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Support By Fire's BT's

Support By Fire

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Combining my Templars and Crimson Fists into one army. I hope to update at least every 2 weeks, but we will see how things go. I will start with my newly finished Black Templars from the 2009 Painting Challenge. C&C appreciated. (Sorry if pics are not to good, i am using somebody elses camera, mine has been misplaced in a move.)


Castellan and Bolter and Chainsword objective marker







My first Crusader Squad, the next 2 squads will have some Crimson Fists mixed in there, just wanted to keep this one all BT's





Next on the painting station is an Emperor's Champion, BT's Rhino and LST, also some pics of the Crimson Fists coming soon.

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Thank you very much, Xavier, I can't take credit for the idea of the obj marker though, i saw it on here and just went with what i had in the bits box. I am looking for any ideas on new obj markers though, i have a banner one and a teleport homer from the termie box set that i am working on right now, but i need to get up to five for standard missions. Any ideas are welcome, Thanks.


Support By Fire

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Very nice work. Seems like there are a lot of talented Templars players/painters out there!

Are the Templar crosses freehand, or a decal?


As for objective markers...I found the Battlefield Accessories set to be invaluable for making objectives. I made one with the long ammo crate on a cav base, with missiles stacked on top of it, and one with a couple fuel cans leaning up against a fuel barrel. I did the Marine banner one as well, with a spare helmet and old-school bolter laying below it, but you already have a banner objective.

If you've got any older-edition (Second edition works best) snap-fit Marines, you can spray them silver or gold, apply weathering washes and use them as statues of "revered heroes" for objectives. Or paint them stone colored.

Maybe a simple stone cross on a base? Perhaps it's a blessed relic from an ancient Fortress Monastery?

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, a long over due update (a bad case of the real life got me).


Finished up my Rhino finally and got a whole lot of wip stuff going on, check it out in the wip forum

Sorry for the picture quality, using my cell phone, lost my good camera in a recent move :)









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Obviously commented on your post in BT forum, but now seen more pics of the crusader squad. Very nice. I really like our cool shoulder pads with parchment attached. They're a joy to paint too!!


Very nice. I'd like to see your EC when finished.


just looked back, LOVE the B&C marker - very cool, I am going to copy that, and no I'm not going to ask if you mind 'cus it is that cool!!!

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Those are some impressive models and I cant wait for some cleaner pics when the camera re-appears. Particularly the fluid feel of the models fits well with the templars and their sense of movement gives me the impression of men with a mission, and I love the castellan - not overly ornamental but impressive and commanding in appearance.

Once again, hats off for some awesome models

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  • 2 months later...

Time for a BIG UPDATE! Finally got to use a decent camera, and got a little work done too(been working on some WWI 1/72 scale aircraft lately).



Finally did up my Declates Crusade Champion, still need to do the lettering on the Crusader seals and Purity seals. Oh well, I will touch it up some time soon. What I did with the sword and the severed Ork Warboss's head, is use my saw to jagged cut the tip off, then I drilled out the spot in the head and glued it in and used green stuff for the blood flowing from the wound. I tried to make it seem like he broke the sword off in the Orks Warboss's thick skull, and then decapitated the Foul Xeno Scum, just to make sure it was dead.








And now some updated pics of the rest of my completed templars











And more to come soon.

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