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Chappy's costume "blog"


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I've got to wonder...would he be willing to scult a full power armour suit...


He's currently working on a beaky helm so i guess it wouldn't be too far to ask for a knight style or MkIV


she actually.


sweet, but the price may be a subtraction


actually, she is willing to cast only half a helmet for me (the back half) and leave it unprimed/colored to cut down on cost for me. I won't go into exact figures, but it is a fraction of the original $150 cost for a full helmet kit.


So now it's just a matter of collecting outstanding debts from people and getting some birthday cash and we can move on to the helmet redo.


I apologize for lack of regular updates, but Ive been rather ill lately, and that leaves me unable to travel and borrow a digital camera from the mrs. Gotta drag myself to class now, but thanks for all the views and comments so far gang.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I was unable to make the helmet deadline (to say the least). Darn school has decided to gobble up the majority of my time like a ravenous beast!


I have decided to go ahead with the helmeted idea, and received the terminator helmet as a gift from a benefactor for the project <the amount of handouts and discounts Im getting really is a blessing, and shows how nice people can be> In terms of progress, the face plate is further along than shown with these sample pictures (I bought some bone colored spray paint and rock salt, so it is as now a skull with metal showing underneath).






This part of the project will need to be delayed until I can order the back of the helmet, so the next update will be of the spray painted helmet- and likely one or two other things ive managed to do (I have the cloak and tabard already cut, now its a matter of drawing and sewing the design onto it. As far as the design goes, it will be based off of this picture:




The angel depicted will instead be a skeletal one, and the decapitated head will most likely be that of a daemon. I'm also wondering if instead of a sword a book of imperial litanies would convey a nice message for the costume. Thoughts on that would be awesome.


I will be announcing the winner of the model contest at the next update so stay tuned

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btw, what chapter will this bad-ass boy be?


My own chapter, the confessors. A successor of the Imperial Fists, with a death obsession similar to the Mortifactors (the whole absolution through death concept appeals to me what can I say)




An interesting idea struck me today, and I'd like your opinions. instead of ordering the back half of this helmet, I could make a cowl/hood. Chaplains already have a monk like feel to them, so a hood could play heavily into that theme and allow for breathability

http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/ostian/faith.png (the inspiration behind the idea)


also, found another interesting picture which could make for a promising cloak design- opinion on which is cooler will allow me to buy the correct amount of fabric this weekend.




now to clarify, either image would have the human replaced with a skeletal angel type deal.



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The helmet struck me immdeiately as Terminator :P "Come with me if you want to live, and not be purged as a heretic" :P


The hood idea would add something to the outfit, give it a DA sorta feel... or a very badass Chaplain :rolleyes:


Keep going if ya can :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well seeing as how its Halloween, figured I'd update this blog haha. Unfortunately not as much got done on it as id hoped, but school work obviously takes precedence over hobbies so...


Here is the helmet as it stands now, with a coat of cream/bone color, teeth outlining and some boltgun metal detailing.





not sure if I should dirty the helmet too much, but if I did, what are some suggestions guys?


Lastly, an interesting anecdote: i went to a halloween store for some costume ideas and I ran into a poster from the bolter and chainsword who let me have this little fella for couple dollars off the clearance price. I figure with some pvc piping, leather for the grip and a few other doodads I have the beginnings of a nice crozius arcanum. thoughts?



lastly, congratulations to dakkadakka user halonachoes for winning the captain billy mays prize draw!


I will try and get updates up on a more regular basis guys, but while the emperor is willing academia isnt as kind lately. So until next time, happy halloween! keep the faith and smite now the scions of the witch!

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So until next time, happy halloween! keep the faith and smite now the scions of the witch!


gladly :P *hides behind his front door with Flamer and Bolter at the ready*



Good to see an update, blessed Chaplain, almost thought you'd forsaken us :P


Your Skull-helmet looks badass at the minute and that skull you got does look like a great basis for a crozius



Keep up the great work! Looking forward to more ;)



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I would dirty up the helmet as you said, right now it still looks like plastic. I would go with some more earthy and grey colors.


Think some weathering powder would give a decent enough effect? get some soot or whatnot into recesses in the helmet? Im open to suggestions ^_^

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Well, first of all this is only my opinion, so take it as lightly as you wish. I think its much to pale, I would have the color it is now a highlight. I think once you have darkened it with tans or browns, soot or ash possibly applied with a light adhesive, would make a really cool effect, like it just came out of battle. :P But I just got the idea it would look really good in a dark bronze.
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