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Sons of Corax


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Hey all!

Welcome to my Raven Guard blog. Here I will post up to date photos of my army as it grows, and I welcome all the comments you give my brothers! Hopefully a blog on the good old B&C will help me stay focused and get the units done! I have decided right from the start that this army will be one I spend alot of time on.


Before we begin, let me tell you a little why I chose the Raven Guard. I have always loved the idea of an all 'fast' army. A force that uses Jump Pack troops, Pods, Speeders etc, and the Raven Guard fluff I absolutely love so my mind was set. Plus I look at painting an all black force as a good change from my reds of my world eaters. :P


Right so here we go!

First up is my first member of my Vanguard Vets:


*White Helmets to indicate veteren status.


The Sergeant of the Vanguards:




Beakie Vanguard:



4th Member:



Group Shot 1:



Group Shot 2:



So here we go so far guys, 4 out of my 5 vanguard marines. I hope you like them. They all need to be based when I buy some basing supplies from GW soon.

Let me know what you think! Please excuse the photography..im not the best :cuss




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I quite like them but i think some players might get confused/annoyed on how "chaplain-like" they are, black armour with scroll/purity seals just screams chaplain. You catch my drift??



I don't get your reasoning... there are several chapters who have a black colour scheme - do you mean to say that everyone who paints their vanguard veterans (or any other marines with scrolls on them) black is confusing the other player? And anyway, chaplains tend to have a crozius and skull helmet...


But, on to the painting - looking fairly neat so far. I would reccomend using several thin layers of white on the helmets instead of a couple of thick coats. Better still gradually work it up from codex grey with tons of gradullay brighter layers. Also, pics are a bit small to give true C&C.

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