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Steel Dragons Drakewing

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Hello fellow Battle Brothers and Sisters :(

I've been working on this for a couple of weeks now, finally got some inspiration to continue.

I give you my Drakewing captain Ezekiel:



And a blurry close-up of his face ;)


Comments and criticism are welcome ;)


Corvus_Coorain :D

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The painting looks pretty good yo me but im a little "huh" about the model itself, is that a captain with a plasma-pistol and a boltgun(and of course the obvious bike) ??

i'm also wondering why theres a light down the bottom of the wheel arch there??


EDIT: i'd also avoid using name characters if i were you.

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I just thought it would look cool :P

Seeing as I'm not a player, I just model and paint for the fun of it.


There's lights on both sides, kind of like fog lights on a car.

And a captain can take a bike can't he? :D (at least I think he can)


Like I said, I make my models only for display purposes :P

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Captains can take bikes.


oh, i didn't word that well, i would avoid using names for your characters that gw has already used for one of theirs; there is already a gw metal character called ezekial.

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