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Thoughts on Assault Marines and FREE transports


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So, I'm playing in an escalation campaign, and I'm adding this squad to my 1000 point list:


Assault Squad (7marines) - 181




Free Rhino (No JPs)


I know that the number of marines is not optimal, and I'd bump to 9 or 10 marines if I could shave some points, but I really like the rest of the list. I'm really just looking for opinions/tactics with this unit. My plan it to add my Captain w/ his Relic Blade, and use them as a drive by unit against hoards, and to be an infantry shredder against MEQ lists. Kep in mind, this is a generalist list I have set as static for the week, and the hero is non-negotiable, as I have to use the same one for the campaign. It is also going to be coordinating with 2 Rhino mounted Tac Squads, and has a 4 ML dev squad firebasing behind it.



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Well, it's not BAD, but it's not GOOD.

The combiflamer will only get one shot the whole game, so you can't really rely on it to do much killing. Can an assault sergeant even TAKE a combi?

If you plan to use it as a flmaer-drive-by unit, you really want to bump to 10 men for the extra flamer.

Remember that most horde-style armies can still chop you out of your Rhino. One Ork with a powerklaw will wreck your day.


Assault marines really aren't a MEQ infantry shredder. They work great against weak units in HtH (Guard, Tau), but really bog down against MEQ and dedicated CC combatants (Orks, Nids).

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those extra attacks can be life savers though saved me more then once

30 marine attacks on the charge is something nobody wants to be on the recieving end of

you do need to beef em up to a 10 man squad but other then that they seem ok

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Don't forget that since a rhino isn't an assault vehicle, if the rhino moved the marines cannot go into assault on the same turn they disembark.


Therefore, I think it's tactically sounder to give them jetpacks and start the match in reserve. But that's just my opinion. And 7 men is a bit small for an Assault Squad.

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You'll take much more casualties if you're flying a ten man assault squad across the field than you would having them in a rhino. Of course keeping them in reserve would be more effective, but you have to question what you want to do with your squads.


I like rhino mounted assault squads, they are somewhat well protected, and you can surprise your opponent with that random "o :cuss that's not a tactical squad" moment (o how i love surprises!)

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You'll take much more casualties if you're flying a ten man assault squad across the field than you would having them in a rhino. Of course keeping them in reserve would be more effective, but you have to question what you want to do with your squads.


I like rhino mounted assault squads, they are somewhat well protected, and you can surprise your opponent with that random "o :cuss that's not a tactical squad" moment (o how i love surprises!)


Unless they ask you what's exactly in each transport and its seen as sporting to tell yuor opponent unless you agree beforehand.


I've had a similar encounters with blood Claws in a rhino. The thing to do is turn the rhino sideways and deploy the unit behind the rhino and pop your smoke if you still have it.


My opponent asked what was in each rhino and I said "Nasty units" and then porceeded to tell him that one was a blood claw pack and one was grey hunters, unsurprisingly he went for the blood claws.

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The "mystery box" thing with transports is always sketchy, and not done in our local shop. All our tournaments are open-list and full disclosure.

If you refuse to reveal what's IN each transport, you open the door for cheating. Nothing keeps an unscrupulous opponent from rearranging the transported units based on where they are at any given moment, or how successfully they move around the board.

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The "mystery box" thing with transports is always sketchy, and not done in our local shop. All our tournaments are open-list and full disclosure.

If you refuse to reveal what's IN each transport, you open the door for cheating. Nothing keeps an unscrupulous opponent from rearranging the transported units based on where they are at any given moment, or how successfully they move around the board.


Yep that's why I tend to ask whats in a transport, particularly when my crusader popped a chimera and out jump three guardsmen with meltaguns at less than 6 inches away.


I'm also going to end up marking my rhinos with the colours to match them to my packs so that I know where they are.

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I don't have it done yet, but eventually I plan to have squad numbers marked on the (detachable) top doors of the rhino.

I'm just painting a couple of panels on each rhino because I just paint shoulder pads to denote squads, can't be bothered with transfers/free handing.


But we have a rule at our club that you can ask once but after that you don't have to be told again. But considering my models lurk on the table with their lovely pack colours it won't be too difficult.


But using rhinos for assault troops may be a good idea because you get a free movable wall!

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You can tank shock, pop the top hatch and fire 2 Flamers into the now squashed up unit too. Add a 'dozer blade and you have an ideal unit for digging infantry out of cover - or burying them within it.


And if anyone wants to D/G... let them, it's fairly unlikely that they'll succeed, and anything that stands a chance of stopping a Rhino is more expensive than one.

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The "mystery box" thing with transports is always sketchy, and not done in our local shop. All our tournaments are open-list and full disclosure.

If you refuse to reveal what's IN each transport, you open the door for cheating. Nothing keeps an unscrupulous opponent from rearranging the transported units based on where they are at any given moment, or how successfully they move around the board.

Thats why I have a name plate on each of my transports- I mark down wich squad is in wich rhino by writing the name next to it. If my opponent believes the unit that has dropped out on him to be to... "fortuitous" then I can show him that and show its no mistake.


It also keeps me from forgetting myself :S.


But that doesnt mean that I will tell him ahead of time.


Though with Grey Hunters and Bloodclaws I prefer to roll up, pop out, fire... and then get assaulted. Works just fine for me.

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I realize that lists are usually reviewable before the game, that doesn't mean I want my opponent completely aware of who is in what transport, much like real combat.


Squad markings, decals, and Rhino names are all good ideas, and you should always note or write down which squad goes in which transport, that's in the rules anyways (that's why they're called "dedicated" transports).

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