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Chappy's costume "blog"


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Perhaps in some kind of tupaware container with multiple small holes drilled into the top? reduces the risk of spilling greatly although it would be harder to fit it right.

Well I could always try and find some plastic skulls to put in the brazier, saw the top of one off and then put the jars in there :blush:


@Iron Phoenix -- thanks man, I am definently feeling more confident about that pad design after your ideas with a diagram, that is so cool that you have the technical know how. Im having difficulty finding LEDs that arent just the diode however.


Today is mostly gonna be a work around the house day for me (sadly) but ill check in periodically. Cheers, and thanks for the feedback so far!

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My votes are for the brazier of fire should pad for the left and the winged skeleton clutching halo on the right. Then go for the Black Templar inspired torso. As for greaves it is a bit hard to decide as they need a bit of fire imagery to tie them into the shoulder pad. May I suggest you use the Space Marine painter as a guide and try out some ideas. Can draw them onto the coloured Marine and then scan them. Give a more holistic representation of what your ideas.


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - just thought you could go for something similar to the shoulder pad but on the greave. A skeleton clutching above its head a brazier of fire.

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My vote would be for the second torso and first greave. The brazier idea sounds awesome, dry ice makes everything better! Can't wait to see the results of this.

Good morning all, glad to see the thread hasn't died overnight :)

As far as backpacks go, I am actually going for one similar to the infamous Huron Blackheart's:


I like the fething huge iron halo (curse you matt ward for the sudden change on where an iron halo is put on a suit of armor circa 5th edition codex). The thing about Huron Blackheart's backpack is that it also has 2 promethium tanks for his hand flamer. So, where on earth am I gonna find some? The answer? NOS Energy drink bottles!


obviously I will need to spray paint them, but they seem to be a fantastic proxy for the real deal- and are a steal at 2.50 (for the delicious drink of the gods)

I might be able to use a friend's digital camera before I see the new Tarantino movie tonight, but I make no promises.


-- Chappy

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first of all, excuse the crappy pic- but that is just the tiniest of glimpses as to what that rebreather will look like. Obviously I need to straighten it out some, and add techy bits like ventilation tubes- but I figured you all would want a peek.


Cheers, I'm off to a dark heresy game.

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once again, it's not a chaplain costume- i believe I have mentioned that at least twice now. This is just going to be an artificed rebreather befitting a captain. A full skull helmet, although cool, would simply be too hard to do right now- not to mention the problem of proper ventilation (this rebreather is stuffy enough LOL)
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EDIT: So your not going to actually make a full helmet? Ah well, can't say I like the idea but maybe it will work.


Oh and if your going to try to minimize Chaplain comments you might want to change the title of your thread, even if your username is Chaplain it's a little misleading. :D

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Frozen CO2 and burning coals on a mobile costume? Please post pictures of the extensive burns you're bound to get :D

Smoke pellets for steam trains will give smoke in a safer package: concentric rings of white, yellow, orange & red leds will give a flame effect, though if the suit is worn in daylight, none of it would show anyway.


Alternatively, subject to budget, look for miniature smoke machines from TV lighting hire suppliers, some as small as a pack of cigarettes, battery powered.


Have you seen the Sororitas outfit thread running this evening? Stealing Kommisar Kai's idea of building a Camelbak hydration pac sounds very sensible indeed!



Best of luck with the project

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hah! noooooooo burning, noooooooo smoke projectors/pellets...you want to wear this to events! Each of those alternatives are more clumsy and more dangerous than dry ice, the first for it's weight and the second because it's toxic (if you keep it going for more than a short while). Both are likely to set off smoke alarms. It's worth it even to ask before using the dry ice. dry ice is 100% safe if it does not touch your hands, that's what the cup is for. As it disperses it becomes normal CO2 and thus is completely non-toxic and will never set off an alarm.


if you can manage the spilling issue as people have suggested, the only thing you'd have to worry about is finding a fan that won't kill the battery halfway through the conventions...

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  • 2 weeks later...

just a bit of self necromancy to say that im still workin', but im taking a new direction. That rebreather just isnt sitting well with me, and considering that ive saved a couple hundred dollars on textbooks this semester- im just gonna make a helmet.


I'm gonna go ahead and order one of these kits from a costume designer on deviant art



then cut the faceplate off, and replace it with... this:



i figure with some little touches here and there; namely covering the pistons in the jaw and repainting the skull portion a bleached bone color, it'll do the job nicely. The terminator helmet's main alluring feature is the mirrored eye lenses, which allow the wearer to see perfectly- whereas bystanders can only see bright red lights coming out of the lens! the led work is already done!



Oh, and being the curious git I am, I managed to find a program that will let me record and edit my voice then save it as mp3 files i can store on my ipod- perfect for chaplain's prayers! Now if I can just youtube to let me upload sound files I can show that off to you all.


Oh well, just wanted to let you all know this project is still alive and beating- albeit slowly. And now I'm off to study for biology!

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You could always just make a video of yourself playing the sound file. or even just put an image up with it.

I like the skeleton shoulder pad over the brazier idea. A brazier just seems like it would be inconvenient in battle if it was attached to your shooting/face swording arm.

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A brazier just seems like it would be inconvenient in battle if it was attached to your shooting/face swording arm.


fair enough-- if I feel it's difficult or impractical when the time comes, I can always fall back on a different shoulder design and just strap a censer onto the armor somewhere, shouldn't be too hard to find one either- what with the five different religious supply stores in the area haha

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if i'm right this is the link we need, just waiting on that price, its basically a motorcycle helmet in construction and seems good quality <_<


deviant link


I've got to wonder...would he be willing to scult a full power armour suit...


He's currently working on a beaky helm so i guess it wouldn't be too far to ask for a knight style or MkIV

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