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New To Hobby, New Chapter Ideas


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Hey guys, I've just started collecting my army (still have a lot of modeling to do), and was thinking ahead to painting my guys. I found quite a few bikes on a discount so I was thinking of structuring my army like the White Scars. Although I am not too found of their color scheme. I thinking about using a scheme that relied heavily on greys (metallic and non), black, with gold (metallic) and red (non-metallic) highlights would be more appropriate for a biker squad.

Here is one scheme I have come up with:


And here is the other one I have come up with:


Any feedback would be appreciated!


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I think you'll find the first one a total pain to paint, and might cause vertigo when looked at for long periods. It's just TOO busy.

The second one is better, but I'd tone down the small pieces of yellow, like the collar and cuffs. Those small parts will be tough to paint with yellow (one of the hardest colors to paint) cleanly, and won't add a tont o the model (IMO).

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I think the first scheme is has one too many colours so i'd go with the second one.


I'm also going for the white scars style setup with my simply-named red scars. I'm guessing you'll go for the captain on bike then bikey troop choices then??

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Dood - I was thinking about "Silver Thunder" for my chapter name

Very nice. I wish I had as easy a time coming up with a chapter name (months later, still have not been able find one that works)

Shiny - Taking your comments I came up with this:


Definitely a good choice. Now you need to figure out what colour to make the eyes. Almost any of the traditional eye colours, except yellow, would work although you do want something that contrast well and compliments the rest of the colour scheme. May I suggest a light to medium blue.

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The revised colour scheme is nicer and makes better use of spot colours then the original. Light blue (Ice Blue) would complement the model incredibly nicely and provide a bream from the Yellow-blackness of it all.


If you wanna follow the White Scars kind of idea, you'll want lots and lots of Bikes, Rhinos and Pods.

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I pretty much agree with everyone elses comments. My first paint scheme aswell was about 5 colors...


I drew up some of my own schemes based on your Ideas..


This one is my rendition of what you've come up with. I tend to enjoy more 'earthy' colors rather than bright. So the yellow seen here is more of a mustard yellow.


These two are just variants of something I'd probably throw together. :tu:




Hope you enjoy.. I do really like the first choice I've put up.. I think a whole army of guys painted like so would be pretty fantastic.




- MMC.

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yeah, kinda colorblind.... but have never really let that stop me from doing art and painting... I used the straight yellow color for what I am planning on to be metallic gold just because I can "see" it, the that type of color selector for the painter programs never really works for me.
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So I have decided that while basing my army upon the White Scars, I think I want it's "fluffy" background to be more based upon Scandinavian roots and heritage. It really makes sense for me since I have felt a strong connection to Scandinavia since my days as an exchange student in Finland. I think this will also allow me a little more flexibility to do what I want to overall.
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I really should finish reading a thread before jumping off to the Space Marine Painter, but its just so much fun! If you don't mind, I whipped up one that came out very similar to your most recent effort, take from it what you will :)




Just a thought. Either way, the most important thing to correct was the yellow "power pants" effect... that would only result in inevitable teasing and unnecessary heartache :) (trust me, learned through experience with that one).


And I quite like the idea of using mainly metallics to paint them up, I think it should come out quite nicely. Eagerly awaiting some painting-in-progress shots!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so been busily modelling and have finally come around to getting some paint on my marines.... (about time, right?)

So I came up with this scheme as I was laying on the paint:


And here is a regular marine and a scout with some paint:



Still need to get some flesh tones on the scout's face, but my friend who introduced me to the game is bugging me to get my modelling done.

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I'd say that scheme works fine, from this distance anyway.


but it definitely needs some Badab Black help, the GW washes are so "cheat" anyone can have a nice army!


Throw some Badab on their especially for that backpack, it needs it.


other than that, good work :D

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  • 1 month later...

Been taking a little break in the painting department lately, but I am overdue for an update.

Finally have my scouts' heads painted, and they are looking pretty good, but now I have a couple of questions.

From the pictures I have posted, I am going with a scheme more along the lines of this:


And now I have finally have some Terminators! It is normal to have a variation of your main color scheme for your Terminators, or do you stick with the same color scheme, was playing around with the Terminator painter and came up with this:


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Well, the Terminators tend to be painted in the same way as your Veterans. Some people paint them the same color as the rest of their army, others give them different helmets and armor trims. Some even give them completely different colors!




Ultramarines have different helmets (white)

Crimson Fists look the same as normal marines

Dark Angels are a bleached, bone color (Death wing) rather then the dark green of normal marines.


It's all up to you. The scheme you have looks good, imo.

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