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Ultramarine captain with friends


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Here is my ultra captain and some friendsof his. Hope you like, I do know about the bases on them they are under work. Otherwise C&C are welcome.














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Nice and clean, good work with the face of the captain, which colours did you use?


However, i can see some mold lines here and there, and the white is a bit thick, have you tried base-coating with grey colours on the white areas?


I would not recommend city-fight themed bases, the grey-blue colour is a bit to similar to the Ultramarines blue armour, there is no real contrast and therefore a lot of the details sort of blend into eachother.


But all in all, solid work, I'd very much like to see those Terminators with finished bases.





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Hey again and thanks for the posts.




Sprayed him black, painted the whole face with Tallarn flesh, dry brushed with Elf flesh pretty much covering most parts. Used the Ogryn flesh wash and then dry brushed again with Elf flesh more carefully tho. and a little bit of skull white high lightning.


When it comes to the white areas haven't fought of that. I usualy go with bleach bone then skull white but problem is my bleach bone can get a little bit thick but I will try out with grey.


I agree on the base but the reason I choosed to have city fight bases is I mostly play on grey battlefields ruined cities etc.


And I'm looking thro what I can throw in on the termies bases to make them a little more unique but shouldn't take too long.


Thanks for the good replies :)

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The gore effect isn't that hard. I'll try to explain it as good as I can :)


You will need; chaos black, red gore, water, PVA glue and Modelling Sand (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1290202&prodId=prod1095398).


Mix those together you don't need that much of any. Make sure to use a brush you arent too carefull with but you can still clean it and have it. Apply is where you want it and let it dry. It will take a while to dry because of the PVA glue. The paint will dry before so just have patience. Do this while you are painting some other modells also or is doing something. After that high light with blood red. And there you have some gore effect.


There is suppose to be a GW guide about this but I couldn't find it.

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