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The Angels of Terror

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Well here starts my first extended effort at a story of my BA Successor Chapter, using the BA Dex, of course.

Here we have the concept look, a Sergeant of the Second Co, 8th Squadron, and yes, I aim to have the Second Co. a primarily assault orientated force


And then we have the First and most important part of any force, Captain Seres, pictured here with his traditional Lightning Claw and the esteemed relic, the Angel's Talon, which integrates a Storm Bolter atop the claw.


He's still a WIPpity WIP, but of course the damage must be done after he's been finished, because I'm obviously going back to see the results, and yes, I do play the Orks, and yes, that is my take on the Meganob back there, but I should stop rambling on about it before I ge- *Vindicared*

Critique welcome, and I do not Highlight, so do not point it out, or else I will create the Angel's Talon and cut somebody up

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Looks like the Vindicare beat me too the making a Lightning Claw with Integrated Storm Bolter. Oh well, I bloody love the BA 'dex, free and we get TLC with Storm Bolter and JP for 155 points. EAT THAT CALGAR!!!!!!!!!


But yeah, I'm working on battle damage for Seres currently, can't wait to paint up my scraped up Assault Marine after some mild fixing (Snap Fit Legs + AM Torso and such, yeah, that's what they can be used for, gasp in amazement)

Well I just got some finished pics of Captain Seres to throw, with the Double Post and all, then of course my work with the Chunks of the Assault Squads I scrounged up.

Captain Seres, with some revealment of the battle damage I painted on the lower legs, but not enough.


Him again, only this time to show the OSL I attempted to do, may go back and refurbish it later


And then his final pic, showing some of the weathering/battle damage I attempted, and of course to show the Red Kneepad of the Second Co. and the Freehanded Skull on his other knee pad, it's red, but it came out pretty good for one of my major times trying.


We have finally some progress on the First Assault Squadron (Moreso I scrounged whatever the Hell I could find) Do note the Sergeant with his bionic arm and a specialist weapon found within the Angels of Terror, a design that fused a Chainsword, to a power weapon, increasing it's power


And viola, we have the Sergeant of the Second Assault Squad, jealously showing his paintjob from when I was using C:SM rules for a force, that fated to never grow.


Enjoy, and of course, Critique, except for highlighting, because I will write a paragraph about it if necessary.


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