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Chappy's costume "blog"


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Well with the summer job finally over, and a little padding in my bank account I’ve decided to start work on a longtime dream of mine—the illustrious space marine costume.


While I had originally intended this costume to be done by November for a convention my friends and I are attending, looking at the sheer amount of work involved I can tell that won’t be possible. So, this thread is designed to detail my progress on my Astartes costume, which should be complete by June of 2010. This factors in school time, work, and the occasional bouts of free time referred to as student breaks.


C&C is appreciated as always, and I would like to stress the importance of this. Your comments, critiques, criticisms, etc. will help motivate me, change things on the costume and hopefully make it the best it possibly can be. Also, feel free to post or PM website links or image links to things you may find relevant to this undertaking- you never know what might wind it’s way into the finished product!


To say the least this project is dear to my heart, and as such I would like to give back to you all as well! When certain stages of completion are met (example: I complete both leg greaves, or I finish the chest piece), I will reward a poster (chosen at random) with a gift. I will announce the goal for that particular period, as well as what the gift will be.


(Initial pictures will be posted August 12)


The first session’s goal is to complete assembly on the rebreather/eyepiece/audio filters on the head. I hope to have this completed by September 30 , 2009. The gift will be a kitbashed/custom “counts as” Shrike model, incorporating bits from several kits-- this model will be awarded once this goal is met, and will be painted in the chapter colors of the winners choosing!


I look forward to your responses, and I hope you will all enjoy my "blog"!

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Not sure if you have seen these but thought you might like them for some inspiration. The Space Marine Encounter videos on youtube

and here is the B&C Thread. There is a guide in the thread along with several other useful links. And there is also the old Inquisitor video...Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. Hope these all help in some way if you haven't already seen them.


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - Although the

is for Warhammer Fantasy at 2:27 the Elf Lord closes his fist and it gives a pretty good idea on what you could do with a Space Marine gaunlet...the video is also awesome lolz.
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Okay, pics are coming a couple hours late, forgive me, i had a hot date with the future wifey. I apologize in advance for the size of the pictures, and any 56k issues they may cause. But progress must be made on this blog! :D


Here are the beginning pictures of the space marine costume, I will be drawing a sketch of what i want the end result to look like and upload it (as well as some progress pics hopefully) in the next few days.



pic of the eyepiece I chose for the augmetic eye. I will undoubtedly get a red replacement lens for it once I am at the con, the black is too dark for this project methinks.



here we see some old headphones, which will serve as the audio filters on the side of my head. These have a double purpose, as they will help secure the eyepiece, and cover the straps for the rebreather once I have it. The filters themselves will be secured to the back of my head with a ring of styrofoam.



pic of the rebreather I have ordered for this project. I will be covering it with a latex skull half mask, so where the triangle is on the mask, is where the skeletal nose will be. I intend to bore out the side intakes (where the air canisters would go) and put shower grills there so I can breathe freely.



side shot of my head, sans the rebreather. I used scotch tape to hold it in place til I have the nose frame and back clip made. This is just to give you all a rough idea of what it looks like now. It also shows that I am in dire need of a haircut, so I've made an appointment for this afternoon LOL.



lastly here is a shot of the giveaway model that will be awarded at the end of September.



based off of the jump pack chaplain model, it has terminator lightning claws, will have shrike's backpack, and has sicarius' head with a sculpted beard. Many a friend has said it looks like the great, late Billy Mays-- so he's affectionately dubbed Captain Billy for now. His armor is primed black, and will be painted however the winner sees fit once he or she is announced.

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Interesting, what will you have/use/make for Weapons? Bolt pistol and Crozious? Or will you attempt a Power fist, or Stormbolter?

What im trying to do is recreate my "counts as" vulkan hestan from the tabletop, just...life size. So over the course of the next few months you'll see me recreate a powerfist/gauntlet with built in flamers as the "gauntlet of the forge" and a suitable sword type weapon-- Ill probably end up doing an ornate chainsword as scratchbuilding a zweihander (2 handed) power weapon from wood (metal weapons are prohibited at conventions) would be a pain.


What materials are you planning on using? I would LOVE to see one actually done using metal....

As far as building materials go, it varies on what im building- what I use to build the shoulders may not apply to say, the leg greaves. The frame of the suit itself will be plywood, which will then either be covered in PU foam and "glued" with liquid foam, or covered in wire mesh and coated in fibreglass (which would make it tougher to break, albeit heavier). Some other things I'll be using are: plastic bottles from NOS energy drinks for promethhium bottles strapped onto a Huron Blackheart style backpack with iron halo, various electronic components stripped from old computers, polyester fabric with fake fur to make the tabard and cloak/mantle, and either wood moulding or sheet metal for armor details.


More to come, so stay tuned folks!

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anyways, mini update time while I wait for stuff to cure and whatnot. Im sadly without a camera until the end of next week, so the next couple "updates" (3 days worth) are sketches of: shoulder pads, greaves, and tabards for the community to vote on.


Today's installment is shoulderpads- if you have a particular favorite, just say so in your post and Ill calculate the top 2 winners and announce it with the official costume update on the 29th of this month (the next update.) The top 2 pads and greaves will be the left and right, respectively. The favored tabard winner will be the one I make (already have the tabard cut from cloth, just need to do the sewing and such)




small shield with personal heraldry in the foreground, and either a halo or laurel with a skull in the center as the main focus of the shoulderpad. Feel free to suggest heraldry if you choose this pad!



winged skeleton clutching a laurel/halo. inside of the laurel/halo will have either a company marking or a campaign badge.



brazier of fire. plywood frame, chicken wire holds in a few pieces of coal and plastic skulls. "fire" would be sculpted from some sort of foam.



skulls on a chain, ala deathwing forgeworld shoulderpads.


I will be comparing the votes here to the ones on dakkadakka-- and the winning shoulderpads, tabard and greaves will be announced at the end of the month (when I meet up with the mrs. next to steal her camcorder/camera-- since we're both in the process of moving to our universities)


Oh, and since someone over on dakka said I need to scream more in my thread:


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as personally i LOVE fire, i will have to vote for that one, also (i know this is a bit far in advance) i'm making a blot pistol for GD '10, when you end up getting there my making of blog is coming along rather well, its only going to be a basic prototype and it may look a little rounder that a normal Bolt pistol but i've gotten pretty positive comments back on it so far! here is the thread: My Bolt Pistol Prop Thread
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What chapter were you planning on making the chappy belong too?


Heh, I think there is some confusion. I named it chaplain's costume blog because The_Chaplain is my username. I clarified that earlier, saying that this is a thread for making a "hestan counts as" costume. The chapter is my homebrew, the confessors. Basically, Mortifactors with a penchant for flamers and Imperial Fist geneseed. I might wind up making a chaplain helmet for a buddy who is doing a costume at some point though, and even the fiance has shown interest in the project-- she wants a sororitas costume (no doubt inspired by the awesome sister costume in hall of honor)


@ Marshal van Trapp-- nice pistol so far, but it needs to be a little bulkier I think. Thanks for the input on the shoulder pad.


Should I post the rest of the voting images now, or save 'em for a rainy day ladies and gents? (3 leg greave options and 2 tabard ideas)

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alright marshal, here ya go




the tabard design from the black templar upgrade sprue seves as the basis for this tabard. Neck gorget and super long purity seals are the selling features of this tabard.



tabard loosely based off of the assault on black reach captain. the ropes will be in the company color, which in this case will be white for the first company. There would be a tabard broch and some kind of decoration holding the other end.


Greaves (if you have an idea for another leg greave, please describe it or post a picture/sketch)


greave with miniature shields for kneecaps. no leg decoration save for some purity seals and battle damage.



greaves with winged angel kneecaps. the wings extend into the greave itself. this was inspired from dawn of war armor.



leg armor with reliquaries of bones, ala the leg armor from the forge world chaplain dreadnaught.

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Where did you get that eyepiece from?


bought them at an anime convention about a year or so. A bit on the pricy side, but they have really cheap lens options, including reflective red lenses!


One more thing, I like what you've done so far


thank you very much!


so far for the shoulderpads, votes are as follows (combining the B&C and dakka dakka data)

chains: 1 vote

skull in halo: 1 vote

brazier of fire: 3 votes

winged skeleton: 2 votes

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fire would probably look like ass unless you did it really well, so my vote is undoubtedly for the winged skele. even a very nice piece would be time consuming, expensive, and not very effective.


something like this might be the best way to do the burning one cheaply. a small portable fan is positioned below a red (or red-jelled) LED (maybe a puck light?), with dry ice in a half-cup form in the armor followed by the brazier form that holds loose coals over the whole thing. when water is added to the cup form, the fan propels the dry ice fog up around the led (so though the coals) and out of the brazier which shrouds the light, allowing a faint sense of red/orange glow and coals. this could be accomplished less than $150, however, it would take a while to make and you must be careful so as not to spill too much water into your sleeve or out of your shoulder casing.

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