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1500 pt. army questions


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Hey all. I just recently got back into the hobby and I've dug up my old armies, but they're all rather messy. This is in part to being dealt with haphazardly by my younger sibling ( :P ) and the fact that they're very assault oriented, so I'm at a loss.


I'm trying to decide what army I should play. I've used Black Templars and Blood Angels before, and then vanilla codex marines, but I'm at a loss for the moment. I've read that Black templars are still capable of bringing the pain, and that blood angels do it very well, but I've been messing around with a few setups with vanilla marines that seems a lot of fun.


Anyway, on to purchases:


Is the battlefroce or strikeforce better for an assault-y army?


I can get the Strike Force for around 250~ USD, but I can't see myself using the land raider, while I can mod the whirlwind and vindicator to be normal rhinos if I needed to.


On the other hand, I could get three battleforces for 270~ USD, and I can see myself using everything in there.


The thing is that I'd have no heavy armor, so I'm slightly torn. The vindicator/LR/whirlwind could save my butt in some games.


And my final question is: Didn't they have a Dark Angels and Black templars battleforce? Were they discontinued, or are they now under the label of the 'chapter upgrades'?


Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. :D

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I went the route of the 3 battleforces, and feel good about the purchase, but I do bemoan the distinct lack of armor that that route provides, and am contemplating a strikeforce for the armor bump that it would provide. The choice is yours, but I might suggest a strikeforce/battleforce combination which would provide a good number of bodies and tanks in equal measure. As for the Land Raider, you might feel like you won't use it, but you never know, and there is a good market for resell for a NOS Land Raider, and could help to offset some of the cost asociated with getting one of each force.



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