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[Illustration] Redemption


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War is hell, the classic cliché notes, and while a marine might find that great honor and glory are to be found amidst the crack and cry of battle, there are few places in the universe as solemn as that of the battlefield strewn planet of Malvolion. The once lush forests and fertile plains, when all was laid to rest, appear nothing more than smoke covered carnage on toxic earth, the soil red from the blood shed by all those brave and glorious dead, the Emperor's finest.


Among the countless bodies lay hundreds in crimson tinted yellow armor, their banners tatters in the wind, but held proudly until strength did not exist to carry them. They are the space marines, brave by my no means fearless, none of these died with wounds to their back. Ever facing the enemy, they fought as though their very souls depended on it. Indeed, the Imperium said they did.


Not 300 remained to celebrate their miraculous victory, arguably the only stroke of luck the chapter enjoyed since its founding those centuries ago, but the honor of burying your brother would never be considered luck.


...it seems redemption is not yet earned fully. The Emperor calls his marines to battle.




Hopefully we all remember Chapter-Master Haemon. I would hope that many of you thought he died well. Indeed, he may be one of the most sympathetic characters I intend to include in Immortal Enemies. This illustrates the marine's ascension to command of the entire Chapter, most likely upon the death of all other captains remaining in the chapter. It is the fitting sort of image you might expect anywhere but 40k, except if you were speaking of the Lamenters.


Speaking of IE, I know I have been remiss in my responsibilities to update it. I am going to try to do a better job. Still, at the rate of 1 page per month, I'd be doing a better job than I have been recently. My apologies. It has been updated today and it is my intent to try to get into a better drawing schedule. In any case, enjoy this, and whats posted. There won't be some marine for a little while, so you probably won't hear too much even if I am hard at work.

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beautiful picture man I love it :cuss though i always wondered.. what happened to the Lamenters I know they were beaten up bad by the Badab war and also ran into a hive fleet but are they still alive is any of them left and such? *is curious*


I think some are still left alive but no more than 3 companies worth of marines and maybe less than that and also no scouts one would imagine as they would be Battle brothers or dead by now and the chapter isn't allowed to recruit until its 100 year crusade is over. I think its also been mentioned that they have a chapter watching over them to make sure they are not naughty and in the Lamenters case it might well by Scythes of the Emperor (can anyone confirm which hive fleets wrecked these 2 chapters?)


Also the Executioners & Mantis warriors are on crusades for the same reason. Although the fluff time line has been moved back a little (so the events haven't happened yet) the Relictors are also on a penintent crusade for another reason.

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Amazing work SeerBrun!

Glad to see Immortal Enemies is still alive and going strong!

Im actually thinking of starting a comic myself, but one that follows the Guardian Angels Chapter.

Will have to wait until after the Nestir V Campaign here at the B&C has been completed though.

We need more great artists in the 40k community, so Im glad to see your still dedicated!

Keep it up! :)

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beautiful picture man I love it :) though i always wondered.. what happened to the Lamenters I know they were beaten up bad by the Badab war and also ran into a hive fleet but are they still alive is any of them left and such? *is curious*

Its my understanding that the majority of the chapter died to stem the tide against Hive Fleet Kraken. Its also my understanding that it was at least implied at some point that this was chosen as penance for the Lamenters because have you ever really heard of the Imperium offering penance to anyone? Not so much? Think of this as a trial of a witch. If she floats, she's a witch. If she sinks, then the poor girl drown. If you all go over there and die, we'll forgive you. :D


Granted, that also outlines why Immortal Enemies is not canon, nor does it try to remain comfortably in the bounds of safe in all cases. The Lamenters who remain are put up against other challenges with expectation that eventually they will all die out, and in oblivion they shall find absolution.


To my knowledge the chapter died to a man fighting a holding action to cover evacuations from a nid attack. I belive its mentioned in the new SM codex.

I think it also says three companies remain, which is a little confusing. Someone gave me a hard time about this on Deviant Art.


Fantastic. I've just starting reading Immortal Enemies as well.

Awesome! I hope you like it. At the very least, it is the longest 40k graphic novel.


Amazing work SeerBrun!

Glad to see Immortal Enemies is still alive and going strong!

Im actually thinking of starting a comic myself, but one that follows the Guardian Angels Chapter.

Will have to wait until after the Nestir V Campaign here at the B&C has been completed though.

We need more great artists in the 40k community, so Im glad to see your still dedicated!

Keep it up! :)

Words like 'dedicated' and 'going strong' might be a little generous, but thanks. I remember your support for quite some time, and I appreciate it. In any case, I'm still around, and I still like the 40k universe, so even if updates are few and far between I still want to finish it...


...only 200 pages to go!







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Well drawn indeed though such display of sentimentalism seems very unlikely to cope with the Astarte honor in death.

A pridefull smile upon his fallen fraters would be more appropriate IMHO :)



Thats definitely the way of 3rd edition and onward. Not many people are left to remember that the first story of space marines in rogue trader was about a marine cowering in the corner overtaken by fear and praying only that his enemies don't find him. That said, the emotion here isn't really fear, but woe. The particular chapter displayed is the Lamenters, a chapter plagued with tragedy. I'll give you that I have read a lot into their story, but here, as well as in my story, I've embodied them with many human emotions, particularly Chapter Master Haemon, pictured in this also. He is probably the most human of all 40k characters I've drempt up, for better or worse... but remember, even Rogal Dorn was overtaken by sadness at the death of the Emperor, and he is one of the most highly revered Primarchs.

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even if it seems your story isn't canon its still wonderful. though i would love to see what the Lamanters could do at full strength again. granted maybe run into another problem but hey! all in good fun. :3 maybe in ya comic they come back with recruits finally slowly building up there force and get a run in with the seemingly possessed Ork... that is if i got my hints right O.o
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even if it seems your story isn't canon its still wonderful. though i would love to see what the Lamanters could do at full strength again. granted maybe run into another problem but hey! all in good fun. :3 maybe in ya comic they come back with recruits finally slowly building up there force and get a run in with the seemingly possessed Ork... that is if i got my hints right O.o

I think by the fluff they are not allowed to recruit for a certain period of time. I swear I read that somewhere. In any case, I promise you there will be more marines by the end of Immortal Enemies. No promises that it will be our unlucky sons of Sanguinius.


oh my god! i just read through your DA one and i'm impressed! you are a great weaver of stories!

Thank you! Keep in mind that even after you're done with the story for Captain Kairo, there's like 400 pages left to the story though. Plenty of room to screw things up. :D

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