm wondering whether to give him Sicarius' banner: what do you guys reckon?

Anyway; let me know what you think :P

Gosh, you and I seem to think alike. I used exactly the same bits as a base for MY Agemman which can be found Here as a comparison

I do have to say that I think your paint job is a little bit better than mine...but not by much ;)

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The only thing that catches my eye is the two eagle heads could be brought up to the brightnes of the wings, they look a tad darker than the wings i.m.o


I think you're right; looks like I might have missed it on the last stage of highlighting.


Anyway, I put Agemman up on coolminiornot so feel free to rate him if you like him (or indeed don't like him!): http://www.coolminiornot.com/229604


I appreciate the comments. I'll try and post something new soon. I have 10 footslogging vanguard and a drop-pod waiting to be painted. However, I've been somewhat distracted by GW's building kits... don't think I'll get away with posting the results on here. Unless I stand a marine on the roof perhaps... ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Hello again!! It's been a while since I updated this as I've not managed to finish anything for a while for various reasons. However, I now have some Vanguard veterans to show you. I made these for fun more than anything as they're probably a touch too expensive (385 points I think...) and over-powered to be practical for a game. I'll probably still use them for the fun of it.

This was the first time I attempted freehand in any serious way. I might take some close ups of the freehand symbols if anyone wants to see.

Anyway, here's Vanguard Squad Julius:


Sergeant Julius


Power fist guy, unconverted


Power sword guy, slight conversion with the sword arm


These two guys are based off the same miniature, which I happened to end up with two of. I decided to challenge myself to make them as different as possible.



Massive axe-wielding guy (I think he's over-compensating for something), unconverted


Single lightening claw guy, using the dual claw vet, ironically without either of the original arms it came with.


A couple of standard, unconverted, bolter and chainsword guys, who funnily enough will always die first...



And another unconverted guy, since this miniature is one of my favourite sculpts.


Comments and criticisms gratefully received.

Thanks for looking! :P

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Gah! You've stolen so many of my ideas! Ah well. You seem to have the budget for 'em and pull them off nicely. I haven't managed to squeeze the Forgeworld bitz I need into my budget yet.


I like your Agemman. Really nice. I think he might need a cape tho. My brain insists the model is missing something. Oh, and he need an Iron Halo.


I haven't looked into laurels on a bare head yet (I do know it can be done well tho), but I DID put my laurels on my helmeted Standard Bearer, and that worked without problem.


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Thanks for the comments guys :D


I like your Agemman. Really nice. I think he might need a cape tho. My brain insists the model is missing something. Oh, and he need an Iron Halo.


I am thinking of giving him a banner. However, I would like the option of running him as the sergeant to my assualt terminators so I'm a bit worried about writing 'Agemman' on any banner. I'll think about it though.


inspiring work i truely love the throwback coloring of your apothacary dont see to many white armored ones gracing the gaming table any more what colors did you use for the

"weathering/muddy" looks on your armor if you dont mind me asking


Thanks :P Got to have a white apothecary if you ask me. I'm in favour of traditional colours for them, and techmarines.


I'm not sure what you mean by 'weathering/muddy' as I haven't tried to do any of that. Did you have a specific model in mind? It's possible that it's just the uneveness of some of the assurman blue wash that makes the armour look a little grubby in places.

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I am thinking of giving him a banner. However, I would like the option of running him as the sergeant to my assualt terminators so I'm a bit worried about writing 'Agemman' on any banner. I'll think about it though.

Don't let the awesomeness of that model fall to being being generic for multipurposeness! He's much to cool for that!


I'm sure you're opponents could live with him acting like a sergeant in spite of a cape/banner/Halo. Afterall, the Black Reach Terminator Sergeant has an Iron Halo, and no one thinks he's Agemman. Hell, a lot of opponents won't even know who Agemman is, and even if they do a lot of the won't read his banner. Plus, it already says it on his shield....

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I am thinking of giving him a banner. However, I would like the option of running him as the sergeant to my assualt terminators so I'm a bit worried about writing 'Agemman' on any banner. I'll think about it though.

Don't let the awesomeness of that model fall to being being generic for multipurposeness! He's much to cool for that!


I'm sure you're opponents could live with him acting like a sergeant in spite of a cape/banner/Halo. Afterall, the Black Reach Terminator Sergeant has an Iron Halo, and no one thinks he's Agemman. Hell, a lot of opponents won't even know who Agemman is, and even if they do a lot of the won't read his banner. Plus, it already says it on his shield....


Oh yeah... duh... ;)


I might try out a few banners and things. Possibly Sicarius' one. Not sure I can sculpt a cape well enough, but I could see what bitz are out there.

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I had a look and probably the Choas lord one would be best as the Space Wolf one is a little, well, wolfy :cuss


I might add one to a future bitz order to see if it would work on Agemman. If no, I'm sure I'll use it on another Terminator in future.



Random question: does anyone know how to change the topic description? I see some people changing it to say what they've updated?

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The Agemann conversion is excellent, and has inspired me to make a Lysander conversion using the same bits, as I'm not a huge fan of the GW model...


Did you decide to go with the banner? How does that look?

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The Agemann conversion is excellent, and has inspired me to make a Lysander conversion using the same bits, as I'm not a huge fan of the GW model...


Did you decide to go with the banner? How does that look?


Great: I'm pleased to have inspired someone :P


I'm still undecided about the banner. I held Sicarius's banner next the the model, but I'm not sure if it didn't look right because it won't work, or because it's not painted! I will keep thinking and re-visit it later.

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