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Raven Guard Librarian Webern


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Here is Librarian Webern with Paint, prior to gloss and then dullcoat finishing... still needs a few touch ups. The gloss and dullcoat does help blend the Ghost grey/Basalt Grey/German grey/glossyblack coats.


For Wysiwyg rules, Webern is a basic Librarian, in terminator armor, no extra weapon, 2 handed falchion force weapon, using a power (I modeled this after smite, but often use vortex too) His 2nd power is generally gate, but I didn't have a convenient way of modeling it.


I scratchbuilt the scroll and book, and the wound on the left should is to cover up some terrible glue accident mess.


Generally looking for paint advice, wysiwyg problems, and random things I forgot.






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The paintjob is ok and looks good to me.


Sculptingwise there could be done some things.

The book is to big, especially the hardcover. Rip it of and rebuild a smaller one.

The smite effekt is a little to regular imo. Perhaps its looks more natural when ist more chaotic like a lightning.

The wound on the back is unrealistic. It looks as if flesh is pressed out of a hole in the armor.

Considered its Terminator Armor this is very unlikly to happen and if it does the wound will be so horrible that no one fights on.



Yep, I see the validity of these points... Thanks for the review Naysmith... I'll need to think about these things a little more.


I'm not sure if I'm going to use this mini enought to do a rebuild. I might need to just try it over when I have more time...


The smite effect needs to look more like electric bolts. I was aiming for an ice effect. I didn't recheck the codex before I modeled, I was just aiming for a general hit them with something nasty effect... didn't think about how specific the wording on the power was, until you brought it up.


The book was done to scale based on the mini being 6 to 6' 6" tall ( I had to guestimate, as scale is a little wonky.. compard a tac marine to a termie and you'll see what I mean) - crunched numbers so that the porportion of width to length of the book would be like a very large tome in relation to a person that specifically uses terminator armor. It could be the macros on my camera, or I could be mathmatically out to lunch.


The wound may or may not work, I can see your point. In this case I was thinking that the box frame of the terminator armor was part of the hood, and therefore the wound is in the wetware of the hood... its too far removed from where the fleshy bits of the warrior are, so I can see what you mean, I'm just explaining my thought process. Maybe wetware and neural implants are a little too chaos inspired, I dunno.


Thanks again Naysmith for taking the time to write and the advice. If I retool it or build a new Webern I'll post the changes/remake.


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